Books can be written by anyone as well, and tend to have many inaccuracies and biases that, due to the medium, cannot easily be corrected or countered.
Those are not necessarily contradicting statements. That is, caffeine isn't generally considered addictive, but that depends on how you define addiction.
Also, a study found Wikipedia to be about as accurate as the Encyclopedia Britannica. Yes, anyone can edit it, but if you put nonsense, your edit will be gone in the blink of an eye, most times. Though some topics are more reliable than others. Generally speaking, the less of a socially debated issue an article covers, the more reliable it is.
Adding my pennies, rappen and two cents to the pile... I'd say this heavily depends on a person. For example, I drink coffee daily... except when I travel. Can drop it just like that for days, weeks or months and there are no consequences. Don't even miss it. Then, I know people who cannot live a day without caffeine without getting withdrawal symptoms. I gather it has much to do with the build of your "system". I.e. there is no one-answer-fits-all to this. Hence the contradictions and debate.
PS: I also don't drink sodas, energy drinks or anything like that unless there's no other option. In case someone wants to bring some form of a "replacement theory" to game.
Bounces don't stay in the same place. As for "back" if you mean literally back in the same direction the thing came from, that wouldn't describe richocet unless it hit something extremely...well, bouncy.
It's a good thing for China that Forrest Gump sponsored that paddle and was thus disqualified as a pro for the 1976 Olympics. That's like collecting another gold medal in darts.
Also, a study found Wikipedia to be about as accurate as the Encyclopedia Britannica. Yes, anyone can edit it, but if you put nonsense, your edit will be gone in the blink of an eye, most times. Though some topics are more reliable than others. Generally speaking, the less of a socially debated issue an article covers, the more reliable it is.
PS: I also don't drink sodas, energy drinks or anything like that unless there's no other option. In case someone wants to bring some form of a "replacement theory" to game.
Alright, have at it.