Cool quiz! The population of Turkey (which isn't listed) in Europe is around 7.5 million, and the population of Russia in Europe is around 110 million.
I think time is fine as long as you have some kind of strategy. I started with all the most populous countries. Down to about Belarus or Austria that was pretty easy. Then I went to the smallest and started going backwards. Up through Montenegro that was pretty easy. Then I went through the rest via process of elimination. For the letters that appear multiple times I'd jump through each occurrence of the letter guessing the same country until I got it. Then I just went through the mental map of Europe in my head scanning every country one by one, filling in the blanks.
Ultimately, where Cyprus belongs amongst the continents is arbitrary, particularly since the boundary between Europe and Asia is ultimately conventional, so what matters is internal consistency. In this case, it's's standard to place Cyprus with Asia.
Valid point Q, though with Cyprus having 6 European Commissioners at the EU Council it's fairly safe to say they are certainly part of Europe, regardless of how Jetpunk currently view them.
Cyprus is listed as part of Europe on the world map quiz (as well as other quizzes on Jetpunk) while they are nearly always seen as part of Europe in general so not sure why they were left out here
No, more time does not need to be added. More often than not, these quizzes are about invoking rational thinking and, even more often, using your knowledge base to answer the questions in the quiz; NOT try to name every country at every letter in the quiz, then time becomes useless and why even have a time limit at all?
Probably continuing..... from wikipedia: "Corruption has also been a major issue in contemporary Romanian politics. In November 2015, massive anti-corruption protests which developed in the wake of the Colectiv nightclub fire led to the resignation of Romania's Prime Minister Victor Ponta. During 2017–2018, in response to measures which were perceived to weaken the fight against corruption, some of the biggest protests since 1989 took place in Romania, with over 500,000 people protesting across the country."
I mean, corruption sucks, but corruption and population growth are two completely unrelated things. African countries, for example, have both the highest corruption and fertility rates on Earth.
Not totally unrelated, I'd say. In countries where the birth ratio has not stabilized to a "normal level of a reasonably developed country) there is no connection, because the amount of emigration caused by corruption is hidden under the growth. But amongst the countries where the birth ratio is not so high any more, the correlation (and causality) between corruption and emigration is pretty clear.
Cool quiz! I missed only 2 this time around. And the allocated time felt fine to me. I agree with another poster that anything more would be too generous. I still had plenty of time to try several possibilities for M and S countries.
Finished with over a minute left, I feel like the time was pretty good. Really, if you know the countries of Europe, it's not too bad. They mostly just seem "sensible" to me, in that it's all about where I expect. It helps that there's some regional grouping with most of Scandinavia right next to each other and a bit with the Balkans as well.
This quiz doesn't need more time. Quizzes aren't just supposed to be fun, they also need to be challenging every once in a while. A moderately fast typer with a good memory and rough idea of European country populations would find this quiz easy. Besides, you can take a quiz untimed for practice.
I need to get used to the fact that Macedonia is now North Macedonia. I couldn't for the life of me come up with another European country with N except the Netherlands and Norway.
couldnt figure out why macedonia want appearing and the last one had an n. decided 'screw it' and typed macedonia. turna out i forgot its technically 'north' macedonia.
Jetpunkers seem to be divided into two groups. 1) 'Must have a time limit that favours speed typists' and 2) 'Knowledge quizzes should give enough time for those that are not members of the first group to enjoy the quiz' ........ I can understand having a fair time limit so that quiz takers have a little self-contest to try and better their time, but as the quiz does stop when you answer all questions, what is the benefit of shorter and shorter times for quizzes?
The numbers are really wrong according to Wikipedia and WorldoMeters. In one and a half year al lot of European citizens were born, so maybe you should change al the numbers...
Turkey has an island that is considered to be part of Europe, and Russia is also considered to be part of both. Russia is pretty confusing, but is more notably part of Europe.
Russia- Is More in Asia than Europe but is still more European.
Turkey- Is More is Asia than Europe.
Cyprus- Completely in Europe but is technically Asia.
Greenland- Part of a European country but is on the North American tectonic plate.
Azerbaijan- Entirely in Asia IDK what the confusion is on it
Georgia- Entirely in Asia IDK what the confusion is on it
Armenia- Entirely in Asia IDK what the confusion is on it
Kazakhstan- Entirely in Asia IDK what the confusion is on it
Well not quite, but you get my point. Geographically Cyprus is Asian, culturally and politically the South is European
If you're going to include Russia, you need to include Turkey and Kazakhstan as well, at least partly
Kazakhstan is only part of Asia, not Europe.