Great quiz, enjoyed it. I hear the comments about the exact shade but was close enough for me and you gave us the first letter to help, anyway. Nice one
I had to google what an 'eggplant' was and couldn't believe that that's what Americans call aubergines! Eggplants?! Wtf - where did they get that from?
@hanzel26 - most eggplants I've encountered are purple, but some cultivars are white. If you take a look at this picture from Wikimedia Commons you can see it's a reasonable name for those varieties, at least.
This way there's a more gradual distribution. That would cause the quiz to appeal much more to harder audiences and would be a bit discouraging to less color-wise quizzers.
Taupe seems totally completely wrong to me. And I disagree slightly with a lot of your shades and tones slightly but they all seem close enough and it was a fun quiz.
For me, ultramarine and cerulean are color words I never use but, even though I didn't get them: auburn, eggplant, chartreuse, and more . . . all legit. Just that taupe . . .
I remember the revelation at age 6 or so that we could also call it 'peach' and feel more dignified/non-racist, although one person still called it 'the colour of your skin' (only ever to white people, in my limited experience). This contrived and uninteresting anecdote is why I want 'peach' accepted for pink, and add a pink that looks more like your fuchsia.
I'm finally forgetting the chorus, apparently (30 years later). It was one of 5 that I missed - I knew there was a section I was dropping out and that was in there. But I tried scarlet, black, ochre and peach right in line.... 3 out of 4 ain't bad....
I can’t believe I actually got 29 on this one! Usually I don’t do very good on “common knowledge” quizzes. I did some painting a couple years back which helped me get some of the more uncommon ones like ultramarine and ochre.
Eggplant is generally a term only used in the USA. Aubergine is the term used by most of the world. It should probably be accepted as an answer. Side notes - Often clothing will be described even in the USA as "aubergine" - sounds fancier than eggplant. Also, Eggplant/Aubergine varieties come in many different colors, white, black, purple skinned and probably some other colors I am not aware of.
I agree. I was born and raised in the US, and have lived here all of my life. I've never even been to another country. And I was stumped on the "E" color until I realized that the color was aubergine and remembered that aubergine is called that because it's the name of the food that we call eggplant. I've eaten eggplant, but I've never, ever bought an "eggplant" sweater.
It's kind of hard to represent "silver" with just a hex code. When I got there I kept trying "slate" over and over again because the box is literally the color of slate and it's not shiny lmao
Not sure how to fix this... maybe add "slate" as an alt answer?
That ain't taupe. If you're using Pantone, then for some reason Pantone renders it differently on my computer monitor than the chip you're using, which is dark brown.
Couldn't remember sepia, although I was thinking: What's that effect called to make pics look old? Very surprised that this is the least guessed in general.
OK, my brother helped me
hi hi
And I just found out that the word aubergine actually comes from the arabic word for eggplant ! Now that is new :)
You scored 39/43 = 91%.
This beats or equals 98.6% of test takers
For me, ultramarine and cerulean are color words I never use but, even though I didn't get them: auburn, eggplant, chartreuse, and more . . . all legit. Just that taupe . . .
Not sure how to fix this... maybe add "slate" as an alt answer?