Question | Answer | % Correct |
The three geologic periods in which dinosaurs existed | Jurassic | 94%
Species of "Sue" - the most expensive dinosaur skeleton ever sold | Tyrannosaurus Rex | 85%
Dinosaur whose name is derived from the Greek words for "three", "horn", and "face" | Triceratops | 84%
Fictional dinosaur-like creature which destroyed Tokyo in a 1954 movie | Godzilla | 82%
Branch of science dealing with dinosaurs and other prehistoric fossils | {Paleo}ntology | 78%
Small type of dinosaur that was the primary antagonist in "Jurassic Park" | Velociraptor | 78%
Country where the greatest number of dinosaur fossils have been found | United States | 77%
Dinosaur well known for the upright bony plates on its back | {Steg}osaurus | 76%
Continent which contained nearly all the world's land mass 200 million years ago | Pangaea | 74%
The three geologic periods in which dinosaurs existed | Triassic | 74%
What that dinosaur had on its body in real life - but not in the movie | Feathers | 69%
Some dinosaurs did not go extinct and survive today. What do we call them? | Birds | 68%
The three geologic periods in which dinosaurs existed | Cretaceous | 65%
Peninsula where the Chicxulub asteroid landed - thought by many to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs | Yucatan Peninsula | 62%
Dinosaur whose name means "thunder lizard"? | {Bront}osaurus | 60%
When dinosaurs went extinct | {66} million years ago | 59%
Creatures which are commonly thought of as flying dinosaurs, although technically they weren't dinosaurs | {Pter}osaurs | 57%
Dinosaur that got its name because its teeth resemble those of an iguana | Iguanodon | 51%
Group of gigantic dinosaurs which included Brachiosaurus and Diplodocus | {Saur}opods | 43%
Dinosaur which some scientists consider to be the same as the above | {Apat}osaurus | 30%