
Cyprus Country Quiz

Can you guess these facts about one of the most controversial countries on JetPunk?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: April 28, 2020
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First submittedApril 28, 2020
Times taken27,040
Average score70.0%
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Which two continents are closest to Cyprus, geographically?
* based on distance to the mainland
Capital of Cyprus
Official languages of Cyprus
A person from Italy is called an Italian. What do you call a person from Cyprus?
Country which owns the military bases of Akrotiri and Dhekelia
United Kingdom
General who conquered Cyprus in 333 BC
Alexander the Great
Empire which controlled Cyprus from 58 BC until the Crusades
Roman Empire /
Byzantine Empire
Crusading king who briefly conquered the island in 1191 AD
Richard the Lionheart
Empire that conquered the island in 1570 AD
Ottoman Empire
Unrecognized state, installed after the Turkish invasion of 1974, which controls the
northern part of the country
Northern Cyprus
Nickname for the UN buffer zone that separates the two parts of the country
Green Line
Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean. Which two islands are larger?
What is the tallest mountain on Cyprus?
* It has the same name as the tallest mountain in a different country
Mount Olympus
Branch of Christianity which is practiced by 78% of the population
Greek Orthodox
White vegetable in the Brassica family which is often thought to have come from Cyprus
Ancient goddess who was supposedly born from sea foam on the coast of Cyprus
Shakespeare play about a Moorish general which was set mostly on Cyprus
Level 66
Apr 28, 2020
Level 75
Apr 28, 2020
No, this quiz is too Asia-centric
Level 72
May 5, 2020

Ah ... that feels better :)

Level 57
Feb 6, 2023

Just kidding

Level 85
Apr 28, 2020
No Garo Yepremian question? The greatest QB in Super Bowl history, and not even a mention? :-)
Level 84
Apr 28, 2020
And loads of other famous people of Cypriot origin
Level 68
May 12, 2020
That’s not fair! One little mistake! :-P

Besides, he was Armenian, and I believe just happened to incidentally be born in Cyprus.

Level 92
Dec 4, 2020
Prior to his first preseason game, Garo had never worn a football helmet. In order to make him more comfortable they didn't put a facemask on the helmet (which wasn't required by the rule book yet) and told him that everytime he kicked to run straight off the field. So after his first kick, he ran immediately off the field to the other team's sideline. This worked for the first half of the season until they played the Packers and Ray Nitschke beat him to the sideline on a kick and punched him in the face. Garo added a single bar facemask to his helmet the next game and thus became the last player in the NFL to wear a helmet without a facemask.
Level 84
Apr 28, 2020
TRNC should be accepted
Level ∞
Apr 28, 2020
Level 59
Dec 4, 2020
It's an unrecognized state -- so providing the abbreviation only serves to further legitimize an inherently violent entity -- please reconsider.

For example, during the American Civil War, the Confederacy wasn't referred to as the "CSA" by the Union, but rather as the rebel states because their status was not legitimate. Language matters. thank you.

Level 58
Dec 7, 2020
shush, BlazingWinter. Abbreviations don't imply recognition of an entity.
Level ∞
Nov 23, 2023
Don't go out of your way to find ways to be offended.
Level 85
Jun 24, 2024
I now need a passport to enter the local YMCA
Level 45
Dec 22, 2023
Level 88
Apr 28, 2020
Q1: ANYTHING to keep Cyprus unassociated with Europe. :)
Level 78
Apr 30, 2020
Especially with that "distance to the mainland" trick :)
Level 75
Dec 5, 2020
Yeah a real trolling first question there!
Level 85
Apr 29, 2020
It should have a question about which element is named after the island because it was mined there a lot during Roman times. It's Copper from Greek Κύπριος and Roman cuprum.
Level 72
May 5, 2020
There is no "should" is it against the law without? will something go horrible wrong if it is not included? Is it a mandatory question that never ever should be omitted?

But it would be a nice addition.

