I has an extremely high human population giving the carrying capacity of the land. Upwards of 95% of the forest has been cleared since the 1950s and poor agricultural practices have all but destroyed the topsoil in most of the country unfortunately
Ok, sure. But that's neither here nor there. For the purposes of the quiz and determining the tourist-to-population ratio, we're only really interested in whether the population is high or low. And perhaps same for population density.
The reasons why that might be the case are entirely irrelevant to this quiz and discussion.
I bet a lot more go to the Sahara and the Serengeti and Kilimanjaro than go to the war-torn failed states that are given due to lack of info.
This isn't a very fulfilling quiz TBH, since the major countries you expect to see on the list can't be included on the list. Not much that can be done about it, that's just how it is...
And at one point, the tourist ministry (which issues required permits) told me I was the only tourist currently in Equatorial Guinea. (It does have foreign oilfield workers, though.)
Sure, but the only tourist is still quite remarkable. I mean I don't think there are 0 tourist in countries like Yemen or Afghanistan right now. So 0 in Equatorial Guinea seems off.
Seven years ago, when you arrived, you were immediately force-transported to the ministry to get your permit, signed by the minister himself, and where I was told I was the only one, since "the Slovakian guy left yesterday." Getting a tourist visa was near-impossible in those days, except for Americans, for whom Rex Tillerson (Exxon chairman, running EG's oilfields) negotiated a visa exemption. I've heard they opened up somewhat last year, however.
I went to Moldova expecting to like it there but... gotta admit it was boring as heck. Drove around Chisinau several nights looking for something, anything, to do and often all I would find were some guys sitting outside a gas station in plastic chairs. But Belarus wasn't that bad. I know it's the 2nd hardest place in Europe to get a visa to (after Russia), but I enjoyed my time there. Pretty sad that they can't even beat Somalia, Yemen, Syria or Iraq...
If you arrive and depart from the Minsk Airport and have travel insurance that covers Belarus, it's possible to stay there for five days without a visa. I think you can stay longer if you are a citizen of certain countries (mostly former CIS and Middle East). Also, the last I checked, there were no border formalities whatsoever between Belarus and Russia, so I don't think the visa regime can be the major cause for a low number of tourists.
Just a note that "no border formalities" in this case means that foreigners generally aren't allowed to cross the border between Belarus and Russia (except flying apparently if you have both valid visas), because you absolutely need a stamp when entering and exiting each country.
I went to Belarus few months ago and didn't need a visa to enter the country (remained less the 5 days limit for visa-less entry)...The only administrative demand from the country's administration was to register to their national health insurance for the duration of my stay, registration at Minsk airport. Otherwise, I must say I also enjoyed my stay there.
On the latest date, there are more than 1M tourist a year in Madagascar, which I happen to live. Although it's not a lot for a 30M people country, it's definitely bigger than what is written here.
AND I advise everybody to come and visit here! Its a wondeful and unique place.
You are preaching to the converted, my sister has been there many times as part of her job with the World Bank. She says it is extremely beautiful and loves going there. CAR on the other hand, (scatology centre).
Madagascar had 257,000 visitors in 2018 according to the UNWTO. Keep in mind that it's an island, which probably explains why such an interesting country is on this list.
Last month I've been there for 9 days and I can't talk about say Indians, but I saw perhaps 8 Western-looking people - more than I expected. But considering the 100000 Bangladeshis I could have met in the streets, it certainly is not much...
Exciting! It's somewhat disappointing to see it so low. I know it's not a country that gets a lot of positive publicity, and it certainly isn't the most ideal or exciting place to visit, but there are some areas that are truly beautiful, especially in the countryside. There are also plenty of historical sites to visit, and it's certainly much safer to visit than many of the other countries on this list.
(To be fair though, population probably has a lot to do with it. I'm guessing Bangladesh would fare better than many countries on this list if it were based on absolute numbers of tourists)
To Quizmaster. Ok my wife is Indian (I am ethnically English) which may make a difference but you must go to India. The chances of gastric problems are tiny if you take the right precautions. Dont drink any water except sealed bottled. Dont eat fruit, be sensible where you eat and dont have ice in drinks. Get the right shots and you will be fine. India is a fantastic place to visit. I go two or three times a year all over the country both in the big cities and the country. It is super safe and full of interest and charm and you will find little difficulty finding someone who speaks English. Also the infrastructure, cleanliness etc has improved dramatically since my first visit in the 90s. I dont know about US citizens but as a Brit I can get a multiple entry tourist visa online in 2 days for minimal cost
You shouldn't eat (raw) fruit in India because it was likely washed in non-potable water. Indians can eat it because their digestive system is adjusted to the bacteria, but foreigners shouldn't. You also shouldn't consume raw vegetables and tap water (incl. ice cubes). This is the case for all countries which don't have potable water, which is most of Asia, Africa, and South America.
I think Vatican dwarfs every other country, though it's obviously helped by Italy holding all the infrastructure. Fewer than 1000 residents while millions visit it every year.
The reasons why that might be the case are entirely irrelevant to this quiz and discussion.
This isn't a very fulfilling quiz TBH, since the major countries you expect to see on the list can't be included on the list. Not much that can be done about it, that's just how it is...
First sentence: "Equatorial Guinea is known for human rights abuses."
AND I advise everybody to come and visit here! Its a wondeful and unique place.
(To be fair though, population probably has a lot to do with it. I'm guessing Bangladesh would fare better than many countries on this list if it were based on absolute numbers of tourists)