Pods of whales sadly haven't come up as much in the news over the past few years... it's possible second-language speakers also didn't know the name in English
Please accept cashew apple (marañon, acajou) for a fruit that has its seed on the outside. It's commonly found throughout the Americas, although not in the USA.
Do you mean "fraternal"? Paternal twins would be, I don't know, twins who both become fathers. Anyway, "fraternal" shouldn't be an answer because the questions specifies monozygotic twins, which means they both originate from a single fertilized egg that splits into two separate embryos, and are thus genetically identical (well, nearly. It's complicated.) Fraternal twins are dizygotic twins, meaning they originate from two separate fertilized eggs that develop simultaneously, and thus are no more genetically similar than any other set of full siblings.