Matters more than conflict deaths, sure. But with 4 million already having left as refugees, and Amnesty International predicting perhaps as many more to come... I guess it'd depend on how many will return after the conflict.
@thorvald - spoken like one who is utterly incapable of even trying to see the world through another's eyes. As if free stuff is all there is to life. Many will want to return to their homeland if at all possible, regardless of financial sacrifices.
@Thorvald That's a generalization, many have also been deported and left on their own because of how the skin heads have treated them. The far right is taking off in Europe, Italy just recently elected an anti immigrant party.
The European Left is so schizophrenic - "the earth is overpopulated!", "economic interests shouldn't run everything!" while also saying "we need more people to protect our economic interests!"
To conclude: 1) Immigrants are taking over Western Europe 2) The far-right is taking over W. Europe 3) W. Europe is paradise for refugees because of lavish welfare 4) W. Europe is hell for immigrants because of rampant racism 5) W. European countries will collapse if they don't maintain their population numbers by taking in immigrants 6) W. European countries will collapse as they're overrun by immigrants.
It sure is a good time to be Canadian. We get to smugly judge our neighbour to the south and Europe. We are so isolated that we control the income of refugees easily and we don't really have a far-right campaign to bring back Mussolini. We're all about multiculturalism, though, so any of you complaining about living in Europe are welcome to come here! And the best part is that any anti-immigrant sentimentality would make you hypocrits. Plus, we have a whole province for French people! I love living in a society that has become largely pro-immigrant and pro-multiculturalism. Yeah!
Oh definitely not. Part of being smug is also being hypocritical. The non-Mussolini thing rocks, though. However, I can say that there is a major push towards addressing the historical wrongs committed in the country. Schools in pretty much all provinces across the country are expected to have a focus on historical wrongs committed against Canadian Indigenous peoples and more of a focus on Indigenous Canadian peoples' cultures. Plus we tend not to celebrate our history like Americans--we more celebrate the idea that we are multicultural. It works pretty well, and I would say there have been vast improvements in my short lifetime.
Ahh yes a conversation where near everyone is wrong
@VelikyNovgorod 200k immigrants moved to France in 2010, now its like 300k, including European immigrants (tho I feel that's not who u hate), theres like 7 mil immigants rn, so 60 million others. If nonimmigrants dont grow & immigrants grow by 300k, the "french will become a minority in their own country" in 2201! Oh my!!!
As for the left saying Earth's overpopulated according to @nerdalert, malthus's wrong lol
@ander217 May we ask immigrants if they feel the same welcoming vibes. Europe tends to smugly judge....a lot lol
Places opposed to immigrants are places that either forgot their history of it or didn't historically have lots. Its all just "oh no the world's changing, this is new, I dislike".
It comes from fallacy that ppl dont return, & that they r being taken over, grow up, stop hating finding a better life
Europe "visited" the world w/o visas & did much more than work, yet imposes em if u try enter. How ironic. Amnesia ig
Syria was actually doing quite well before the civil war. i'm sure there are plenty of people who will return. Living somewhere where you don't fit in isn't fun.
I think both extremes are stupid and I think the only reason most people like trump is that there is no other candidate it's either someone you don't like or someone you don't like but has some of your views with an awful personality. And you can't vote for a third party as the general consensus is that a third party will never win and usually gets around 1-2% of the vote at best. I think that a much better example of the far right getting out of control is actually in hungry with Viktor Orban. Who is possibly one of the worst politicians of the era and is much worse than trump ever could have been. He has practically destroyed hungry's governmental system by giving jobs to his best friends letting his rich friends get cabinet jobs and giving his rich friends exclusive contracts that cost more than they should. He uses EU funds to work on useless infrastructure. Personally I'm tired of people not shutting up about trump when there are much worse leaders in the world.
I don't know much about Orban, but from what you say he sounds corrupt. Trump on the other hand is actively hammering away at the building blocks of democratic republican government in the world's most powerful country.
Just out of interest. Where did you get these data from? Russia's government has just announced that they'd achieved population increase second year in a row.
