
Famous Catholics Quiz

Name these Roman Catholic people from the past and present.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: February 10, 2021
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First submittedAugust 14, 2012
Times taken23,850
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Current pope
Previous pope
Benedict XVI
And the one before that ...
John Paul II
Kolkata nun canonized in 2016
Mother Teresa
First Catholic U.S. President
John F. Kennedy
The only player to win three
FIFA World Cups
"Utopia" author executed in the
reign of Henry VIII
Thomas More
Father of astronomy who was
persecuted by the Church
Galileo Galilei
Italian poet who wrote
"The Divine Comedy"
Dante Alighieri
Queen who tried to restore
Catholicism to England
Mary I
British PM who converted in 2007
Tony Blair
"Passion of the Christ" director
Mel Gibson
13th century saint, considered to be the
church's greatest theologian
Thomas Aquinas
Middle Earth inventor
J. R. R. Tolkien
Painted the Sistine Chapel
Woman who fought for France and
was burned at the stake
Joan of Arc
Pope who launched the First Crusade
Urban II
Gay Irish playwright who
converted on his deathbed
Oscar Wilde
Latin American revolutionary who was
excommunicated in 1962
Fidel Castro
One of only two body builders to star
in "Predator" and also govern a U.S. state
Level 87
Oct 21, 2012
...and two Catholics currently in the news, Joe Biden and Paul Ryan. Nice quiz!
Level 54
Mar 16, 2013
More people got Urban II than Oscar Wilde? Wow, I'm surprised.
Level 81
Mar 16, 2013
If the thing about Wilde is true I've lost a lot of respect for him.
Level 82
Aug 13, 2014
Why should you care what Wilde did on his deathbed?
Level 68
Dec 9, 2017
I'm with kalbahamut. I totally support fudging to stay/get out of prison, but the deathbed thing is pointless... unless someone is threatening to hasten your death, I suppose!
Level 74
Jan 9, 2018
He was "converted" to catholicism when he was to ill to even speak, arranged by a friend of him. He didn't had a decision in that.
Level 66
Jan 9, 2018
Wilde's last words were supposedly "This wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. Either it goes or I do." Which, like a lot of the witticisms attributed to Wilde, may be apocryphal.
Level 81
Jul 3, 2018
QRU: in that case I have a lot less respect for his friend.
Level 68
Apr 12, 2020
@kalbahamut you are a terrible person, and one of the reasons religion is a taboo subject in America
Level 81
Jul 20, 2020
mm hm... it couldn't possibly be that speaking about religion gets nuts to call you a terrible person, could it?
Level 76
Dec 9, 2017
Urban is a pretty common name for a pope, so the chances are you can guess it.
Level 33
Mar 16, 2013
I knew Kennedy was catholic. Didn't know the Pope was though. ;)
Level 81
Mar 17, 2013
On South Park, God is a Buddhist. even though Mormonism is revealed as the one true faith. and I believe the cardinals at the Vatican worship a giant spider, though that might have ended after the episode Red Hot Catholic Love.
Level 68
Dec 9, 2017
…which is pretty comedic, considering that Buddhism is non-theistic / has no God!
Level 81
Aug 8, 2022
Buddhism doesn't, but many Buddhists do believe in/worship gods. For example in Japan, most Buddhists also follow Shinto, which has millions of gods.
Level 82
Aug 13, 2014
The Young Ones had a bit like that in their "Boring" episode.
Level 61
Jun 25, 2015
Should accept Darth Sidious for Benedict.
Level 75
Dec 15, 2017
Level 66
Jan 9, 2018
When Benedict became pope, there was a meme circulating on the internet showing him and Sidious side by side. The physical resemblance was not insignificant.
Level 77
Jun 19, 2019
Good job kenpo17, explaining the joke is something we always need.
Level 58
Sep 18, 2015
Did you mean CS Lewis instead of JRR Tolkein? They were friends and Lewis was a "famous Catholic".
Level 91
Jan 9, 2018
Lewis also did not invent Middle-Earth.
Level 35
Feb 15, 2025
Tolkien was Catholic, while Lewis, upon his conversion, became Anglican.
Level 35
Dec 9, 2017
As a Catholic I find this sad. You should have called it "worldly famous so-called catholics". Many of these people are catholic in name only, but not practicing catholics. Others, as you mentioned, are excommunicated. Then you have people like Mel Gibson who belong to a non catholic sect called sedevacantists who do not believe the pope is the pope and are also excommunicated, and therefore not catholic.
Level 68
Dec 9, 2017
As a human, I find it sad that you purport to both know the hearts of people that are either total strangers to you, or are dead. Why don't you let the quiz be about how people choose to identify themselves, and let God sort out the rest? (Aside to Quizmaster: chyde is right, however, about Mel Gibson – he's in a non-sanctioned offshoot that is not recognized as the Catholic Church, and is in fact considered apostatical.)
Level 86
Dec 13, 2017
Read the clue as 'Middle Earth invader'. Was trying to figure out how Sauron was written to be Catholic.
Level 77
Jun 19, 2019
Well, he was an intolerant zealot who raged war against dissenters, especially those who believed in a pantheon of gods, while he believed in one true god, of whom he was the representant on earth. You could say all this isn't "true" catholicism, but then you could apply the same to many past rulers, including popes. Funny, that.
Level 74
Jan 9, 2018
You just had to threw in a soccer clue, didn't you? Another potential perfect score shot to heck. (At least it gives me a sports opening and a chance to say, "Roll Tide!!!")
Level 62
May 27, 2018
Oh no, Ander. The comment guidelines specifically forbid vulgar language.
Level 81
Nov 5, 2018
Oh come on, ander. Even I know Pele.
Level 66
Jan 9, 2018
Loved the clue for Arnold!
Level 78
Jan 9, 2018
Two former-governor, body builder stars of "Predator" also starred in "The Running Man." Where's the love for that movie?
Level 26
Jan 10, 2018
Was expecting to find John Wayne; he also converted on his deathbed.
Level 75
Jan 5, 2021
Biden is Catholic.
Level 61
Jan 22, 2021
Irish Catholic grannies all over the world will be rushing to get a photo of him to put next to their ones of JFK
Level 75
Feb 10, 2021
As was mentioned above, this should be updated now as Joe Biden professes the Catholic faith
Level ∞
Feb 10, 2021
Level 64
May 29, 2022
A few more names:

Spencer Tracy, Flannery O'Connor, Shusaku Endō, Georges Bernanos, Sigrid Undset, G.K. Chesterton, Morris West, Graham Greene, Bing Crosby, Mark Wahlberg, Nicole Kidman, Martin Scorsese, Gary Cooper, Ennio Morricone, Franco Zeffirelli, Alfred Hitchcock, Grace Kelly, Jack Lemmon, Robert Bresson, John Ford, Gregor Mendel, Louis Pasteur, Blaise Pascal, Nicolaus Copernicus, Antonio Vivaldi, Amadeus Mozart.