
Do You Even Know Anything About Shakespeare?

Probably not. But, even so, try to answer these multiple choice questions about William Shakespeare and his many plays.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: April 18, 2020
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First submittedApril 18, 2020
Times taken30,718
Average score73.3%
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1. In what London theatre were many of Shakespeare's plays originally performed?
The Globe
The Red Lion
The Yellow Rose
2. How old was Juliet in "Romeo and Juliet"?
3. What prop does Hamlet hold when he says "Alas, poor Yorick!"
an Apple
a Cross
a Skull
a Sword
4. What is the name of the sorcerer from "The Tempest"?
5. Where was Shakespeare born?
New York City
6. Who actually wrote most of Shakespeare's plays?
Christopher Marlowe
Queen Elizabeth
Sir Francis Bacon
William Shakespeare
7. What play's title do actors not dare to utter aloud, for fear of bad luck?
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Julius Caesar
Richard III
8. By what nickname is William Shakespeare commonly known?
The Bard
The Swain
The Soothsayer
The Troubadour
9. What would Richard III give his kingdom for?
a Horse
10. What type of creature is Puck?
11. What did Shylock demand in "The Merchant of Venice"?
A pound of gold
A pound of fish
A pound of flesh
A pound of silk
12. Which of these is the title of an actual Shakespeare play?
The Taming of the Scorpion
The Taming of the Shrew
The Taming of the Stallion
The Taming of the Swan
13. What is Othello's ethnicity?
14. Where did "Hamlet" take place?
It doesn't say
15. Which of these words does NOT appear in the title of a Shakespeare play?
Level 76
Apr 18, 2020
So, its a new quiz, but the answer to the question posed by the title of the quiz so far is, Yes. Quite a bit! :)
Level 78
Apr 18, 2020
"Skull? Nah, that's a common cliché but not actually used during that scene." (after giving up) "Wait, the question IS about the scene in which Hamlet holds the skull!"
Level 83
Apr 18, 2020
Quite easy, I had to guess only Puck. Now let's try to master the Shakespeare's plays quiz ...
Level 73
Apr 20, 2020
The only I missed was Puck (chose satyr), so I guess I do know something about the Bard.
Level 68
May 2, 2020
This was fun! It was easy, true, but sometimes it’s nice to have an easy quiz that is just plain enjoyable and reminds you of knowledge you haven’t had to access in a long time.
Level 61
Jul 8, 2020
I aced this one, but it could have stood a couple of trickier questions.
Level 91
Jul 8, 2020
I was expecting this to be hard, but I got them all. I guess I do know quite a bit about Shakespeare.
Level 29
Jul 8, 2020
Funnily enough, the only reason I knew it was skull was because of that one Family Guy clip of them making fun of Hamlet...
Level 81
Jul 8, 2020
Agree with most of the other posts here... very easy.
Level 80
Jul 9, 2020
If you know more than a bit about Shakespeare.
Level 81
Jul 9, 2020
It might have helped that as an English major I had to take two semesters of this at university... but I think I would have known all of these even if I hadn't taken either of those classes. I might have had a 50% chance to miss the last one. The rest I learned in high school or through pop culture.
Level 67
Jul 9, 2020
Generally, people who read Shakespeare read a lot of him. I breezed through this myself. I expect anyone who reads him would do the same.
Level 80
Jul 10, 2020
I learned Shakespeare's Macbeth in class this school year and got 10/15.
Level 81
Jul 13, 2020
Jack.. are you still in high school?
Level 67
Jul 9, 2020
One of my favorite bits of Shakespeare trivia is that Julius Caesar has, by far, the fewest lines of Shakespear's title characters. He dies at the beginning of Act 3, and both Brutus and Antony (and maybe even Cassius) have more lines than he does in the play bearing his name. In every other play named after a person, the title character has the most lines.
Level 32
Aug 30, 2021
That's interesting to think about, but what about Cymbeline? He's in very few scenes of his play.
Level 77
Apr 15, 2023
Iago also has more lines than Othello
Level 59
Jul 9, 2020
The question: Do you know anything about Shakespeare? The answer: No.
Level 80
Jul 10, 2020
You must have at least known that he was English? and that he was a playwright?
Level 59
Jul 10, 2020
Yeah, but I only got 4 out of 15 of these questions. Deduce what you will from that.
Level 72
Jul 10, 2020
Twas Sherlock that did the deductions, not Shakespeare ;) (or was that induction, or even abduction ;) )
Level 73
Sep 11, 2021
It was reduction :O)
Level 62
Jul 11, 2020
I got 87% for absolutely no reason,some of these sounded crazy enough to be right and some were random trivia. Apparently I know more about Shakespeare than I thought.
Level 72
Nov 24, 2020
I beat 1.9% of people haha!
Level 66
Feb 25, 2021
I got 5/15 and got 4.9% percentile.
Level 62
Aug 15, 2021
Who missed the actually question?
Level 74
Feb 22, 2023
There have been theories that Marlowe wrote much of his work. These are unproven and largely dismissed
Level 61
Apr 16, 2023
Some times people get nervous and answers sound crazy enough to be true.
Level 56
Apr 19, 2023
From History News Network, “Who Really Wrote Shakespeare’s Plays?” by Bruce Chadwick:

“There were others who supposedly wrote Shakespeare's plays including, Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford and William Stanley, the Earl of Derby. There are so many “writers” and conspiracies that an entire society was established, the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship, to champion their authenticity. Marlowe was their shining knight.”

Level 62
Aug 31, 2021
Keep getting the Puck one wrong, because I know he's a hobgoblin, but I keep thinking they are more like leprichauns than fairies
Level 69
Apr 15, 2023
Puck isn't a fairy
Level 66
Apr 15, 2023
One could say it's puckish to include a response option like "satyr", a creature he's often depicted as being.
Level 75
Apr 16, 2023
The title is a tad dramatic for a quiz of mostly very basic Shakespeare questions...
Level 72
Aug 30, 2023
I disagree, the fact that the questions were supposedly "very basic" fits well with the title "Do you even know anything about Shakespeare?". If you could not answer "basic questions" you would not "know anything about Shakespeare" and if you could then you do know something about Shakespeare. If the questions were harder then even a person who does know something about Shakespeare might not be able to answer the questions correctly.
Level 71
Apr 18, 2023
Missed horse and pound of flesh
Level 57
Dec 6, 2024
Really fun for basic Shakespearean knowledge. For the more die-hard Shakespeare-philes, I once made a quiz where you fill in the full text of the "To be or not to be" soliloquy: