
"Cat" Vocabulary Words

Based on the definitions, guess these words that start with the letters "cat".
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: February 26, 2020
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First submittedJune 22, 2010
Times taken69,672
Average score75.0%
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Animals of the bovine persuasion
Catholic study book
It accelerates a chemical reaction
Another spelling of ketchup
Cats go bonkers for this substance
Medieval weapon used for launching objects
Clouding of the eye's lens
To use a fake persona to scam people who
are looking for online romance
It becomes a butterfly
What violin strings were made of
Runway for models
Short sleep
Twin-hulled racing sailboat
Underground system of tunnels below
a city used as a cemetery
In a state of stupor
Skin-tight, one-piece, full-body garment
Battle between two women
Terrible disaster
Sudden disaster, especially a flood
Sexist whistle at an attractive woman
Level 28
Sep 6, 2011
100% with :44 left
Level 28
Oct 16, 2011
Beat my time 100% with 2:19 left
Level 28
Dec 4, 2011
Beat it again 100% with 2:44 left!
Level 77
Dec 24, 2011
100% with 2: 56 left
Level 19
Sep 26, 2012
Catsup??? What language, in the name of Old Harry's umbrella, is catsup?
Level 37
Nov 17, 2012
That is actually the correct historical spelling. "Catchup" is the modernized version.
Level 45
Jul 25, 2014
No. The modern word is Ketchup. Not Catchup.
Level 66
Jul 3, 2016
He's a Pulp Fiction fan.
Level 80
Dec 15, 2022
'Catchup' is indeed an alternative to catsup.
Level 78
Feb 12, 2013
I believe it is originally an Oriental word of some kind. Japanese maybe? Stemming from a fish paste called Kat Siap or something like that. Tomatoes weren't added until MUCH later. No sources...just a scattered memory of something I read long ago.
Level 72
Dec 18, 2018
We have ketchup and ketjap. Two entirely different things (though one might be inspired by the other at one point in time, or they both mean something like sauce. I haven't looked up the etymology either.. (recently, might have once.. vague memory...)
Level 24
Feb 27, 2020
Take it to Reddit, dere bud
Level 26
May 17, 2013
catcall, never heard of that, I always hear it referred to as a wolf whistle.
Level 51
Apr 24, 2015
Interesting. I'd never heard of it called a wolf whistle before. I like learning new things. :)
Level 63
Jun 30, 2020
My understanding was that the whistle is a wolf whistle, catcalling is any sort of unwanted, sexual comments from strangers. May be different in different places
Level 28
May 26, 2016
Stuff that's not on this quiz: catalog, catarrh, catawba, catchy, catechumen, category, caterwaul, catharsis, cathedral, catheter, cathode, cation, catkin... just to name a few.
Level 59
Jul 3, 2016
You can only put so much on this catastrophic quiz. Heh get it, no, ok I'm out
Level 81
Jul 3, 2016
If I whistle at an attractive woman in a non-sexist way, is it called something different? Excuse me, I need to go check my privilege now...
Level 74
Jul 3, 2016
I'm from the generation that secretly took it as a compliment when men wolf whistled, even though we were taught that ladies always ignored them. How times have changed, and I sometimes feel sorry for men trying to figure out how to sincerely compliment a woman without being thought of as sexist.
Level 55
Jul 3, 2016
I won't lie; I still take it as a compliment sometimes. Depends on how they do it/what they say, of course. Vulgar is always vulgar, but a whistle or couple words acknowledgment without any follow-up creepiness *is* flattering, even if I understand how it can be sexist. I mean, if I spent time trying to look good, and anyone notices, be it man or woman, it's nice. I usually just acknowledge it with a smile or thanks and keep going. If a random guy is expecting something more of a little whistle, that's his fault.
Level 81
Jul 4, 2016
well the crazies who want to identify everything as sexist or part of the "system of oppression," if they had their way, would re-categorize everything "White" "cis" males ever do in their lives as rape. Fortunately I think they're still in the small minority. Most people still have some sense. Though I've noticed idea creep. Those videos about what a horrible ordeal it is for a sexy woman to walk around receiving compliments all day were quite popular... and now it's starting to penetrate JetPunk, too.
Level 65
Mar 7, 2020
Poor men... they could start by complimenting women on anything other than how attractive they are.
Level 81
Mar 10, 2020
Or... we could stop looking for reasons to be offended by literally everything. Such as the category of compliments that we receive. Some people have got it so hard.
Level 76
Jul 3, 2016
Catcalling isn't a sexist whistle, I know it happens more commonly to women but men experience it too, the only time I have seen it personally is when my friends mum whistled at a male jogger while driving us home from paintball...
Level 81
Apr 4, 2018
There's nothing at all sexist about a compliment, no matter how unwelcome or how inartfully delivered. There's nothing at all sexist about being attracted to someone, or expressing that you are attracted to someone, or noticing that someone is attractive, or speaking bluntly or honestly about sex or sexual attraction. Jokes that contain sexual innuendo or references to body parts are not sexist. Commenting on, criticizing, or appreciating a person's appearance, behavior, or performance is not sexist, regardless of which gender the comments etc are directed at. Behavior directed at anyone is not sexist merely by the fact that it is directed at a person of a particular gender.

