Rank | Category | Countries | % Correct |
7 | Greatest number of native Arabic speakers | Egypt | Algeria | Sudan | Iraq | Yemen | Morocco | 99%
4 | Tallest building | United Arab Emirates | Malaysia | China | 97%
4 | Westernmost country in Asia | Turkey | Cyprus | Israel | 96%
8 | Hottest-ever recorded temperature | United States | Kuwait | Iraq | Iran | Pakistan | China | United Arab Emirates | 95%
5 | Most populous country starting with S | South Africa | South Korea | Sudan | Spain | 93%
9 (t) | Highest HDI in Asia * HDI measures health, education, and income | Singapore | United Arab Emirates | South Korea | Taiwan | Japan | Israel | Cyprus | Bahrain | 92%
2 | Highest crude oil production (2023) | United States | 92%
4 | Largest by land area among countries that lie on the Tropic of Cancer | China | India | Algeria | 91%
22 | Active military troops per capita | North Korea | Eritrea | Ukraine | Israel | South Sudan | Brunei | Armenia | Greece | Azerbaijan | Oman | Cyprus | Djibouti | Sri Lanka | Lebanon | South Korea | Jordan | Russia | Syria | Singapore | Cambodia | Taiwan | 90%
4 | Most executions (2023) | China | North Korea | Iran | 88%
8 | Least precipitation | Egypt | Libya | Oman | United Arab Emirates | Qatar | Bahrain | Algeria | 88%
5 | Largest sovereign wealth fund | China | Singapore | United Arab Emirates | Norway | 83%
11 | Most immigrants per capita (2019) * not necessarily citizens | Vatican City | United Arab Emirates | Qatar | Kuwait | Monaco | Liechtenstein | Andorra | Luxembourg | Oman | Bahrain | 80%
2 | Most proven oil reserves | Venezuela | 75%
2 | Greatest amount of area with a desert biome | Australia | 56%
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