Cruising through, and put in an answer for Papeete. Oh, is that wrong? No, I'm sure that's right. Yes it is, it's in Tahiti. WHY WON'T YOU ACCEPT TAHITI?! Oh... yeah. Duh.
The city of Melbourne was founded by a man named John Batman. Sadly the city did not end up being called Batman, but their are plenty of places in Melbourne and a federal parliamentary electorate named after him.
A batman also is (or was? I'm not sure if they're still called it) what they called an officer's assistant in the military. Sam from Lord of the Rings is apparently based on Tolkien's batman.
Missed Rotorua and Quetta. I was planning to stop in Batman on my road trip across Europe and the Middle East, but, ended up rerouting for various reasons.
Quetta was easy for me, because my best friend, at his daughter's wedding, declared in his father-of-the-bride speech that she had been conceived in Quetta. You never forget a city after an announcement like that
My last comment here was mistaken. I don't think there are any maps of the West Bank that include Nazareth. It's too far north. The 1947 UN partition plan that called for an Israeli and a Palestinian state put Nazareth in the Palestinian state, but that plan was rejected by the Palestinian authorities and the Arab League and the Palestinian state that it proposed never existed. The Arab League declared war on Israel following the pull out of British forces. The Arab League quickly lost that war and Nazareth has been a part of Israel ever since. In 1949 and (I think) up through 1967, Nazareth was notable as the largest Muslim-majority city in Israel, but that doesn't mean the city is not Israeli. There are many Israeli Muslims.
This was a bit easier than the other ones because you could tell where it was from the style/language it was written in. Like Trois-Rivieres had to be a French speaking country.
I'm french and I'm addicted of this game!