When a geography quiz features a question about a place that has multiple names, if there's one mentioned in the clue itself, I always try typing that in, just to see whether the automatic type-in has been disabled. :-)
Not very surprising. Sochi hosted the Winter Olympics a few years ago, so it is pretty famous in the world. On the other hand, Cincinnati is very obscure outside of the US, and nothing really important has happened there recently.
My quiz here https://www.jetpunk.com/user-quizzes/306525/a-z-cities-that-end-in-i tries to include major cities that start with every letter of the alphabet :):)
if Mexicali followed the same naming convention as Calexico, it would be Mexifornia. which is what I tried before remembering that it was supposed to end in an "I".
Remove the spaces immediately after the <'s.
Colombian cities (like Cali...) were awash before US cities got their cut.
The clue should say "consulate" to be accurate.