it took me ages to get to USA for English because I first thought this was by percentage of the population, and so tried Jamaica in every spelling I could think of first :L
Yes! It is Pashto. Please fix this. Saying the language is Pashtun is like saying the language of Serbia is Serb, that the language of every Spanish-speaking country is Hispanic, or that the language of Kurdistan is Kurd.
Although Afghanistan has more speakers percentage-wise, Pakistan has more in actual amount. Even I (a Pakistani) was surprised, though I should not have.
@Guam - and I hope YOU're being sarcastic. Romani is a language that comes from India, but nowadays it's spoken in lots of European countries because gypsies (the Roma people) left India and spread out all across Europe.
The main language of Romania, on the other hand, is called Romanian and it's related to Latin, Italian etc.
The similarity of the names of "Romani" and "Romanian" is purely coincidental, as is the fact that most Romani speakers are found in Romania.
Why are we stating the obvious? That's not what the quiz is about. The quiz is asking which country has the most speakers of each of those languages respectively.
I'm not sure about the Maori answer, I would say there are more Maoris in Australia now than in New Zealand as there are almost 700,000 NZ in Australia in 2017.
Pashtun is an ethnic group that speaks Pashto, not the other way around, as there are Pashtuns that do not speak Pashto, too. So if a person is speaking Pashto, they are Pashtun. But if you meet a Pashtun, they might not speak Pashto (though there is a very high chance they do). That is my personal observation as a Pakistani.
Great quiz! At the risk of earning my own "Nitpickers Award" this quiz could actually be "Languages and Countries," as opposed to "Countries and Languages." This might resolve the issue for earlier commenters who were focused on the country's primary language as opposed to where the language is most spoken. Course, people could also just read the instructions...
I think flhuluba is saying Romani refers to a people or culture, not a language, and it would be like having Israeli or Jewish on this quiz. I'm not sure I agree, because a quick internet search supports the use of the term Romani for a language, or at least a group of languages...but I think that's what s/he's alleging.
Could you consider making multiple choices for languages? For example, English works for the United States, but not for the United Kingdom. I couldn't get Arabic because I was trying ten of the TWENTY-FIVE countries that have Arabic as their national language. So I humbly request a little consideration.
It's the country with the greatest number of Spanish speakers. Mexico's population is much bigger than Spain's and Mexico's first language is Spanish :)
According to Wikipedia it is either Barbados, the Marshall Islands, or the Republic of Ireland depending on how you count it.
The main language of Romania, on the other hand, is called Romanian and it's related to Latin, Italian etc.
The similarity of the names of "Romani" and "Romanian" is purely coincidental, as is the fact that most Romani speakers are found in Romania.
It really depends on what figures you go on, some say over 25% of Turkey are Kurds.
Things I don't understand about this comment:
1. This is about countries, not religions
2. Hindu is a religion, Hindi is a language
3. Hindi is spoken in India
4. The main language of Hinduism is Sanskrit