What is the chance of accepting T(h)rakia for Thrace? I know about the "English website - English quiz - English names" rule, but still... This is the name of the region in 2 of the 3 listed countries. In the third (Greece) it's Thraki.
Actually, if you Google it -- you will see it as Lesvos, as well. On the official Visit Greece site, it's with a V too. Both are (or have been made) acceptable.
if we're including Scots (as in not Gaelic), can we also have Brummie, Scouse, Geordie, Cockney, Brizzle, Cumbrian, Manc, Yorkshire, Welsh, etc etc....................
You would be right about Cumbrian, or Cumbric, 900 years ago. Also, are you referring to Welsh English or Welsh in your comment? They are rather different.
Enjoyed the quiz. To be nitpicking: the direction of the Bosporus is more north-south than east-west. Also, while Bosphorus is not wrong, most dictionaries prefer Bosporus (without the h).
America doesn't care about other languages or cultures.
You'll have to learn English names for EVRYTHING, like I had to.
Good quiz though :P
There's enough examples for either spelling online.