I recognised very few of these. I was thinking Alan Sugar for you're fired- from the British version and as for Yes we can- that was Bob the Builders catch phrase which is a kids program!! Never mind.
As a non-american, I found this quiz impossible, bar the obvious Mr T, Charlie Sheem, Snoop. I also feel that Alan Sugar should be allowed as acceptable for "you're fired", I may be wrong but i believe the UK version was the original? Also, in the UK, Bob the Builder (a children's tv character) says "yes we can".
I would agree that it needs to be specified where it is just the American person who is an acceptable answer, I automatically entered Alan Sugar as that is who does the UK show.
Paul Revere as a "celebrity"? He has never been on the cover of Rolling Stone or People. Nor has he been interviewed on the red carpet by Joan and Melissa. Seriously, he doesn't really fit in here.
While the term "celebrity" might be a bit of a stretch, I'm happy to see this quiz thinking outside the box of the current moment. It is all too rare to see cultural quizzes that include 18th, 19th, and 20th century figures, all together. Well done!
Jack Nicholson for "He...ere's Johnny!"
Bob The Builder for "Yes We Can" (mainly because Bob said it before Barack)
Flava Flav for "Ye...eah boooooyy!"
Oddly enough, I thought of all of these before seeing them in the comments. Hhmmmmm...
More likely, it would've been, "the Redcoats are coming".