
Countries by National Anthem

Can you name these countries based on a selected lyric from their national anthem?
Answer must correspond to the yellow box
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: June 29, 2023
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First submittedOctober 31, 2011
Times taken60,974
Average score55.6%
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O! say can you see by the dawn's early light
United States
With glowing hearts we see thee rise / The True North strong and free!
God save our gracious King / Long live our noble King
United Kingdom
This is the country of every tribe / The land of Balochs and Uzbeks / Pashtuns and Hazaras /
Turkmens and Tajiks
Beneath our radiant Southern Cross / We'll toil with hearts and hands
In Erin's cause, come woe or weal / 'Mid cannon's roar and rifles' peal / We'll chant a soldier's song
And onward, towards the ends of the east / An eye still gazes toward Zion
A prince of Orange / am I, free and fearless
Pity, God, the Magyar, then / Long by waves of danger tossed
Souls and bodies we'll lay down, all for our freedom / And we'll show that we, brothers,
are of the Cossack nation!
Arise! All those who don't want to be slaves! / Let our flesh and blood forge our new Great Wall!
From the bones arisen / of the Hellenes, the sacred
It echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas / Mingles in the music of Jamuna and Ganges
And the saga night that sends / dreams to our earth
You are the seat of Peter, whose blood was shed in Rome
Vatican City
Vile despots would have themselves / The masters of our destinies! / To arms, citizens
The gold star afluttering / Leading the people of our native land out of misery and suffering
From the southern seas to the polar lands / Lie our forests and fields
103 Recent Comments
Level 40
Nov 9, 2012
I can't believe I missed Afghanistan! For some reason I kept writing Pakistan over and over again... >.
Level 82
Oct 3, 2014
I tried every "-stan" but that one. No idea how I forgot it.
Level 66
Oct 17, 2014
same here...ended up trying different spellings for each of them, too.
Level 74
Apr 15, 2017
I was just typing it in as the clock ended - so close.
Level 80
Dec 10, 2012
I loved seeing the english translations of them! They really show the personalities of the countries. Norway's sounds especially beautiful, just like the country.
Level 86
Aug 29, 2013
I know it agrees with Wikipedia, but "Spread are our forests and fields" doesn't make any sense. If you follow Wikipedia's citation for the lyrics, you'll see that that source actually says "Lie our forests and our fields" here. No "are"!
Level 76
Oct 10, 2014
Missed Hungary and Vietnam. Good quiz.
Level 36
Oct 10, 2014
USA doesn't have a strong clue.
Level 43
Apr 16, 2017
Mostly Americans who visit this site, though, so hopefully it rings a bell.
Level 81
Mar 29, 2018
The US and French anthems are the hardest to guess without any prior knowledge of the song, but they're also probably the two most famous on the list possibly excepting the anthems for Canada and the UK.
Level 81
Sep 26, 2019
"the gold star afluttering" is a reference to the Vietnamese flag.
Level 81
Nov 29, 2021
(someone commented that they didn't see a clue for Vietnam)
Level 80
May 27, 2019
I guessed that USA would be first in a quiz like this and I was right.
Level 74
Oct 10, 2014
Great quiz. Missed France and Vietnam - didn't see a clue for France, and had no idea which flag had a golden star.
Level 81
Mar 29, 2018
The only clue for France that I can see is that the anthem was born out of the French Revolution during which thousands of nobles ("vile despots") had their heads cut off.
Level 73
Jun 28, 2019
I thought the "to arms, citizens" gave it away.
Level 72
Sep 26, 2019
why would it?
Level 63
Aug 20, 2021
The 'vile despots' referred to in La Marseillaise were the absolute monarchs of Prussia, Austria and Russia who jointly declared war on France before the French Revolution had even properly started. It's got nothing to do with domestic nobles.
Level 81
Nov 27, 2021
My mistake, then. Even if the directions I got were wrong, they led me to the right answer anyway.
Level 67
Oct 10, 2014
Oh dear this is embarrassing. I'm Canadian and yet nearly missed Canada altogether; I only ever hear the original French version (or the bilingual one sung at Habs games in which the first half is in French), and the French and English "Ô Canada" are two completely different songs. It was easier to guess the other countries, as those were literal tranlsations in English. Well, I'll go to bed a little less ignorant tonight.
Level 70
Oct 11, 2014
With the «Southern Cross» reference, I tried South Africa and New Zealand, but I completely forgot Australia... Shame on me..
Level 66
Jan 27, 2015
I see that Vietnam was the one that most people missed. For me 'the gold star' was a dead giveaway, seeing as Vietnams falg is basically a gold star on a red background.
Level 68
Apr 16, 2017
Same. Easy to figure out.
Level 72
Sep 26, 2019
working backwards yes there is logic. But a) there are several countries wth stars on their flags and b) how would you know it was even about flags?? there are uncountable amount of stars in the sky and all countries could be referring to them. It is a word that is used metaphorically so often.

and afaik the star on the flag isnt fluttering unless they have put LED's in it. But it still wouldnt on paper etc. A fluttering star makes you think of a real one or atleast a symbolic one, not a flag.

