I disagree. Sarajevo was never Yugoslavia's capital, Belgrade was. Furthermore, the description in the quiz is absolutely correct: Bosnia's capital city (Sarajevo) indeed hosted the 1984 Winter Olympics.
well, but it didn't ask about a capital that day. It asked about a country, whose today's capital hosted the Olympics. And that surely is Bosnia and Herzegovina...
I, for one, am sick and tired of the Georgian propaganda machine, and the insufferable iron grip that Big Georgia has on worldwide culture.
It's like everything is Georgian, now. You can't go out to eat without being virtually force-fed khachapuri at every corner. It's like the world has even forgotten there are other poets than Nikoloz Baratashvili - if I have to see yet another Netflix adaptation of his works, I think I'll puke.
Let's all stand strong and fight the Georgian hegemony!
Pedantry alert: during the civil war between Atahualpa and Huascar that weakened the Incan Empire enough to allow Pizarro to conquer it, Atahualpa declared Quito his capital. Cuzco remained the capital for Huascar and reverted to being the capital for the entire Empire when Atahualpa defeated him. But it would be a bit more accurate to say "Where the principal capital of the Incan Empire was located."
No it isn't. The yellow box doesn't add any additional keyboarding skills to a quiz. It prevents you from simply entering random possible answers and getting them right. It actually requires you to do exactly what you say you are trying to do - answer quiz questions.
technically, the uk is the biggest island country in the caribbean, since it has territory in the carribean sea (turks and caicos, anguilla, british virgin islands, montserrat, cayman islands)
I knew someone would point this out. The Economics Nobel isn't really a Nobel Prize so it really depends on your interpretation. I'm okay being inconsistent on this.
Good the Great Sphinx is too big and heavy, or the correct answer for the first question would be “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”
Russia didn't "seize" South Ossetia from Georgia, it was already a de facto independent country outside of Georgia and Russia intervened in a war on it's side.
In other Earth shattering news, Italy's capital city, Rome, once controlled the entire Mediterranean.
It's like everything is Georgian, now. You can't go out to eat without being virtually force-fed khachapuri at every corner. It's like the world has even forgotten there are other poets than Nikoloz Baratashvili - if I have to see yet another Netflix adaptation of his works, I think I'll puke.
Let's all stand strong and fight the Georgian hegemony!
Man I wish, where I live I can't get any decent khachapuri...
"Country whose king awards 5 of the 6 Nobel prizes"
And the "Which European Capital" quiz:
"Four of the five Nobel Prizes are award here each year"
(https://www.jetpunk.com/quizzes/which-european-capital) + also should be "awarded" in that quiz