Level 55
Jul 27, 2020
Level 81
Aug 4, 2020
so what have you got against nice things?
Level 59
Dec 4, 2020
unrelated-- who hurt you ?
Level 69
Jan 21, 2021
Ah yes, we all know the definition of "should" is "is against the law to not do"
Level 52
Jul 10, 2020
Just BTW Quizmaster, congrats on hitting 200,000,000 takes!
Level 80
Jul 16, 2020
Cyprus may be in Europe.
Level 59
Dec 4, 2020
it is
Level 67
Dec 4, 2020
it is not
Level 57
Dec 5, 2020
Generally it is considered European. However on Jetpunk, it is considered Asian due to being closer to Asia than Europe.
Level 74
Dec 22, 2023
The whole Asia/Europe divide is bonkers anyway. They are essentially one large continent, Eurasia.
Level 55
Oct 17, 2024
Cyprus is its own continent
Level 81
Aug 4, 2020
The rest was easy but had no idea about the line even though I crossed it a half dozen times in 2014. Tried dividing line, buffer (zone) line, and some other stuff. I don't remember it being green.
Level 89
Dec 22, 2023
Wikipedia and Oxford Reference have it as the Attila Line, no mention of a green line. Attila should be accepted imo
Level 55
Oct 12, 2020
I really dont think the first / second question should be here as a kindergartener could get it right. All someone has to do is name the seven continents.
Level 73
Oct 15, 2020
Sad to see that 2-3% of Jetpunkers have less than kindergarten-level education (or are too stubborn to answer questions that they think should have different answers).
Level 58
Dec 7, 2020
I think it's just to make fun of people saying Cyprus is in Europe
Level 59
May 20, 2022
I look at those questions as "gimmes". What's wrong with a little morale boost by getting 2 simple answers!?!?
Level 78
Nov 26, 2020
I mean, this is the only acceptable place to pull a "well, ackshually," so I'll just go ahead and say it: Brassica is technically a genus and not a family. The family is brassicaceae, but cauliflower is indeed in the genus brassica. Fun fact, cauliflower shares its SPECIES (Brassica oleracea) with cabbage, kale, kohlrabi, collard greens, and several other produce plants - each variety has just been genetically tortured by humans, which is why we can say all cauliflower definitely originated from just one country, because it was made, not evolved.
Level 89
Dec 4, 2020
I'll take this opportunity to plug my quiz on the cultivars of brassica oleracea. Anyone who has just read the above comment should do well!
Level 71
Apr 12, 2023
Level 62
Dec 4, 2020
Shouldn't the answer to the first question be Europe and Africa? Because Cyprus is a part of Asia , so asia can't be closest to itself. ;)
Level 91
Dec 4, 2020
Ah. Olympus makes sense. I kept trying other mountain names first.
Level 71
Dec 4, 2020
I've always considered cauliflower to be more yellow than white. I guess it you could say it's an off-white or a yellowish-white. Not trying to be nitpicky or change the question, just wanted to mention. Otherwise, great quiz!
Level 89
Dec 4, 2020
I'd consider it more white than anything else, but I've always thought it was a rather sickly shade. Very unappetizing to me.
Level 82
Dec 4, 2020
I misread "continents" as "countries" in the first question and was so frustrated after trying every country on the Mediterranean to no avail
Level 70
Dec 4, 2020
Thank god I'm not the only one!
Level 51
Dec 5, 2020
Wow didn't know the capital of Cyprus was Nicosia lol
Level 75
Feb 1, 2021
Accept Attila Line for Green Line? The Turkish military intervention was called Operation Attila, and that's the only name I've heard it called.
Level 64
Feb 8, 2021
Level 43
Mar 23, 2024
As a Turk Attila is name of the operation not the line.

We call 'Yeşil Hat' translated to 'Green Line'.

Level 49
Jun 10, 2022
There should be a question about what continent is Cyprus in!
Level 48
Jun 27, 2022
> Northern Cyprus

I should've just gone for it.

Level 51
Aug 6, 2022
cyprus isnt real
Level 81
Sep 6, 2022
Any reason why you added "AD" to two of the three 4-digit dates?
Level 63
Oct 9, 2022
Fun Fact: 5-Minute Crafts is Cypriot
Level 65
Dec 11, 2022
Last quiz before the Country Trivia badge!
Level 71
Feb 24, 2023
Actually did way better than I expected, 18/20, just forgot Cypriot and didn't know Olympus
Level 74
Dec 22, 2023
The question of who controlled the island from 58 BC to the crusades is not accurate. The Arabs conquered the island and ruled it (albeit without complete control) from 650 to 688, after which the island was ruled jointly as a condominium between the Caliphate and the Roman Empire for 300 years!
Level 28
May 15, 2024
oh aphrodite !! i couldn't recall her name