Clue | Answer | % Correct |
Blind poet who supposedly wrote "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey" | Homer | 96%
"Great" conqueror of Persia | Alexander the Great | 92%
She was the last active pharaoh of Egypt | Cleopatra | 90%
A2 + B2 = C2, he theorized | Pythagoras | 88%
Philosopher who drank hemlock when convicted of corrupting the youth of Athens | Socrates | 86%
Founder of the Academy of Athens | Plato | 84%
Philosopher who has been called the father of logic, biology, rhetoric, and more | Aristotle | 77%
Inventor who cried "Eureka!" while sitting in the bathtub | Archimedes | 63%
He coined an oath for doctors which is still in use today | Hippocrates | 62%
His many fables include "The Tortoise and the Hare" | Aesop | 61%
King who led 300 Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae | Leonidas | 57%
Known as the father of geometry | Euclid | 56%
Father of the above, king of Macedon | Philip II | 47%
Poet born on Lesbos from whom the term "lesbian" takes its modern connotation | Sappho | 42%
Known as the father of history (and also the father of lies) | Herodotus | 41%
Playwright who wrote "Antigone" and "Oedipus Rex" | Sophocles | 27%
General who was the "first citizen" of Athens during its Golden Age | Pericles | 25%
Most influential astronomer in history until Copernicus came along | Ptolemy | 17%
Philosopher who commanded the "the ten thousand" Greek mercenaries | Xenophon | 12%
Mother of the conqueror, who claimed the actual father was Zeus | Olympias | 11%
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