Same... must have typed it more than 10 times. Was so confused. Fortunately after wasting a lot of time on that one I did proceed to put countries again for the rest.
After I saw the answer for "Tallest Average Height" was the Netherlands I was stunned. It took me at least 2 minutes trying to figure out why that was wrong to understand that you wanted the tallest average height of the citizens and not the tallest average elevation, which would put the Netherlands close to the bottom.
At this point we can only assume the Dutch have evolved to be so tall in order to make up for the land being so low. It was the only way to even it out
Africa, America and Oceania (incl PNG) probably have a lot fewer languages spoken. The reason is a lot of those languages are actually dialects, but we haven't done enough research on the languages to determine which ones. Though, since we don't know for sure, let's consider the official estimates correct.
What is the source for highest people? According to Bosnia is just 'higher' than Netherlands, although I don't really understand the data as Netherlands appears at least 4 times.
Three of those four have been "self-reported" or "estimated". The lower one has been measured accurately. Mexico seems to a tad higher than Bosnia, but that's only central so you can't really rely on that.
Anecdotally, when I was in Bosnia, I do remember that everyone seemed particularly tall! Then again, so have all the Dutch people I've ever known. Maybe because I'm 4' 11". ;-) (Just kidding about that last part! I'm a reasonably-tall-for-woman 5' 7".)
I thought I typed in the wrong answer for that question but I should have typed Netherlands because it was the right answer
The question is worded exactly fine.
I knew I was taller than the average (of most countries), but hadnt expected to clear such a high %.
I thought Victoria and Baikal were larger than the Great Lakes too... Maybe this question needs a look.