
Coffee Knowledge

Can you answer these questions about coffee?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 8, 2019
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First submittedFebruary 11, 2018
Times taken17,284
Average score58.8%
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What is the French word for coffee?
In what country was espresso invented?
In what city can you find the first Starbucks location?
Which country grows the most coffee?
What city's famous coffee houses have played host to many notables including
Sigmund Freud, Leon Trotsky, and Gustav Klimt?
What drink can you order at a typical American coffee shop that is most
similar to what Australians call a "flat white"?
a Latte
In what country was coffee first consumed as a beverage?
What is the only U.S. state in which coffee is grown?
Name one of the two commonly-grown species of coffee.
Arabica or Robusta
What stimulant is found in coffee?
What, because of a political grudge, do many Greeks call "Greek coffee"?
Turkish Coffee
What Indonesian island is also a slang word for coffee?
What device is also known as a cafetière or a coffee plunger?
French Press
What coffee and donut chain was started by a Canadian hockey player?
Tim Hortons
What, besides coffee, is the main ingredient in an Irish coffee?
Irish whiskey
What, besides coffee, goes into an americano?
What, besides coffee, goes into an affogato?
Ice Cream
Level 76
Feb 11, 2018
A flat white is not a latte - in New Zealand you'll usually see both on a menu. A latte is milkier; here's a fuller explanation. Latte means milk in Italian, which I discovered to my cost the first time I went into a café in Italy and asked for one. The barista poured me a cup of hot milk, then asked in a confused tone of voice, "Do you want some coffee with that?"
Level 83
Feb 11, 2018
Yea a flat white is more like a stronger cappuccino
Level ∞
Feb 11, 2018
According to Wikipedia, and my own personal experience, it is most similar to a latte. If has slightly less foam than a latte, and therefore much less foam than a cappuccino.
Level ∞
Feb 11, 2018
Nevertheless, I tweaked the question a little bit.
Level 83
Feb 12, 2018
It's a strong latte with slightly less frothy milk says the internet. Shows what I know.
Level 78
Feb 11, 2018
Ha, I like the latte anedoct! :)
Level 83
Feb 11, 2018
But doesn't 'latte' in English translate to 'caffè latte' in Italian? I remember the first time I asked for 'un café' in Toulouse. I thought at 5 francs, that was really cheap till they brought me a thimble of mud. I was very unworldly back in 1992.
Level 83
Feb 11, 2018
Toulouse isn't in Italy.
Level 83
Feb 11, 2018
Though "un caffe" would get you a thimble of coffee in Italy as well. It's not short for "caffe latte" or whatever lvtharrison meant
Level 70
Feb 11, 2018
Here in Australia a Flat White and a Latte are the same, a Flat White could not get any milkier, it's all milk except for the coffee bit.
Level 69
Apr 25, 2018
Malbaby, you must be a tourist or immigrant mate, 'cos that's an incredibly unAustralian thing to say (and I type this on ANZAC day). Don't speak for us. A latté and flat white are very different - the consistency, not the volume, of the milk is they key difference.
Level 91
Feb 11, 2018
Nice quiz. 9/17.
Level 78
Feb 11, 2018
All across Balkans we have the same situation about the coffee name like in Greece. We know it is Turkish, but people call it now domestic coffee.
Level 83
Feb 11, 2018
It was renamed only in some parts of the Balkans (+ Cyprus and Armenia). In Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia and even Croatia it's still Turkish.
Level 82
Feb 11, 2018
I think you mean notables rather than notaries!
Level ∞
Feb 11, 2018
Fixed :)
Level 83
Feb 11, 2018
I am one of the 3% who didn't cafe...
Level 44
Feb 11, 2018
Fun quiz
Level 67
Feb 15, 2018
I'm pleasantly surprised at having gotten 14/17, considering I hate coffee :-DD
Level 65
Feb 20, 2018
I'm not sure what it says about me that I tried "indica" and "sativa" before realizing the answer was "arabica" or "robusta."
Level 56
Apr 25, 2018
Gelato should be accepted for the affogato question
Level 75
Apr 25, 2018
Ah yes. The political grudge between Greece and Turkey. A bit rich for JetPunk to label it a political grudge when all they need to do is read a history book. There they'll find 400 years of genocide throughout Greece and Eastern Europe all of which came at the hands of Turkey. So rich, you could probably put it in to your next cup of Coffee.
Level 77
Mar 5, 2023
It's hard to put 400 years of history into a single quiz hint.
Level 61
Apr 25, 2018
Please note that Ethiopia was the first country to drink coffee; while unsubstantiated, as the arabica origniates from there.

The Sufi monasteries in Yemen did record their use of coffee as a drink, but history favours Ethiopia.

