No, he is never shown with a tail, even back views show no tail. It may lead to tricky questions if a tail was shown dangling down and what about where he wears trousers etc.......... no tail.
He's called a monkey in the books but the books were written in the 1930s before most people understood the distinction. He's never drawn with a tail and to me most resembles a young chimpanzee.
Please, please, please change the response to "Curious George" to "ape" or "chimp." George is a chimpanzee (an ape, NOT a monkey). The distinction may seem subtle, but check it out, it's important.
and Donkey Kong is also an ape though gorilla is more specific. and yeah I am sure that George is always referred to as a monkey. I never thought of him as a chimpanzee before, but whatever. Often taxonomical distinctions change over time.
No, he is a monkey. He may have lost his tail in an accident or he may be Barbary Macaque, which is a true monkey without a tail. Regardless, he is only ever referred to as a monkey in cannon. He IS a monkey, regardless of the accuracy of the drawings.
oh... for some reason when I read Petunia I was thinking of Flower from Bambi. oh well. I missed that one as well as Nagini and Shelob, the last two I'd never heard of before.
Nagini was Harry Potter? I got her confused with Nagaina from Rudyard Kipling's Riki-Tiki-Tavi... but since she was also a snake, I got the right answer.
I totally guessed snake simply because it wasn't up there yet and I figured it had to be somewhere. That was my rationale, nothing to do with Sanskrit or the Latin term for whatever, just a wild ass guess.
The fact that Itchy is guessed more than Nagini saddens me. Both are obscure characters, but Harry Potter is a lot more wholesome and entertaining than the Simpsons.
Hardly.... Harry potter is great, but the Simpsons have been around for over 25 years, and are just as wholesome as harry potter. just because they make jokes doesn't mean it's foul or unwholesome. The Simpsons actually have a long history of moral fibre, and are ahead of their times in many respects. I am a huge harry potter fan, but to say the Simpsons is any less influential or any less "wholesome" is just plain stupid
Ask a four year old what kind of animal Curious George is? When they say "Monkey", will you explain to them the difference between monkeys, apes, gorillas and orangutans? If you do, great. After your lesson, then ask them again. Guess what they'll say? "Monkey!!!!!!"
There's also a Petunia on Happy Tree Friends. I think she's supposed to be a chipmunk. Though I was having trouble getting Flower from Bambi out of my head again, which I see from my above comments was a problem I encountered before. I did get the others I missed before this time, though I'm still not a Harry Potter fan somehow I recalled what animals they were.
is it worth a caveat saying none of the animals are humans? seems a little nitpicky but i can't have been the only one who tried it and feels like the kind of trick question you might have
Charlotte the spider is already in one of the other quizes
As they say, the only performer to ever steal a scene from Eastwood.