Level 71
Apr 3, 2020
Real stars don't 'flutter' raven, they twinkle.
Level 72
Apr 3, 2020
I guess I was thinking of flickering or something. Sometimes it is hard to translate from english, when different languages use (nearly) the same word but in a slightly different way. Other times... it is sleepdeprevation haha.
Level 25
May 9, 2015
I don't know how anyone could make a quiz like this and not add the German national anthem. in my opinion, its the best, especially when you realize what it actually means when you translate it!
Level ∞
Oct 28, 2016
"Deutschland über alles" is no longer part of their official anthem. Their current anthem is very generic. The French anthem, on the other hand, is full of blood and guts.
Level 87
Apr 15, 2017
The lyrics were never changed, but they avoid to use the verse with "Deutschland über alles". Anyway, that text is obviously Lutheran. On the other hand, the Marseillaise is a revolutionary song, with all the violence that implies...
Level 72
Sep 26, 2019
Why does the german anthem sing about wine but not beer??
Level 55
Nov 28, 2021
Because by the time they got to the beer they were too drunk to sing
Level 81
Sep 26, 2016
I only knew the US, Australia, the UK and France, but got them all thanks to the abundant clues - mostly with very little time. Norway and Russia I briefly struggled with, but got there.
Level 84
Oct 27, 2016
"The king of Spain I have always honoured" would be better clue for Netherlands :P
Level 43
Apr 16, 2017
Sorry to burst your bubble, but no. The Orange clue is quite a bit better.
Level 36
Mar 14, 2018
Almost missed the Netherlands clue altogether because I'd never seen the words in English. It is only when I saw "Orange" that I translated the rest of the sentence and realized that it was "Wilhelmus".
Level 51
Nov 2, 2019
That is the sentence that trips everybody up who do not know the history of the Netherlands and William of Orange.
Level 73
Nov 19, 2016
Very cool. Please do a sequel!
Level 44
Jan 19, 2017
Why won't the computer let me scroll down?
Level 34
Jan 20, 2017
only England and Northern ireland has GSTQ as the national anthem, Scotland and Wales dont.
Level 71
Mar 29, 2018
GSTQ is the National Anthem of the UK, including Wales and Scotland. At sporting events, they sing Land of my Fathers or Flower of Scotland, but that does not alter the fact.
Level 68
Apr 15, 2017
No spanish anthem?
Level 69
Apr 16, 2017
Level 68
May 9, 2017
Level 84
Apr 18, 2017
Level 71
Mar 29, 2018
The Spanish National Anthem, famously, has no lyrics, so hard to include in this quiz.
Level 41
Jul 23, 2019
Bosnian's has no lyrics either
Level 64
Apr 15, 2017
very nice
Level 71
Apr 15, 2017
This was fun, many different strategies are needed to get the clues!
Level 81
Apr 15, 2017
I got them all this time. Only missed Norway the first time. In retrospect "saga" is a giveaway.
Level 68
Apr 16, 2017
Only missed Norway and France. Where is New Zealand? "God defend our free land". Good clue - it rhymes with "God defend New Zealand." Of course. And "Guard Pacific's triple star from the shafts of strife and war".
Level 68
Apr 16, 2017
Fun quiz though :-)
Level 82
Apr 16, 2017
great quiz! got them all by educated guesses
Level 58
Apr 18, 2017
If you're looking for a tricky one, here's Poland (crude translation): "we were given an example by Bonaparte how to win". Little people would have thought it's Poland, rather France or sth.

The anthem comes from the very end of the 18th century, when Poland was annexed by Russia, Prussia and Austria (1795) and a bulk of Polish soldiers went to France to help Napoleon in his fight against these countries, hoping for the independence of Poland. Napoleon did introduced a semi-independent Polish duchy afterwards, but in the end nothing worked out.

Level 72
Sep 26, 2019
It all depends what parts you choose. If you want to confuse people you could say : I am of German blood (descend) and have always honoured the king of Spain. Which is in the dutch anthem...
Level 74
Apr 24, 2017
There are so many beautiful anthems but for me, the Icelandic anthem is the most beautiful and haunting. "Iceland's thousand years, Iceland's thousand years: one small flower in eternity with a quivering tear, which worships its God and dies." I could be biased, though. :)
Level 74
Apr 24, 2017
Íslands þúsund ár, Íslands þúsund ár! Eitt eilífðar smáblóm með titrandi tár, sem tilbiður guð sinn og deyr.
Level 72
Sep 28, 2019
It is indeed quite beautiful, poetic and sort of tragic. Flowers with trembling tears, and "from heavenly starbundles thou braided a wreath of thine legions gathered through time".

