Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Has won more World Cups than any other country | Brazil | 83%
Located in the Maghreb | Morocco | 75%
Has a flag that is only red and white | England | 71%
On the equator | Brazil | 68%
Known for its casbahs | Morocco | 67%
Touches the Adriatic Sea | Croatia | 66%
The first country to legalize same-sex marriage | Netherlands | 63%
The birthplace of Pope Francis | Argentina | 62%
The least populous country on this quiz | Croatia | 61%
Most of its electricity comes from nuclear power | France | 56%
Home to the highest mountain outside of Asia | Argentina | 52%
Where gouda cheese comes from | Netherlands | 50%
Has 12 time zones, more than any other country | France | 43%
Not a member of the United Nations | England | 37%
The world's leading producer of cork | Portugal | 31%
Was home to Prince Henry the Navigator | Portugal | 28%
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