I never understood why Mulan is in the category of "Disney PRINCESSES." She is an awesome warrior and hero, but she was neither born into royalty, nor did she marry into it. She was a farmer's daughter, was offered a political position in the Emperor's council, which she turned down and returned to her father's house, and the man she is implied to end up with is the son of a late general and a ranking military officer himself. All awesome positions, but none qualify her as a princess.
She performed a significant act of heroism which is part of the requirements or you could be born royal or marry royal which the other 10 do so the act of heroism was written for Mulan to become a disney princess
I'm just glad you didn't put who everyone thinks should be called a Disney princes: the so called "emo", Kylo Ren. Why is he even labeled a crybaby? He took a shot from chewie's weapon, fought Rey in the freezing cold while Starkiller Base was falling apart........Need I go on?
I recall some conversation I was participating in here about how inconsistent the standard was for who counted as an official princess and who did not... seems to be gone now.
Well maybe don't call the Quiz 'Disney Princesses' as this is quite misleading. Mulan isn't a princess, neither is Tiana nor Belle. What you are alluding to is the 'Disney Princess' media franchise - which you misstate by adding the -es! This is especially surprising as you also state the very source were you could have read this: >>The franchise does not include all princess characters from the whole of Disney-owned media, but rather refers to select specific characters<< So it's definitely not a list of the 'official Disney princesses'!
These aren't 'Disney' Princesses, they are nearly all characters created by the writers of classic fairy tales. Hate the way nowadays the evil Disney empire takes credit for them.
Once Disney adds them to the official Disney Princess franchise, I'm sure they will. For the time being, though, Frozen merch is still profitable enough on its own that Disney is still keeping them separate.
Weirdly, back in August they announced she was going to be, but six months later and she's still not listed on the official Disney Princess website. Don't know exactly what's going on there.
She was part of the original lineup, as was Tinker Bell, but they were both removed pretty quickly. They removed Tink so she could headline her own franchise, Disney Fairies, but I'm not sure why they removed Esmeralda. Maybe they thought she just wasn't a big enough draw? Regardless, she's not part of the current official lineup.
Moana and Pocahontas are only princesses in the loosest sense of the word, and Mulan's not a princess in any way, so that's not strictly a criteria to be a Disney Princess™️.
That's overstating it, there's some ambiguity in using terms and titles like princess, king, royal, nobles, country, nation, and so forth across cultures, it's not a stretch to think that the daughter of a Polynesian royal family or chief of an indigenous nation can be called a "princess". It's definitely not the "loosest" sense of the word.
Mulan is probably the biggest outlier here, with the kind of strange notion that you could do something great or achieve high social position and that could "qualify" you as a princess. That's certainly a "looser" definition of princess, but in reality we use the term all the time to describe people who aren't "technically" princesses according to one rubric or another.
What about Anastasia from the 1997 movie? She was one of the few real princesses aside from arguably Pocahontas and Mulan, who probably did not call themselves a princess.
Sigh. This has been gone over many, many times in the comments already, and is addressed in the quiz description. In short? Take it up with Disney, it's their list.
In light of these comments, there should be a follow up quiz: "Awesome women in Disney movies who aren't 'official' but will always be princesses in our hearts". Megara gang rise up
Wouldn't Vanellope from Wreck it Ralph also count as a Disney princess, she even had a conversation about it with the other Disney princesses in Ralph Breaks the Internet
Because what all little girls dream exclusively about is wearing a massive dress and marrying a prince. No chance for validation on your own terms, you need a man to really count. No wonder the world is so messed up…
"Anna becomes a queen at the end of Frozen II. Elsa becomes protector of the Enchanted Forest, which would suggest she relinquished any Arendelle title. Is she still technically a princess? Probably, but not sure."
In any case, Disney is not interested in making them official princesses.
Disney's not too hung up on the exact title of the characters in the Princess franchise — Mulan's still a commoner, after all — but the Frozen franchise is still profitable enough on its own that they don't feel the need to fold its characters into the Princess franchise.
Nala - technically would be a queen, since Simba ascended to the "throne" at the end of the Lion King.
