Salieri's sin in the movie "Amadeus"
Take an antacid to help with this sin's aftereffects
A group of lions is called a ...
Sometimes known as jealousy
Represented by the Greek god Priapus
Steinbeck book: "The Grapes of _____"
Sin that a procrastinator indulges in
Gordon Gekko said this sin was good
Also the name of an animal
Someone who "covets" has this sin
Sin which a "gastronome" indulges in
Its name comes from the Latin for "to swallow"
Proverb: A soft answer turneth away _____
You left this blank
In later tradition, Lucifer has always been associated with pride, such in as Milton's Paradise Lost: "Better to reign in hell than to serve in Heaven".
I love stories…
Cognitive dissonance on a grand scale.
Come on God, which is it?
Ineptly, the English word "pride" has three meanings:
1) Pride in achievements of one's in-group.
2) Satisfaction in own achievements - a mental reward for effort
These two are inspirational and will keep you honest.
3) The Deadly Sin: Self importance, refusal to accept criticism, being easily offended. Children have a hard time growing out of this one.
The deadly sins are called that, not because they offend me, but because engaging in them are harmful to yourself or others, and can or will eventually kill you.
The worst one being Envy - the resentment of others for having something you don't. Mountains of skulls have been the outcome.
Also, it is not to be conflated with jealousy, which is not a sin, merely your brain warning you that you are about to lose something you have or imagine yourself having. A type of fear.
Surely that represents lust, rather than envy?
That is the only context of "covet" that comes to my mind, so either the question needs rewording or lust should become an acceptable answer also.
"Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour's wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour's."
So unless you want to, um, have relations with a building, an ox, or a plot of land, it's pretty clear what covet means.
Pride: the proud atone for their sins by carrying heavy stones that keep their necks and heads bowed;
Envy: the envious atone by having their eyes sewn shut, like hunting falcons;
Wrath: the wrathful are choked and blinded by black smoke;
Sloth: the slothful atone for their sins by running ceaselessly, while shouting examples of zeal;
Avarice: the avaricious repent while lying prostrate;
Gluttony: the gluttonous are redeemed by unbearable hunger and thirst; and
Lust: the lustful atone for their sins in fire.