The un definitely isn't going around russia and measuring demographic data by hand. All sources lead back to russian (or any other countries) government data
In fact, everything is much simpler. The increase that the Russian government is talking about is due to migration and artificial stimulation of the birth rate (not very effective). But these are only "emergency" measures, in the long run, Russia is still in a demographic hole, and the Russian government does not deny or conceal this, believe me, this is one of the most painful topics in Russian society! However, this does not negate the fact that there was an increase in 2018-2020, yes? The fact that the Russian government has announced one fact does not mean that it denies the other.
A source to back what someone finds credible?? That is a rather odd question. Do you get a briefing each week to tell you what you are to believe that week, so you have a source you can refer to?
"It says right here on this here letter, that I don't believe that" there is your source..
Trump can't even help his own ego- though everything he does is likely meant to- the way he acts is so obviously the behavior of a man who is deeply insecure and knows, at some level, what a fraud and what an incompetent buffoon he is. Outwardly expressed superiority complexes (like when Trump tweets about what a stable genius he is, or some European comments here about how superior their culture is) are almost always just there to mask an unexpressed inferiority complex.
Here's some math on the facts if these numbers seem odd - As of 2014 the crude death rate for the whole world is 7.89 per 1,000 (down from 8.37 per 1,000 in 2009) according to the current CIA World Factbook. If you multiply that by 7 billion people, that's over 55 million deaths worldwide per year. If you multiply that by the 35 years that this quiz is estimating, there would be almost 2 billion deaths - and that's assuming the death rate stays constant. It will likely increase as the Baby Boomer generation ages, and then decrease again. For a country to lose 70 million people over 35 years, you only need 2 million more deaths than births. With China's death rate at 7.44 deaths/1,000 population, the number of dead per year is est. at 9.5 million vs. a birth rate of 1.6 per woman. Well under population replacement levels.
Okay, I guess somebody has to say it and I just can't you really intend to end every comment you make with "Enjoy your life?" Have a nice day. Live long and prosper. Let's be careful out there. And that's the way it is... :-)
The total population of Kiribati is just over 100k people. Even if they lose every single one of their inhabitants by 2050 they still wouldn't make this list. Same story for the Maldives (345k)
contraily to popular belief, demographic transition in south- and south-east Asia is almost over. Population will continue to increase slowly in most of these countries due to better quality of life, then stagnate. There are very few countries outside subsaharian Africa where fertility rate is over 3 nowadays.
I'm not the brightest bulb in the pack, so could someone explain these answers to me? I don't see any rhyme or reason for the trends - some Asian countries, some European countries and Cuba. I get China, but for the others what is causing the birth rate to drop in these countries more than others?
The Eastern European countries and the richer East Asian countries have a severely declining birth rate. High birth rates tend to be higher in poorer countries with a higher infant mortality. If your child is likely to survive until adulthood there is less incentive to have more children.The western European countries are increasing in size due to immigration, mostly people from poorer countries who are escaping war or looking for a better life for their gaggle of children. As Asian countries tend to be less enticing for immigrants (or flat out deny them), and the Eastern European countries are typically viewed as worse than their Western neighbours, this list largely does not surprise me.
Why aren't Northern European countries experiencing such drops in population like Germany or Italy? i.e Countries like U.K, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark et cetera.
UK Figures up due to immigrant family numbers. "Last year saw the highest ever number of UK births to women who were born outside the country, official figures have revealed. Data from the Office for National Statistics showed that 27.5 per cent of all births in England and Wales were to women who had arrived here from abroad.
Poland, Pakistan and India being the highest birth rate immigrant nations/
Sweden and Norway are both growing. Not very rapidly, but still growing. I think some of this is that they receive a larger number of immigrants relative to the size of their smaller populations but I'm not sure. Finland and Denmark are projected to start losing population by 2035 but not very quickly and they don't have as much population to lose in the first place.