Kida - Disney states that she doesn't fit the princess category for "reasons", but this is probably due to the fact that Atlantis was a box office dud. It's one of those animated canon movies you forget about. They're just not going to make much money with her on lunchboxes. Plus she's more scantily clad than the other princesses. Would be weird to have a live action version of her at the parks.
Anna becomes a queen at the end of Frozen II. Elsa becomes protector of the Enchanted Forest, which would suggest she relinquished any Arendelle title. Is she still technically a princess? Probably, but not sure.
Asha - I haven't seen Wish yet, but assuming she's a princess, we would need to give Disney a little more time to anoint her one. Although, the box office and reception for that movie weren't great, so who knows?
Disney's requirements for inclusion in the Disney Princess franchise appear to be:
1) Human (or has a human form, in the case of Ariel) so that they have outfits and accessories to sell (thus, no Nala).
2) Is from a movie still popular and successful enough that kids would actually be interested in buying their merchandise (thus, no Kida).
3) Is not from a movie that's so successful that it can still carry its own merchandising line (thus, no Anna or Elsa, and why new characters like Asha currently is don't get added right away.)
4) Fits the rather nebulous "princess image" Disney wants to project. This one is a little harder to nail down, but seems to require some aspect of heroism and/or romance, while still having pretty outfits to dress up in. This is likely why more child-like characters such as Alice, Wendy, and Vanellope aren't included, and possibly why less "pure" seeming characters, like Megara and Esmeralda, aren't either (perhaps in combination with #2 above).
They also seem to exclude characters from franchises they have accquired, such as Star Wars (Leia, Padme) and Marvel (Frigga, Shuri, etc), although Pixar seems to be fair game.
And i few little cousins! :) 😂😆😉😁😊😄🎶🎉🎆💕🎊🏰
Pocahontas is also not a princess, she is the daughter of a chief.
(for those uneducated humans a goat is the greatest of all time)
Mulan is probably the biggest outlier here, with the kind of strange notion that you could do something great or achieve high social position and that could "qualify" you as a princess. That's certainly a "looser" definition of princess, but in reality we use the term all the time to describe people who aren't "technically" princesses according to one rubric or another.
marrying to a general doesn't make her to a royality
Mom: (giving 1st clue) Polkaaaaaa....
Aunt Fran: Hontas!
Mom: (in utter disbelief) What's a hontas??!!!
"Anna becomes a queen at the end of Frozen II. Elsa becomes protector of the Enchanted Forest, which would suggest she relinquished any Arendelle title. Is she still technically a princess? Probably, but not sure."
In any case, Disney is not interested in making them official princesses.
Kida - Disney states that she doesn't fit the princess category for "reasons", but this is probably due to the fact that Atlantis was a box office dud. It's one of those animated canon movies you forget about. They're just not going to make much money with her on lunchboxes. Plus she's more scantily clad than the other princesses. Would be weird to have a live action version of her at the parks.
Anna becomes a queen at the end of Frozen II. Elsa becomes protector of the Enchanted Forest, which would suggest she relinquished any Arendelle title. Is she still technically a princess? Probably, but not sure.
Asha - I haven't seen Wish yet, but assuming she's a princess, we would need to give Disney a little more time to anoint her one. Although, the box office and reception for that movie weren't great, so who knows?
1) Human (or has a human form, in the case of Ariel) so that they have outfits and accessories to sell (thus, no Nala).
2) Is from a movie still popular and successful enough that kids would actually be interested in buying their merchandise (thus, no Kida).
3) Is not from a movie that's so successful that it can still carry its own merchandising line (thus, no Anna or Elsa, and why new characters like Asha currently is don't get added right away.)
4) Fits the rather nebulous "princess image" Disney wants to project. This one is a little harder to nail down, but seems to require some aspect of heroism and/or romance, while still having pretty outfits to dress up in. This is likely why more child-like characters such as Alice, Wendy, and Vanellope aren't included, and possibly why less "pure" seeming characters, like Megara and Esmeralda, aren't either (perhaps in combination with #2 above).