Plus not all of it would be able to drain by the next day, continuing getting higher everyday for a year. A kilometre would destroy like everything but it wouldn't make the island almost uninhabitable for an entire year. Plus it would drain a lot faster (comparatively) because it isn't continuing to pour
Regional particulars acknowledged, I was still surprised to see Australia above Congo, Colombia, and India. I wonder how average precipitation levels are calculated. Average of all weather stations? If so, some types of places will be over-represented and others under-represented.
One thing I didn't point out in my previous comment that is probably pertinent is that Australian desert isn't particularly dry by world standards. So while Australia may have more desert than any other country, much of that desert is still recording 200mm+ per annum, whereas much of the Atacama or Sahara is getting less 10mm per annum. I think this fact, plus the sheer size of the country, plus the exceedingly wet parts mentioned above combine to mean Australia makes it onto this quiz. It's worth noting that when adjusting for area, Australia is the driest country on this list only getting about a sixth of the rain per km2 of the wettest country, which is PNG (which incidentally is immediately adjacent to the aforementioned Far North Queensland).
I am surprised Chile is there, every time you see a documentary on the place they always show these arid deserts all over. Also surprised not to see Philippines or Malaysia or Vietnam which are humid tropical rain-forests.
I didn't even think to guess Australia because of how high a percentage of its total surface area desert is. I mean, sure, I thought about it for a second, but thought to myself "Nah". Would it have hurt to try so that I could have gotten 20/20? Hmm... What happens to all that water, though? Where does it all go? Just out into the ocean?
Australia is a massive country, though, and there are many parts of the north that receives too much rain (hence deemed unfavorable by colonial settlers).
3:07 used, interesting how a lot of these you wouldn't immediately think of as receiving a lot of rain but simply because of the size of the country they're on the list
great quiz! Interesting that many countries on the list are there for the great area they have. A similar quiz comparing rain per km² would be great as well
took me awhile to catch on that it was rain over the entirety of the country and not just the average rainfall, that of course required the specialized skill of...READING.
Close to Turkey or Pakistan.
3/4 the size of Bolivia. Twice as big as the next-largest SA country, Paraguay.
Peru was a similar surprise; #19. Similar to Chad or Niger
Surely enough its one of two countries i miss.