
Countries with the Most Winter Olympics Medals

Name the countries on top of the all-time medal table for the Winter Olympics.
Through the 2022 games
Some of these countries no longer exist
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: February 21, 2022
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First submittedAugust 12, 2012
Times taken153,299
Average score84.2%
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United States
Germany / West Germany
Soviet Union / Unified Team
East Germany
South Korea
Great Britain
Czech Republic
Level ∞
Feb 21, 2022
Note: Russia's total includes the "Russian Olympic Committee" and "Olympic Athletes from Russia".
Level 81
Feb 27, 2018
Super easy
Level 49
Dec 22, 2018
Missed only switzerland.
Level 22
Jun 28, 2023
i missed only austria
Level 20
Feb 27, 2018
east germany should count as germany
Level 68
Feb 27, 2018
Except it shouldn't. There's gotta be a copy pasta that Quizmaster has for this by now, so Imma let him do dat. :-)
Level 63
Nov 11, 2019
agreed. I didn't type 'west germany' but it gave me credit for it when i typed plain old Germany. needs to be consistent across the board.
Level 71
Nov 15, 2019
It is consistent.

West Germany = Germany = Federal Republic of Germany.

East Germany = German Democratic Republic.

East Germany was a separate country that no longer exists.

Level 57
Nov 12, 2020
It's not about the country as such, though, is it? It's about the people. The people who won those medals for East Germany were from places which are now (and were previously) part of Germany, and those who are still alive are German citizens.
Level 77
Jul 16, 2021
I agree with JonOfKent's argument. The same should apply for Russia/USSR. Of course, this would mean the US dropping to 4th place and being beaten by the ruskies. Can't have that.
Level 63
Aug 10, 2021
So Russia should get all the medals of USSR? What about the other republics? And should medals won by Prussians before WWII be counted for Poland or Russia, instead of Germany?
Level 73
Jan 26, 2022
This is quite simple: the German Olympic comitee exists continuous since 1895. It was the same before, during and after the cold war. The East German Olympic comitee was a totally new entitee founded in 1951 and disbanded in 1990. That is why West Germany and Germany are together, East Germany isn't, and IOC uses it that way in their statistics.
Level 26
Jan 11, 2024
Valid argument, although I believe that Germany was divided by foreign powers and most defenitely not by the people. The East German winners nowdays and most likely back then identified with Germany and won the medals as Germans. The UdSSR had multiple supressed ethnicities and can not be fully considered as russian medals.
Level 84
Feb 27, 2018
Usually Czechia works for Czech republic, you could add that as an answer.
Level 68
Feb 27, 2018
It worked for me.
Level 45
Mar 3, 2018
Got eveything except... Russia *facepalm*
Level 55
Apr 5, 2018
I would have thought that either Czechoslovakia or Yugoslavia would have showed up. Didn't Sarajevo host the 1984 Winter Olympics?
Level 87
Apr 6, 2018
Yes, but it doesn't mean that their athletes were terribly outstanding. In fact, they won only one medal during those Olympics.
Level 53
Feb 26, 2022
They sure did!
Level 66
Apr 6, 2018
ROK should work for South Korea
Level 67
Apr 6, 2018
Amazing that Czechia scored 31 medals since 1994 while the ČSSR (which I still think should work as a type-in) only scored 25 from 1928 to 1990.
Level 63
Oct 2, 2020
CSSR was only the name of the communist republic, before that Czechoslovakia wasn't communist.
Level 64
Apr 6, 2018
Level 86
Apr 8, 2018
Interesting to note; of the 130 medals, the Netherlands won 121 in long track speed skating and another 5 in short track speed skating.
Level 81
Feb 27, 2022
So they're good at speed skating. Not that many mountains in the Netherlands; hard to train in some of these other sports.
Level 56
Apr 8, 2018
russia and urss should count as one
Level 43
Apr 14, 2018
I don't know, I've never heard of the URSS.
Level 50
Sep 3, 2020
We say urss in french and spanish i believe
Level 62
Dec 13, 2020
Polish it would be ZSRR even, directly translated = USRR
Level 81
Feb 25, 2022
I've heard of ROUS's
Level 94
Mar 30, 2022
as you wish
Level 59
Apr 19, 2018
Only one I didn't get was USA! I cant even begin to think how that could have happened!
Level 78
Aug 27, 2018
Probably because the USA are better known for their prowess in the Summer Olympics. Interesting, though, that USA still shows up at 100%, so your fail hasn't made much of a splash.
Level 46
Mar 20, 2022
yeah, ALWAYS try USA on quizzes, except, you know on select quizzes away from the generalization of the world.
Level 69
Aug 7, 2018
If the East Germany medals would be considered as Germany/West Germany medals it would be the country with most medals ever.
Level 81
Aug 27, 2018
Yeah except that if you could all medal won by the United States, USSR, and Norway as medals won by Zimbabwe then Zimbabwe would be #1 and it would make the same amount of sense.
Level 81
Aug 27, 2018
could all medal = count all medals
Level 58
May 19, 2020
East and west germany are now the same country. The usa finland and zimbabwe aren't.
Level 81
Jul 2, 2020
East Germany no longer exists. It's not part of any country. West Germany did not win those medals, just as Zimbabwe did not win any of the medals previously won by the USSR.
Level 57
Nov 1, 2020
East Germany didn't win these medals but their athletes did and these people are German citizens living in Germany nowadays (if they're still alive that is). Sure you could argue that it would be unfair to count both east and west German medals as medals won by Germany because many of these medals were won by east and west Germans in the exact same disciplines (especially if there's a limit on how many athletes from one country are allowed or if it's a team discipline where only 1 team per country is participating). Still that doesn't change the fact that these athletes were Germans and it's a completely different situation with countries like the Soviet Union because they didn't have only Russians winning their medals but also athletes from other soviet republics like Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia etc.
Level 81
Jul 27, 2021
it's not different. You just want it to be. If a Chinese olympiad moved to Boston and gained American citizenship, his medals wouldn't then be won by the United States.
Level 69
Nov 8, 2020
There's this pesky concept of "successor states", which is universally accepted by everyone except kalbahamut when it's convenient for the USA. Of course East German medals should count for Germany, just as Soviet Union medals should count for Russia.
Level 81
Aug 10, 2021
yeah except it's not. dg, projecting and being embarrassingly hypocritical as always, making statements that are objectively false and disproven easily in a matter of a few seconds of googling or a split second of thinking about it, accusing others of traits and bias he is himself guilty of.
Level 70
Jun 28, 2024
I think the calculations are adjusted so USA can be higher up the table.
Level 47
Mar 19, 2019
Level 39
Nov 11, 2019
Seriously impressive of tiny Norway!
Level 34
Jun 3, 2020
Norway isn't exactly tiny. Look at Vatican.
Level 79
Feb 9, 2021
Norway is 118th in the world in terms of population. Vatican has 0 medals. Norway has more than other countries of similar climate that have significantly larger populations.
Level 71
Jul 23, 2021
Plus Norway has more than the US, which is waaay bigger by both size and population and is similar in terms of development. This isn't to mention the fact that the US is usually considered to have the best sports programs in the world (I mean, we absolutely dominate the Summer Olympics) and has many regions with the perfect climate for winter sports training.

