"France drinks 44 liters per person per year" factoid actually statistical error: I, who drink far to many wine bottles a year, am an outlier and should not have been counted.
This is pedantic, but the follow up on the France wine question doesn't explain how it's a fact. If the fact is that French people drink a lot more wine than people in most other countries, then I wanna know how much wine people drink in country #4 from the study, not that the Vatican and Andorra beat France.
Well yes, that's why I bring it up! I can't find anything online that shows Vatican and Andorra as top two, and Portugal is almost always ahead of France. Italy is also up there and the numbers are all very similar. Obviously that's the presumption, but the quiz doesn't provide any evidence for it.
This type of question should never include ambiguous terms such as "a lot more" and "most other countries" in my opinion, let alone both at the same time. Half of countries pretty much don't drink wine at all so in a sense every european country drinks "a lot" more wine than "most other countries". That's not a very interesting question, wording it as "France is top 3 in the world in terms of wine consumption per capita" would be a much more intersting question.
What in the World does "There are actual bird nests in traditional Chinese "bird's nest soup" " mean? i dont think thats really a logical english sentence
I blame the circus showmen who decided it was right jolly fun to publicly execute an animal they abused for profit and have it recorded so that a century later we could watch Topsy die.
The Edison questions pretty much answers itself. It's oddly worded, but it comes down to "He electrocuted an elephant to prove AC current safe." IF he electrocuted it, it's dead and, therefore, AC is not safe.
If Iceland is 4th coldest in the world, being beat by Russia, Mongolia, and Canada, they are colder than most other European countries. 2nd out of 45 is much better than most of the competition. The restraining words are MOST and EUROPEAN.
"Edible bird's nests are bird nests"
"Its opaque and whitish bird nest is made exclusively of solidified saliva and is the main ingredient of bird's nest soup"
Notice the word exclusively? It is not about spit accumaleted on the swallow nest, the nest is made out of spit. And spit alone
@Cuotak (topcomment) yes there is a nest in the soup. You are thinking of twigs, there are no twigs in the soup.
Sometimes foods have a word in their title, but do not actually contain that item.
Sorry, I still blame Tom.