Level 92
Apr 25, 2018
Yea. I would agree that Ethiopia is the most likely real answer. Like most things that happened in sub Saharan Africa prior to 1700 proof is hard to find though.
Level 74
Apr 25, 2018
The doctor tells me to now drink decaf only - this quiz makes me weep with remembrance.
Level 58
Apr 25, 2018
Please accept hot water for americano question.
Level 81
May 26, 2018
If they will also accept "damp clumps of coffee grounds you pull out of the filter" for all the other varieties.
Level 90
Jul 8, 2018
That's American coffee all right.
Level 81
Oct 11, 2021
Not so good at English?
Level 90
Oct 14, 2021
That is the distinguishing feature of American coffee, the filter that removes taste. Coffee goes from dark brown with a wonderful coffee taste to bitter, black water that tastes like caffeine. Resist the paper filter.

But yeah, I don't get how an "American coffee" is coffee and water. That is all coffee. Most Americans don't drink straight black coffee, so I don't get it.

Level 90
Jul 8, 2018
Lots and lots of water for Tim Horton's.
Level 66
Apr 25, 2018
Google tells me that an affogato is also commonly made with gelato.
Level 68
Apr 25, 2018
I don't ever drink the stuff, but doesn't all coffee have water in it? What is an americano, anyway, just really weak coffee?
Level 75
Apr 25, 2018
It is an espresso diluted with water, to taste like traditional drip coffee. The rumour is that it originates with US soldiers who were stationed in Italy after WW2, because they wanted to achieve the taste they were accustomed to.
Level 72
Apr 25, 2018
Back in my Starbucks days, that was what they taught us in the training too. Not sure if it's true, but the Starbucks trainers seemed to think so.
Level 75
Apr 25, 2018
There is an additional US state to the one mentioned in the quiz: California. Not in large quantities afaik, but technically California grows coffee.
Level 71
Oct 11, 2021
'Tis true:
Level 57
Apr 26, 2018
Nice Quiz! published a coffee business article a few days ago. The five Nordic countries are the biggest consumers per capita, in this order: Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, and Denmark - the biggest producer being Brazil. Highest retail prices for roasted coffee are in UK.
Level 81
Apr 27, 2018
I went to the cafe in St. Mark's Square, Venice which was allegedly the first (or among the first?) places in Europe to ever serve coffee. Then I left because they wanted 10 euros for a Coca Cola.
Level 57
Apr 28, 2018
Have almost similar experience of Coke prices in a picturesque cafe in Champs-Elysees, Paris - then saw a Mac sign almost next door..
Level 69
Oct 12, 2021
If you go to Venice and seek out the first place to serve coffee in Europe specifically to order a coca-cola, that's on you. Did you also try ordering a grilled cheese at Osteria Francescana?
Level 57
Apr 28, 2018
Added two new coffee quizzes (and updated one) today, including my first ever picture quiz: "UK's Most Favourite Coffee Drinks". Do Macchiato or Latte or the other coffee pics look right in your mind?
Level 90
Jul 8, 2018
American coffee uses filters to hold back all the taste and turn a brown drink into a bitter, diluted black caffeine water. It smells great, but that's just the flavor left in the filter. And then....there's Tim Horton's which might have some legal monopoly on coffee in Canada or something. A town of 20,000 will have 20 of them. And. It. Is. Weak.
Level 38
Oct 11, 2021
Fun fact, Turkish coffee actually came from Arabia.

And Armenians call it Armenian coffee for the same reason Greeks call it Greek coffee.

Level 58
Oct 11, 2021
Add Gelato for Affogato as that is what is traditionally added.
Level 72
Oct 11, 2021
To be fair I don't blame Greece for having a grudge against Turkey. The Ottoman Turks commited the Greek genocide against them and never apologized for the Barbary slave trade. Turkey needs to stop cowering behind it's past. Just because it was the Ottoman empire then and it's Turkey now doesn't change the fact that the perpetrators were still Turks. Same goes for the Armenian genocide. At least the west apologized for it's past involvement in slavery and genocide.
Level 59
Oct 11, 2021
i learned the yemen thing from that one song
Level 69
Oct 13, 2021
Everything I've read has stated that coffee beans were first cultivated in Ethiopia.

Did the Ethiopians not drink the beans, making Yemen the correct answer? What am I missing here?

Level 81
Sep 27, 2022
Very fun.
Level 88
Jan 17, 2023
Coffee being drank in Yemen first is debatable, Ethiopia should be accepted as an answer at the very least.
Level 41
Sep 23, 2024
Bedtime is the wrong time of day for a quiz on coffee…it got me buzzing. But then foaming at the mouth about ‘flat whites’ and ‘lattes’.

In the UK both will be sold on a coffee shop…but they are completely different.

The former is a double espresso with a small head of throthy milk served in a smallish cup…the latter will be a shot of espresso and half a pint of throthy milk served in a bucket.

How did these drinks evolve so differently in Oz and US? I’m intrigued.

Level 41
Sep 23, 2024
Recall reading the ‘Devil’s Cup’ about history of coffee years ago…I think it said a goatherd chewed the berries of the coffee plant in Ethiopia first (having watched goats get animated eating them) but somehow he got involved with some monks who disapproved and threw the berries on the fire…did this lead to accidentally roasting them, I can’t remember?