
Europe Geography Quiz #3

Can you answer these questions about the geography of Europe?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: September 5, 2018
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First submittedNovember 17, 2015
Times taken58,791
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What is the official language of the Netherlands?
What's the capital of Ireland?
What sea is located on the eastern end of the Bosphorus?
Black Sea
What is the busiest airport serving Paris?
Charles de Gaulle
After English, which language has the most speakers in the United Kingdom?
Polish or Scots
What is the name of Germany's highway system?
The Autobahn
What region, starting with T, includes parts of Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey?
From what Greek island do "Lesbians" come from?
Other than Cyprus, what island country can be found in the Mediterranean Sea?
What is France's most populous coastal city?
What island in Croatia has a name that is only 3 letters long - with no vowels?
What mountain range, starting with C, occupies much of the country of Romania?
What island chain in the Atlantic was uninhabited before being settled
by the Portuguese in the 1400s?
In what country would you find the volcano of Eyjafjallajökull?
What are the largest cities in Europe whose names end in "burg"?
Saint Petersburg
What is the English name of the city of København?
What are Ponte Vecchio and Pont Neuf?
Alphabetically, what is the first country in Europe?
In which English city would find a famous street named Penny Lane?
Level 73
Nov 19, 2015
What is the chance of accepting T(h)rakia for Thrace? I know about the "English website - English quiz - English names" rule, but still... This is the name of the region in 2 of the 3 listed countries. In the third (Greece) it's Thraki.
Level 60
Mar 25, 2019
This is an American website.

America doesn't care about other languages or cultures.

You'll have to learn English names for EVRYTHING, like I had to.

Level 56
Aug 17, 2022
no one asked you to use it
Level 80
Aug 24, 2023
aw how kind
Level 37
Mar 3, 2016
Can you accept lesvos for lesbos as it's often spelt it that way. I was stuck on the question for ages because I kept putting in 'lesvos'

Good quiz though :P

Level 55
Mar 5, 2016
Never seen it spelt that way once. I imagine Greeks pronounce it "lesvos", but it's always spelt with a B or a Beta.
Level 77
Mar 24, 2019
Actually, if you Google it -- you will see it as Lesvos, as well. On the official Visit Greece site, it's with a V too. Both are (or have been made) acceptable.
Level 82
Mar 24, 2019
True, you can definitely spell it both ways.

There's enough examples for either spelling online.

Level 74
Mar 3, 2016
Would it be possible to accept 'Roissy' for Charles de Gaulle?
Level 69
Oct 16, 2020
Yes, please do! That's what the airport is commonly known as.
Level 51
Apr 26, 2016
I tried "Scottish" for the second most spoken language in the UK and it didn't work.
Level ∞
Aug 11, 2018
And it will stay that way. The dialect is called Scots, not Scottish. Even allowing Scots is pushing it since it's probably just a dialect of English.
Level 64
Sep 15, 2021
Hoist by yer ain petard, quizmeister. If ye're gaein tae cry Scots a dialect then it's nae a language any mer than Weegie is
Level 58
Jan 12, 2017
I didn't get St. Petersburg and I live in St. Petersburg...Florida.
Level 47
May 22, 2024
It happens....
Level 63
May 9, 2017
You can remove "The" from Autobahn. Unless you want to add an article everywhere it applies (answer #3 for example).
Level 47
Nov 9, 2018
if we're including Scots (as in not Gaelic), can we also have Brummie, Scouse, Geordie, Cockney, Brizzle, Cumbrian, Manc, Yorkshire, Welsh, etc etc....................
Level 53
Mar 21, 2021
You would be right about Cumbrian, or Cumbric, 900 years ago. Also, are you referring to Welsh English or Welsh in your comment? They are rather different.
Level 59
May 15, 2023
Most of these are English accents. Welsh is a completely different language distinct (and far older) than English.
Level 75
Feb 27, 2019
Please accept Scottish
Level 80
Aug 24, 2023
Scottish is a dialect, it's asking for the language, which is called Scots
Level 70
Mar 24, 2019
Shout out to Vigo the Carpathian for teaching me about the existence of said mountain range.
Level 80
Mar 24, 2019
Aaaaarrrrggghhh for the question 'What are Ponte Vecchio and Pont Neuf?' I read 'What' as 'Where'......
Level 80
Aug 24, 2023
What did you answer?
Level 62
Nov 11, 2023
In Europe?
Level 47
Mar 24, 2019
No credit for Scottish? Boo.
Level 58
Mar 25, 2019
If only you'd read the comments before jumping in and posting our own, you'd find out why.
Level 32
Mar 25, 2019
19/20 because I didnt know how to spell Trakia. Never heard it was called Trace in English but it kinda makes sense.
Level 68
Mar 10, 2020
Level 77
May 7, 2020
Enjoyed the quiz. To be nitpicking: the direction of the Bosporus is more north-south than east-west. Also, while Bosphorus is not wrong, most dictionaries prefer Bosporus (without the h).
Level 75
Feb 10, 2021
I think this quiz is the closest I've seen QM come to accepting the fact that Cyprus is in Europe...
Level 49
Nov 11, 2023
...which it is.
Level 66
Dec 4, 2023