News this week was that 1 in 6 of those living in the UK was born outside the UK. There's just one of them we'd like to send back to his place of birth. He's called Boris Johnson - so could you please take him back, America? Chz
Sounds good, but it is more likely due to immigration. Neither Norway nor Sweden nor Denmark are currently at replacement rate for births: Sweden is at 1.88, Norway is at 1.75, Denmark is at 1.69. These are only slightly better than Italy's rate of 1.37, and Italy is on the verge of disappearing. Replacement rate has to be higher than 2.1 births per woman. Even Iceland is only at 1.93.
If those birth rates are accurate then it probably is immigration. Also maybe a little bit longer life spans? Though I doubt that makes a big difference and Italy has one of the high life expectancies in the world.
So Greece stands to lose more than a quarter of its population, and it's forcing would-be immigrants out? I guess it's like the dying towns of rural Kansas, dependent on immigrant labor, voting overwhelmingly for Trump.
I never understood this argument. No doubt the people of Greece are more concerned about losing their culture than they are about about a few percentage points of GDP. A declining population isn't the end of the world and in some cases (like Japan) might be beneficial due to extreme overcrowding.
I agree, losing population is not the end of the world. As the overall world population rises there is a tendency for some countries that allow immigration to slowly change into another country and take on other countries cultures, if Greece loses population and refuses immigrants it's culture will carry on nicely.
I'm not an expert on the issue, but I get the feeling nativism/anti-immigrant sentiment is very different in the US vs. Europe. Here, economic arguments are very common in a sense; things like "immigrants are taking our jobs." From the perspective of these blue-collar workers, it doesn't matter whether immigrants contribute to GDP growth; they care more about the job market and whether they'll be employed. But, even though there's plenty of racism, I think arguments that outright say "immigrants are ruining our culture" are less common here, since America isn't defined by a single cultural group. In contrast, cultural arguments are very common in Europe, with its many nation-states, and from what I know, nativism can be found even among middle/upper-class people who are just naturally suspicious of foreigners.
I'm not saying one of these arguments is better than the other (I disagree with both), but I just want to point out that different people may have different priorities.
My mother always lost her coffeemug. They usualy would end up in the shower. There was always atleast one mug there. But you could find them everywhere around the house..
Always getting distracted halfway of doing something.
To me it's not so concerning that we are losing population in some places (the world could stand to lose about 80-90% of what it's got now and it would be just fine. We could develop new economic models that don't require constant population growth to sustain themselves), but rather that it's growing so fast in others. And the implications in terms of population displacement, cultural shifts, potential wars and resource depletion that these new imbalances will create.
Nah. In stable, prosperous societies the norm is for birth rates to drop and populations to decline. We need to get the rest of the world up to the same standards so they have fewer kids.
I'm quite late at responding to this (and it's the same spiel I've posted on Jetpunk before), but a good percentage of the world is having fewer kids. Many societies seeing population growth have gone down to replacement rate, and it's just taking a few generations for that effect to carry up the entire population tree (Bangladesh is be a good example). It's mostly just Africa and a handful of countries in Asia that still have such high fertility rates.
Here's a map:
Of course, it would be nice for all countries to be at around replacement rate (which will likely happen… eventually), but it's not as apocalyptic as many people think.
i dont think this is reliable, it doesnt contain of countries that will experience massive migration because of climate change, like india nigeria congo, weather could be to extreme for living there
If we look back to the projections of population used in 1970, we would find so many of them to be incredibly off. It never ceases to amaze me that statisticians still point to current trends and think they will be able to accurately predict 50 years worth of human behavior based solely on current data and percentages.
A lot of these countries - eg: Cuba, South Korea, Spain ... have high education rates - people are making thoughtful decisions to have small families or no children. People are rejecting ancient scriptural propaganda to procreate and/or not use birth control...
... Indeed, lesser population growth is the main way we can save this planet - (I recall Malthus' theory...)
To make thoughtful decisions to have children and really care for them, give them love, the best possible education, the sense of responsibility towards the planet and other people, a.s.o. is very good.
To opt deliberately for a selfish materialistic couple life with no kid is pathetic.
to Coeck - I agree with your first comment entirely. However, opting not to have children does not therefore equal leading a a selfish, materialistic or pathetic life.
