Hint | Answer | % Correct | |
A | Chicago has two: O'Hare and Midway | Airport | 97%
F | Disaster of 1871: Great Chicago ____ | Fire | 96%
M | Chicago is located on this lake | Michigan | 92%
K | Never put this on a Chicago style hot dog | Ketchup | 90%
C | Baseball team that ended a 108 year championship drought in 2016 | Cubs | 89%
W | Nickname: The _____ City | Windy | 89%
P | Chicago is famous for a deep dish variety of this | Pizza | 87%
B | Genre of music exemplified by Buddy Guy and Muddy Waters | Blues | 86%
O | President who lived in Chicago | Obama | 86%
S | Former name of Chicago's tallest building: _____ Tower | Sears | 83%
X | The Bears won this Super Bowl, the 20th | XX | 72%
G | This nearby Indiana city was the birthplace of Michael Jackson | Gary | 71%
T | Chicago's biggest newspaper | Tribune | 70%
Q | Chicago-born producer of "We Are the World" and "Thriller": ______ Jones | Quincy | 68%
Y | Former meatpacking district, once the world's largest: Union Stock ____ | Yards | 62%
N | Prestigious university located in Evanston | Northwestern | 60%
E | The University of Chicago has won 13 Nobel Prizes in ... | Economics | 59%
Z | Leading actress of the 2002 movie "Chicago" | Zellweger | 58%
V | Quote about Chicago political corruption: "___ early, ___ often" | Vote | 53%
I | Type of comedy that "The Second City" is famous for | Improv | 52%
L | Name for Chicago's downtown core: The ____ | Loop | 52%
J | This "Presidential" park was the site of the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 | Jackson | 49%
R | Mayor from 2011-2019: ____ Emanuel | Rahm | 43%
U | Name for the group of Prohibition agents, led by Elliot Ness, who took down Al Capone in the early 1930s | Untouchables | 42%
D | Last name of father/son mayors who, between them, led Chicago for over 40 years | Daley | 38%
H | Many of this director's movies were set in Chicago including "The Breakfast Club" and "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" | Hughes | 35%
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