
Countries that Beat Indonesia

For each selected category, name any of the countries that ranks higher than Indonesia.
Answer must correspond to the highlighted box
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: September 6, 2022
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First submittedApril 22, 2020
Times taken33,571
Average score76.5%
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Most populous country ending in "IA"
Most coastline
Canada | Russia | United States
Geographically closest to Australia
Papua New Guinea
Most populous capital city
*urban area population
Japan | India
Largest by land area among countries that
lie on the Equator
Brazil | D. R. Congo
Most average precipitation
Colombia | São Tomé and Príncipe | Papua New Guinea |
Solomon Islands | Panama | Costa Rica | Malaysia | Brunei
Geographically closest to Vietnam
Cambodia | China | Laos | Thailand | Myanmar | Malaysia
Most malaria deaths (outside of Africa)
India | Papua New Guinea | Yemen
Most islands over 10,000 km2 in size
Greatest number of venomous animal species
Mexico | Brazil | Australia | India
Most recent 9.0 earthquake
Most forest land lost since 1990
Most emigrants who live in the Netherlands
Turkey | Morocco
9 (t)
Whitest flag
Cyprus | Afghanistan | Japan | South Korea | Georgia |
Israel | Finland | Singapore
Greatest number of languages spoken
Papua New Guinea
Most-visited country by Australians
New Zealand
5 (t)
Greatest number of different vowels
in its official JetPunk name
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Dominican Republic |
Equatorial Guinea | Mozambique
Level 92
Apr 23, 2020
Curious about the answer to "most languages spoken". What's the criteria? Because I have to imagine there are more unique languages spoken in "melting pot" countries like the USA.
Level ∞
Apr 23, 2020
Countries like PNG, Indonesia, and Vanuatu have little pockets of indigenous people who speak their own language.
Level 71
Apr 23, 2020
PNG has over 800. Just including native languages, the US has roughly 100 something.
Level 73
Apr 25, 2020
How about India? It has a lot of native languages. About how many people need to speak a language for it to be counted as a language for a language quiz?
Level 72
Jan 27, 2025
India has around 500 indigenous languages.
Level 71
Apr 25, 2020
It's debatable which country has the most, India would probably be in the top 5.
Level 42
Dec 30, 2021
Well, looking at the least, I think it's about the number of native languages spoken in each country.
Level 67
Sep 25, 2022
USA is not unique for its so-called "melting pot" nature.

Look up the list of the most diverse countries and these are usually in Africa in fact.

Level 83
Sep 25, 2022
The United States is actually fairly unique in that aspect. It is a massive country with cultures from all around the world. While countries in Africa and Southern Asia have a large number of languages due geographic isolation and the presence of tribal society, the number of languages in the United States is due to the immigrant presence in the United States.
Level 67
Sep 25, 2022
The comment said "in 'melting pot' countries *like* the USA," as in "here's one example of a larger group." I swear, some of you people are pathological. You see any comment, however innocuous, that kinda sorta compliments the US, and you need to drop in to remind everyone that, in fact, other countries are better. Yeesh.
Level 88
Apr 24, 2020
Papua new Guinea clearly has more vowels than Indonesia.
Level 72
Apr 24, 2020
More? a u e i, for Papua New Guinea and i o e a for Indonesia, 4 for both

It clearly says "different vowels" ;)

Level 36
Jun 28, 2020
"United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" (the official name for the country) has 5 vowels
Level 57
Jun 28, 2020
@alsion it said official jet punk names so it would just be United Kingdom (e, i, o, u)
Level 73
May 7, 2020
United States of America?


Level 69
Jun 17, 2020
The official JetPunk name is just USA.
Level 70
Jun 27, 2020
No, it is United States.
Level 61
Feb 5, 2024
Agreed that this quiz should accept United States of America as an answer. Quiz should not be a test of the variant of the name that JetPunk uses. The other comments indicate why excluding USA is a counterintuitive and poor choice here:

Jetpunk commonly accepts DRC as the acronym for Democratic Republic of the Congo; and this quiz would accept either answer for the "vowels" question.

Jetpunk commonly accepts USA as the acronym for United States of America; but because the "Jetpunk name" of the country is just "United States" (which doesn't match the acronym, and shame on Jetpunk for that), this quiz doesn't accept either answer.

Quizzes shouldn't be about syntax questing, they should be about knowledge. United States of America should be an accepted answer. Use some other standard than "Jetpunk name".

Level 51
Jun 19, 2020
Can you accept Ind for India?
Level 29
Jun 27, 2020
Can you really not be bothered to type two more letters. Is this really how lazy we are now? It’s not like you’d even do it on a timed quiz. It probably takes .01 seconds to write the extra -ia. Fair enough for KSA for Saudi Arabia or NZ for New Zealand but that is straight up lazy!
Level 72
Jun 28, 2020
Everytime I need to type the total length of saudi arabia in a timed quiz, I sigh.. and time stands still, It

seems to take forever and so many vowels that can go in the wrong place ;).

Obviously I am exaggerating a bit, but it ís the only one which I wish was shorter/had an abbreviation

(And yes that is including the ones that are longer, they just flow better, I never use png, always type

papua new guinea btw)

MIght I suggest Sa-Ar as an abbreviation? :) Or S-Ar(a)

Level 56
Jun 26, 2022
Just type KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Level 65
Jun 27, 2020
I was confused when 'France' didn't work for whitest flag
Level 36
Jun 28, 2020
Indonesian flag is 50% white, French flag is only 33% white
Level 67
Jun 28, 2020
I believe it's a joke regarding the French's supposed penchant for surrender.
Level 44
Oct 10, 2021
Indonesia is tied with Monaco and Poland
Level 78
Jun 28, 2020
I don't think I ever played a quiz on here where 'Papua New Guinea' is a correct answer to so many questions!
Level 72
Jun 28, 2020
Yea I noticed it too
Level 56
Jun 26, 2022
Some countries pop up repeatedly in these quizzes so it's etched in my memory now to type countries like Papua New Guinea, Brazil, etc
Level 75
Jun 28, 2020
100% great quiz, would nominate if it weren't your quiz XD
Level 57
Jun 30, 2020
Sobering to see that little Papua New Guinea has more malaria deaths than its enormous neighbour does.
Level 78
Jul 14, 2020
In the last question: doesn't Papua New Guinea have more vowels that Indonesia?
Level 61
Nov 5, 2020
It says different vowels
Level 79
Dec 4, 2021
I think the whitest flag question needs to be updated to include Afghanistan.
Level ∞
Sep 6, 2022
Level 82
Sep 26, 2022
Fun quiz! I like this format.
Level 50
Sep 27, 2022
nothing beats indonesia for the category awesomest country