Interesting quiz idea. Those are some amazing statistics even for the countries at the bottom of this scale in my opinion. Monaco's is just mind blowing. 3.3 billion dollars per square km?!
Yeah, that's actually a really interesting case--since Monaco's total area is about 7/9 of a square mile, their GDP/SqMi is actually more than their GDP.
yes interesting indeed, though I think after the 3rd answer or something I was allready thinking per capita and no per km² haha, might have gotten the last four I missed (which were the last 4 of the stats aswell)
It is only 0,44km² so a few hunderd meter by a few hunderd meter. They have a gift shop, but I suppose that money goes to the church and the uphold of the buildings and not to any of the indviduals that live there (which for 95% are clergy or part of the swiss guard)
Right. Area includes only land. Even if one included only the lagoons within atolls (rather than Exclusive Economic Zones), it would be far down the list. And without all that water, there'd be no tourism, no fishing, and far less income.
I guessed Brunei too, I wonder if it is because the wealth is focused in one household and the rest of the people are dirt poor? Amazed to see Malta made the list, just started guessing small industrialized countries. Very good quiz, makes you really think. I hope there are more.
Brunei has the 5th highest per capita GDP in the world, so that's certainly not the problem. The issue is that it is too sparsely populated - only ranked 142 in the world for population density. The populace is extremely wealthy, but relatively spread out (compared to the rest of this list).
@findlay that doesnt make much sense. If they were more populated, they would score lower per capita (because it means per person, more people means it gets divided by a bigger number) and spread out or lumped together doesnt matter either. In this case the amount of people and how and where they live does not mattter at all. Just the area of the country.
I also guessed Brunei, mostly because I keep confusing it with Bahrain. I can't tell which is which, both small and rather rich countries that start with b...
interesting to see uk on the list, but actually most of the wealth generated is in the south-east and london. Those two combined would be $61M/km^2 (using GVA) and london on its own would be $208M/km^2. New York's $1.4Tn translates to a ratio of $1154M/km^2. Even in that context Monaco really is high. Is there a version of this for metropolitan areas?
The UAE has a considerably larger are than the gulf states on this list, and with about 10 million inhabitants also a lower population density. If they had Qatar's crazy GDP per capita, they might have made the list.
Ireland has a very low population density compared for example to the UK. Its GDP per capita would need to be within the region of maybe 7 or 8 times higher than the UK's to get on here. Ireland's GDP per capita is higher than the UK's, but not that much higher.
Welcome to now re-memorizing Franaco. Capital city: Princess Grace Avenue. Flag: chequered red/white/blue. Ruler: Albert II.
Enjoy Belgiburg, Switzerstein, Poliningrad, and the rest.
The real debate will begin when jetpunk users must decide what size will be the cutoff. And who merges with Kosovo, FYROM NM, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Taiwan, etc.
It is not because of Greenland, only looking at the mainland would give a number around 8 mio $ / square km. Denmark has a way to low population density to be on this list, only half the density of Germany or UK and like four times lower than the Netherlands
Ireland is approaching the highest GDP per capita on earth in 2021 - it should factor somewhere here, especially with the UK making the list. Brunei should also probably be here as well.
Welcome to now re-memorizing Franaco. Capital city: Princess Grace Avenue. Flag: chequered red/white/blue. Ruler: Albert II.
Enjoy Belgiburg, Switzerstein, Poliningrad, and the rest.
The real debate will begin when jetpunk users must decide what size will be the cutoff. And who merges with Kosovo, FYROM NM, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Taiwan, etc.
Kuwait is even below Germany.