Sexism is "discrimination or prejudice against someone on the basis of their sex." A catcall is not discriminating against anyone. It's quite the opposite. It's inviting attention from someone. It's a (inelegant, perhaps) token of approval. People liking the way you look is not oppression.

Level 90
Feb 26, 2020
^That. None of us would be here without the modern over reaching attempt at the definition of sexist.
Level 41
Mar 4, 2023
Of course the person that makes a quiz titled "Countries With the Hottest Women" and description "This quiz is completely and totally objective in every way. I mean objectifying." would say catcalling is a show of "appreciation."
Level 33
May 21, 2024
Don't forget their quiz series "Boobs"
Level 54
Jun 12, 2024
one quiz is already too much imo but two?! lmao
Level 81
Apr 4, 2018
This sort of word creep is harmful because, for among other reasons, it diminishes the weight of valid accusations of sexism. If we live in a world where looking at someone's Facebook page is called stalking, and having consensual sex with someone who a week later regrets it is called rape, we're going to confuse people into thinking that those terms represent things that aren't actually that bad. It's a disservice to people who have actually suffered through real abuse or oppression to start conflating their very serious trauma or injustice with trivial behaviors and minor annoyances.
Level 74
Mar 10, 2020
^ I was going to say that it's not as simple as your previous posts as, due in large part to a historical culture of widely accepted sexism, when a compliment is given about someone's (especially a woman's) appearance it can sometimes be viewed as equating "You look good" with "The only valuable thing about you is your appearance".

But... then I read this post and you make a very good point

Level 25
Jul 4, 2016
I didn't get catechism cos it isn't only a catholic thing. Some protestant do it too.
Level 43
Jul 5, 2016
Not going to lie, I tried Catwoman for skin-tight, one-piece, full-body garment, and I'm not at all sorry about it.
Level 69
Jul 6, 2016
what, no cattywampus?
Level 50
Jul 12, 2016
Interesting quiz and answers.
Level 87
Apr 4, 2018
I feel like most of these words were used in episodes of the 1960s Batman TV show. I can hear Julie Newmar hissing them.
Level 66
Jun 25, 2018
I couldn't remember Catgut. I knew it was Cat-something.
Level 80
Feb 27, 2020
Everything on this quiz is "cat-something"
Level 90
Feb 26, 2020
"Cataclysm" can actually fit the clue that only accepts "catastrophe". It isn't always used in the sense of unexpected or quick.
Level 91
Feb 9, 2022
Cataclysm is the Ancient greek term for a flood that destroys the world (as opposed to ekpyrosis which is destruction by fire)
Level 87
Feb 27, 2020
Does this mean that a Catholic study book that covers Noah's flood would be a cataclysm catechism?
Level 24
Feb 27, 2020
My score on this quiz was a cat-tastrophe.
Level 73
Mar 4, 2020
Mine was the cat's meow, and now I am caterwauling in the catbird seat, contemplating cathartically catchy catachreses that could cause catatonia.
Level 68
Feb 27, 2020
Level 80
Mar 10, 2020
Level 94
Aug 4, 2020
new to me too
Level 66
Feb 10, 2022
The term is new to me as well.
Level 81
Mar 10, 2020
Catalepsy for the "stupor" one?
Level 15
Mar 16, 2020
100% in 0:40

3:20 remaining

Level 29
May 6, 2020
I couldn’t spell cadarax
Level 34
May 6, 2020
could you accept the movie "cats" for a 'terrible disaster' , never watched btw and I don't want to. Thanks
Level 75
Jun 14, 2021
Pretty good quiz, but I wouldn't describe the catapult as a medieval weapon - it's an ancient one.
Level 79
Aug 20, 2021
Surely both can be used. It was first invented in ancient times, but was also used in the medieval era.
Level 75
Oct 16, 2021
Still used today, so why not call it a modern weapon?
Level 81
Sep 23, 2022
Can someone explain why a catcall is sexist? Rude? Offensive? Perhaps, depending on the recipient. But I'm not sure how that equates to sexism.
Level 91
Dec 15, 2022
Currently taking this quiz while my cat is curled up sleeping next to me.
Level 69
Dec 15, 2022
I'm surprised how many people are familiar with the term "Catechism". I don't think I've ever heard it before. Maybe it's a European thing. Or maybe there are more religious people on JP than I assume.
Level 68
Dec 15, 2022
Is cat herding a real thing?
Level 58
Jul 23, 2023
Could you please also accept the answer "catmint" for the "catnip"?
Level 78
Dec 12, 2023
Only got 40%, 8/20. I have never heard of the words “catfight,” “catnap,” “catcall,” “catnip,” “catfish,” “catsuit,” “catatonic,” and “catgut,” but I knew “catacylsm,” “catechism,” and “catsup.”