(perhaps I switched subject and indirect object though.. the complete translations I can find are all over the place so I decided to analyse it myself, but this is a hard distinction to figure out in many languages, if give you and you give has no difference or something added like give to)

Level 77
Jul 12, 2017
Hints: True North; noble Queen; Pashtuns, Southern Cross; Erin; Zion; Orange; Magyar; Cossack; Great Wall; Hellenes; Ganges/ Himalayas; saga; Peter & in Rome; Aux armes citoyens; Gold star; Polar lands forest and fields.
Level 69
Sep 4, 2017
Greattttt! My favourite subject!
Level 59
Oct 1, 2017
One of the best quizzes I have done so far ! Love it.
Level 71
Jan 3, 2018
"our new Great Wall"? United States?
Level 36
Aug 11, 2018
^ LOL. Maybe in the near future, if Mexico doesn't build one first. Talk about fake news; all this hoopla about the influx of illegal Mexicans

is just that. Mexicans have been self-deporting from the USA for the last twenty years. For illegals, look to Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras.

Level 48
Mar 29, 2018
I didn't get France. It looks different when it's not in French.
Level 65
Mar 29, 2018
The Vatican City has an anthem?
Level 81
Jul 5, 2018
As soon as they get their field hockey team off the ground and win the gold they'll be ready.
Level 83
Apr 28, 2018
Does Russia have forests and fields in the southern seas? That confused me as I thought south meant southern hemisphere.
Level 81
Jul 5, 2018
southern in relation to Russia. There is no country with territory in the arctic that touches the Southern Ocean, so if you think about it for a second it becomes pretty obvious.
Level 51
Mar 20, 2020
There, in fact, is such a country, and it is Norway - as they have Bouvet island as a part of their territory (uninhabited, sure, but still part of their land).
Level 76
Jan 2, 2019
I'm expecting San Marino and Bosnia to show in the next one.
Level 62
Apr 20, 2019
You should accept Cyprus for Greece, seeing as they share their national anthem.

Another reason why Cyprus should be regarded as European, but that's another topic...

Level 80
Jun 6, 2019
Got Norway with 2 seconds remaining!
Level 72
Sep 26, 2019
Only missed the bottom 3, those are really the only 3 without any clues in them (cause I have never heard of any but uk and us)

Surprised at how low hungary was though, since it has the most obvious clue it basicly spells it out for you.

Level 71
Nov 2, 2019
Throw in some African countries!
Level 36
Nov 2, 2019
Holland is generally accepted for the Netherlands. Why isn’t it here?
Level 60
Nov 2, 2019
Greece and Cyprus share the same national anthem so Cyprus must be an accepted answer too.
Level 65
Nov 5, 2019
National anthems make me threw up in my mouth.
Level 81
Apr 3, 2020
hard to sing, then
Level 57
Nov 29, 2021
Just as easy to sing, but no-one wants to sit in front of you.
Level 91
Mar 1, 2024
Amen brother

Infantile emotional bollocks…

Level 31
Mar 9, 2020
For the French national anthem, IDK where you got the translation from because I don't think those first 2 lines are in it.
Level ∞
Mar 9, 2020
Level 46
Apr 30, 2020
Just letting you know, no one in Australia ever normally sings the second verse of our national anthem, and the majority of the population doesn't know it at all. So perhaps you could change the chosen lyrics to something from the first verse?
Level 54
Jul 11, 2022
Did not care for the Australian one, though I understand why considering the first word. Would've been less deceived by the Polish national anthem.
Level 49
Jul 8, 2020
Didn't know Ukraine had Cossacks at all.
Level 84
Sep 22, 2020
Wanted to guess an English-speaking country for Vietnam because the lines rhyme in English. Must be a poetic translation rather than literal, unless the Vietnamese words for "afluttering" and "suffering" also rhyme. Ha.
Level 75
Dec 22, 2020
Can you accept Holland for The Netherlands?
Level 76
Apr 21, 2021
Level 54
Oct 9, 2021
Could you change the lyrics of Afghanistan to the new one "This is home of brave".
Level 78
Nov 27, 2021
if you fancy a challenge, why not try Every Country’s National Anthem? i promise you’ll know more than you think!
Level 68
Jan 31, 2022
Use wikipedia for audio
Level 24
Aug 18, 2022
This is the second verse of the Vietnamese anthem, which isnt quite popular since we usually sing the first one.
Level 55
Sep 10, 2022
You should change it to 'God save our gracious King'.
Level 83
Nov 9, 2022
Yep. Needs to be changed to "God save the king".
Level ∞
Nov 10, 2022
Level 42
Feb 21, 2023
The French one is wrong. It is actually:


They are coming right to your arms.

To cut off the throats of your sons and companions!

To arms, citizens!


Ils viennet jusque dans vos bras,

Egorger vos fils et vos compagnes!

Aux armes, citoyens!

I know French culture. And don't tell me you got it from wikipedia, I wouldn't if I were you, just saying.

Level 56
May 1, 2023
upset that kazakhstan's amazing anthem isnt here
Level 65
Jul 29, 2023
I got all of them, except for Ireland…

In my defence, I’ve haven’t heard our national anthem in over a decade, and even then, it’s normally sung in Irish.

Level 68
Oct 30, 2023
Wow, don't you think there are too many African countries included on this quiz...?
Level 61
Oct 31, 2023
Yeah, France does have a badass national anthem.
Level 60
Nov 30, 2023
Level 69
Nov 30, 2023
No Germany :(
Level 65
Dec 3, 2023
Maybe accept Holland?
Level 59
Feb 14, 2024