No matter how you look at it, Norway's tally is pretty mind-boggling.

Level 40
Jun 24, 2022
Norway is not tiny. Get an atlas. Oy vey.
Level 45
Nov 29, 2019
I was wondering what could be these 2 big countries I was missing... And then I saw it : "some countries NO LONGER exist"
Level 51
Dec 30, 2019
Got everything except the Netherlands!
Level 81
Feb 21, 2020
Missed East Germany, but only cos I had it in my head I'd already tried it. I was at the stage of typing in increasingly, wildly, improbable answers.
Level 69
Nov 8, 2020
Also because everybody (except a few Americans when it's convenient) counts East German medals as German medals.
Level 81
Jul 27, 2021
by "everyone" dg of course means only himself and a small handful of biased/bigoted dullards suffering an obnoxious inferiority complex. As demonstrated here since the commenter being responded to states plainly he only missed the obvious answer because he thought he had already tried it. Sort of like replying to someone saying that he likes hamburgers with some condescending retort stating "you're only saying that because everybody hates hamburgers." ... the reply is preemptively refuted by the comment being responded to.
Level 73
Jan 26, 2022
IOC doesn't. I think they have some legitimity in Olympic statistics
Level 66
Apr 7, 2020
It's embarassing I didn't guess the Czech Republic - my homeland. I just didn't really expect it would be on the list.
Level 47
Jul 15, 2020
That's the last one I got, and I live in Slovakia
Level 51
Jan 26, 2021
I managed to guess East Germany but not Canada🤣
Level 26
Jun 7, 2021
according to wikipedia, germany leads the list

Level 81
Aug 10, 2021
That's German Wikipedia. Unsurprisingly. Where they take a ridiculous invented concept that uniquely advantages them and disadvantages every single other country in the world and just run with it as if it were what everyone accepted. The main Wikipedia page takes a much more neutral stance, even though it devotes more page space than it should to this silly concept of successor states that in the past could field multiple teams and gain medals with both of them. The English-language US-based site presents all sides to this plainly and matter-of-factly. The German side does not. No wonder people from German-speaking countries have such a buggered and myopic view of things, while believing that others who aren't are guilty of the same sins. Unfortunate.
Level 35
Jun 18, 2021
Level 65
Dec 21, 2021
Level 64
Nov 6, 2022
Level 74
Sep 4, 2021
Another enjoyable quiz. I like these ones that feature some countries that no longer exist. Thanks a lot.
Level 55
Feb 21, 2022
An update is needed to include Beijing!
Level 62
Feb 25, 2022
Russia should not include R.O.C. and "Olympic Athletes from Russia".

If they were called that way it's because Russia as a state cheated with doping people.

It is fair to take that into consideration and remove what they earned under any flag but Russia ones.

I hardly recommand that Russia incudes only Russia and neither R.O.C nor O.A.R.

Level 78
Feb 25, 2022
Is there a reason why the United Kingdom appears as Great Britain?
Level 62
Feb 25, 2022
It is always called that way during O.G. I don't know why...
Level 43
Feb 25, 2022
Iceland has failed to live up to its name in these games
Level 61
Feb 25, 2022
If you are gonna do it this way, you should add the united german teams medals to the germany/west germany medal count...
Level 70
Oct 24, 2022
i feel like berlin should work as a type in for east germany because its often referred to as that. But of course thats gonna trigger all the people that will be like "Well in that case, why dont we rename France to Paris!?!??!"
Level 34
Dec 16, 2022
Missed France and Russia. Im so stupid
Level 34
Dec 16, 2022
Got everything besides France and Russia. bruh
Level 48
Feb 28, 2023
Missed only Czech Republic
Level 67
Feb 2, 2024
i almost missed russia...
Level 39
Jul 3, 2024
nice quizz
Level 22
Aug 12, 2024
West Germany, East Germany and Great Britain are not countries.
Level 22
Aug 12, 2024
Soviet Union is not too.
Level 70
Dec 8, 2024
GB should really work as a type in since at the Olympics the team is called "Team GB"