Of course having children is important to humankind - but if the average family has 5+ children the planet is doomed.
What's notable is that all the countries with declining population are secular or at least mostly apathetic about religion. The western countries without predicted decline have large minorities with strong religious views (e.g. evangelicals in the USA, muslims in France).
The main reason why the US and France aren't on here is because they are still growing through immigration. The birth rate in both of these countries is still insanely low.
Such long term predictions are mostly silly if you ask me. People just look at the current development and assume it will continue on with no changes whatsoever.
I wonder how the predictions from 1970 would have looked? My guess is too high in general, but that the ranking of countries would be mostly accurate.
In 1970, you could have looked at the population pyramid of Nigeria and confidently predicted that it would surpass Russia. And that's indeed what did happen. In nearly every case, a prediction from 1970 about the ranking of countries would have been accurate, with a couple exceptions such as China (which introduced the one child policy in 1979).
One the other hand, predictions of famine have been wrong time and time again. People might have said "Ethiopia will never have 100 million people. They'd all starve". And yet, those people would have been spectacularly wrong. Today Ethiopia has 126 million and they have a much HIGHER life expectancy than any time in the country's history.
I'd say that, if anything, most people undervalue these predictions.
@VelikyNovgorod 200k immigrants moved to France in 2010, now its like 300k, including European immigrants (tho I feel that's not who u hate), theres like 7 mil immigants rn, so 60 million others. If nonimmigrants dont grow & immigrants grow by 300k, the "french will become a minority in their own country" in 2201! Oh my!!!
As for the left saying Earth's overpopulated according to @nerdalert, malthus's wrong lol
@ander217 May we ask immigrants if they feel the same welcoming vibes. Europe tends to smugly judge....a lot lol
Places opposed to immigrants are places that either forgot their history of it or didn't historically have lots. Its all just "oh no the world's changing, this is new, I dislike".
It comes from fallacy that ppl dont return, & that they r being taken over, grow up, stop hating finding a better life
Europe "visited" the world w/o visas & did much more than work, yet imposes em if u try enter. How ironic. Amnesia ig
In fact, everything is much simpler. The increase that the Russian government is talking about is due to migration and artificial stimulation of the birth rate (not very effective). But these are only "emergency" measures, in the long run, Russia is still in a demographic hole, and the Russian government does not deny or conceal this, believe me, this is one of the most painful topics in Russian society! However, this does not negate the fact that there was an increase in 2018-2020, yes? The fact that the Russian government has announced one fact does not mean that it denies the other.
"It says right here on this here letter, that I don't believe that" there is your source..
Poland, Pakistan and India being the highest birth rate immigrant nations/
I'm not saying one of these arguments is better than the other (I disagree with both), but I just want to point out that different people may have different priorities.
The cultural (and racial) arguments are used by populist and other, often right wing, movements.
Economic arguments are used, but more in the sense of "they come here to live on welfare / abuse our system".
The governments have, lets be honest, been naïve, hasty and chaotic. In many ways.
This is, of course, just the tip... and you know how that goes.
Always getting distracted halfway of doing something.
Here's a map:
Of course, it would be nice for all countries to be at around replacement rate (which will likely happen… eventually), but it's not as apocalyptic as many people think.
... Indeed, lesser population growth is the main way we can save this planet - (I recall Malthus' theory...)
To opt deliberately for a selfish materialistic couple life with no kid is pathetic.
Children are the future of mankind.
Of course having children is important to humankind - but if the average family has 5+ children the planet is doomed.
In 1970, you could have looked at the population pyramid of Nigeria and confidently predicted that it would surpass Russia. And that's indeed what did happen. In nearly every case, a prediction from 1970 about the ranking of countries would have been accurate, with a couple exceptions such as China (which introduced the one child policy in 1979).
One the other hand, predictions of famine have been wrong time and time again. People might have said "Ethiopia will never have 100 million people. They'd all starve". And yet, those people would have been spectacularly wrong. Today Ethiopia has 126 million and they have a much HIGHER life expectancy than any time in the country's history.
I'd say that, if anything, most people undervalue these predictions.