Curious about the answer to "most languages spoken". What's the criteria? Because I have to imagine there are more unique languages spoken in "melting pot" countries like the USA.
How about India? It has a lot of native languages. About how many people need to speak a language for it to be counted as a language for a language quiz?
The United States is actually fairly unique in that aspect. It is a massive country with cultures from all around the world. While countries in Africa and Southern Asia have a large number of languages due geographic isolation and the presence of tribal society, the number of languages in the United States is due to the immigrant presence in the United States.
The comment said "in 'melting pot' countries *like* the USA," as in "here's one example of a larger group." I swear, some of you people are pathological. You see any comment, however innocuous, that kinda sorta compliments the US, and you need to drop in to remind everyone that, in fact, other countries are better. Yeesh.
Agreed that this quiz should accept United States of America as an answer. Quiz should not be a test of the variant of the name that JetPunk uses. The other comments indicate why excluding USA is a counterintuitive and poor choice here:
Jetpunk commonly accepts DRC as the acronym for Democratic Republic of the Congo; and this quiz would accept either answer for the "vowels" question.
Jetpunk commonly accepts USA as the acronym for United States of America; but because the "Jetpunk name" of the country is just "United States" (which doesn't match the acronym, and shame on Jetpunk for that), this quiz doesn't accept either answer.
Quizzes shouldn't be about syntax questing, they should be about knowledge. United States of America should be an accepted answer. Use some other standard than "Jetpunk name".
Can you really not be bothered to type two more letters. Is this really how lazy we are now? It’s not like you’d even do it on a timed quiz. It probably takes .01 seconds to write the extra -ia. Fair enough for KSA for Saudi Arabia or NZ for New Zealand but that is straight up lazy!
Look up the list of the most diverse countries and these are usually in Africa in fact.
It clearly says "different vowels" ;)
Jetpunk commonly accepts DRC as the acronym for Democratic Republic of the Congo; and this quiz would accept either answer for the "vowels" question.
Jetpunk commonly accepts USA as the acronym for United States of America; but because the "Jetpunk name" of the country is just "United States" (which doesn't match the acronym, and shame on Jetpunk for that), this quiz doesn't accept either answer.
Quizzes shouldn't be about syntax questing, they should be about knowledge. United States of America should be an accepted answer. Use some other standard than "Jetpunk name".
seems to take forever and so many vowels that can go in the wrong place ;).
Obviously I am exaggerating a bit, but it ís the only one which I wish was shorter/had an abbreviation
(And yes that is including the ones that are longer, they just flow better, I never use png, always type
papua new guinea btw)
MIght I suggest Sa-Ar as an abbreviation? :) Or S-Ar(a)