I'm curious how many hits we get from China. I don't know if it's accurate but I just checked on some website to see if Jetpunk was blocked there already and it says that it is not.
I am in China now. China only blocks very few websites but they are the most popular ones, like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia. Official websites of Taiwanese Government are also banned. But small websites like Jetpunk are not big enough to be banned.
Thanks, Quizmaster for generating a quiz that has, in turn, generated a fascinating and amusing collection of comments over more than 5 years discussing marvelously trivial (and not so trivial) facts and di minimis data. Interesting, witty, and courteous chat. Fun to read.
Could Trinidad & Tobago be accepted as TAT? That would go a bit faster, because I was not really great in time the first time I tried this quiz and struggled getting Trinidad & Tobago in time.
I feel like The Gambia's official name is The Gambia, which starts with T. But perhaps I am wrong. "According to the CIA World Factbook, the US Department of State, the Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World and the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use, the Gambia is one of only two countries whose self-standing short name for official use should begin with the word "The" (the other one being The Bahamas)." Wikipedia Thank you for the excellent quiz.
Aghhhh TAIWAN!!!! although Taiwan is technicality apart of china not a county but then Taiwan is a country so.......AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH why is china making everything so HARD
Technically, the country's official name is the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. And the conventional short form is The Bahamas. The Bahamas starts with a T and should be included here. Bahamas is not a country. The Bahamas is.
it has official relations with 14 countries and unofficial relations with many more, including the US and Japan vowing to protect it in the event of a Chinese invasion. it has complete border control and governs itself, too. By every metric it is a country, regardless of whether other countries officially recognize it as so. Also, many, if not most countries that do not recognize it only to so because they want to trade with the peoples republic of china. it is not a part of china nor is it an autonomous region of china.
Countries that recognize Taiwan: Belize, Guatemala, Haiti, Vatican City, Honduras, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Paraguay, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tuvalu. So we live in a world where it only takes 13 countries to recognize it to become a country? LMFAO If it is a country, why doesn't the US or the United Nations recognize it???
It's not about the countries that recognize it or not - if every country recognized the Republic of the Pacific Ocean, it's still not really a country.
And to answer your second question: politics.
De-jure it is far from being a country (although not too far), but de-facto see FloodedHouse's post.
Like a few others have said...The Gambia and The Bahamas SHOULD be on this list as that is their official names. Many people mistakenly just call them Bahamas and Gambia and leave the THE out.
The Chinese government will threaten to block your site.
I need more support. I make quizzes regularly
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it has official relations with 14 countries and unofficial relations with many more, including the US and Japan vowing to protect it in the event of a Chinese invasion. it has complete border control and governs itself, too. By every metric it is a country, regardless of whether other countries officially recognize it as so. Also, many, if not most countries that do not recognize it only to so because they want to trade with the peoples republic of china. it is not a part of china nor is it an autonomous region of china.
And to answer your second question: politics.
De-jure it is far from being a country (although not too far), but de-facto see FloodedHouse's post.
East Timor is the English translation of it.
Just like you call Türkiye Turkey and Bharat India