There are sharks in Lake Nicaragua?! I didn't know that. As if that isn't bad enough, apparently they're Bull Sharks, which are man-eaters, they thrive in fresh water AND they jump up rapids like salmon to get in and out of the lake. Why can't they just stay where they belong?!
jpcol we don't own this world, nobody said that ever. Those that come before Humans are the ones that own the world, we're just invaders to the world. Where we truly belong is in present-day Ethiopia where supposedly the first humans lived.
Guys, stop with this hippie bs, of course we, as a species, own the Earth. We can do whatever we want with it, cut all the trees, dig all the plants, pour concrete everywhere.... or keep them as wildlife reservations or parks, etc. The question isn't about whether or not we own the planet, we do, the question is what are we supposed to do with it. Like with anything you own, you can either destroy it, keep it as it is or improve it. THAT is the queation that needs to be asked, stop distracting from it by useless arguments about ownership.
You should accept Tiberias for Galilee (and Kinneret). And what about Lake Pontchartrain? Coming up with type-ins for potential misspellings too intimidating to include that one?
Sea of Galilee is known as Lake Genesaret here. Wikipedia lists Lake Gennesaret as an alternative name (in addition to these kalbahamut mentioned, why leave Gennesaret from the list?). I'd say please accept. I know the name "galilee", but I always have to think hard to remember it.
Yes, Leman should be accepted. I tried that first. It's what the locals call it. It's not unreasonable for you to accept Geneva as an alternative - but Leman is the true answer.
Really interesting to me is how this shows how skewed map projections can be. Lake Victoria is bigger than either lakes Michigan or Huron (incl. Georgian Bay), but it looks far smaller. And Lake Tanganyika is barely visible on the globe, but it's bigger than Great Bear, which looks huge.
*sighs 8747384922010408350238924834 times*