Had no idea what this was, but looking at the photo I assumed it had something to do with the Union Jack. I was typing Uncle Jack, Father Jack, Grandpa Jack, Cousin Jack, Wife's father's sister's husband's third cousin twice removed's nephew Jack. Didn't even come close. Thank you for the education.
I learned the "John Jacob, etc." at summer camps as a kid, but I always thought the guy's last name---and we sang it accordingly---was Smith, so I request acceptance of that name a legitimate answer.
I mistakenly sang the chorus of "Every Breath You Take" as "I'm a pool hall ace" instead of "my poor heart aches" for two years during the 80's until someone pointed out I was wrong. I don't think Sting would accept it on a quiz, though.
You’re right @Overtired. Brit here and my reaction when I saw the answer was “WTF, never heard if him.” I asked the wife and she just looked at me like I had two heads. That means she hadn’t heard of him either, though she does use that look a lot with me. Lol
I’ve also never heard of Johnny Appleseed, John Schmidt, John Henry, John Galt or Johnny Storm.
I'm not sure if I'm proud or not that I knew the last name of Garfield's owner.
Also, I'm distantly related to the real life Johnny Appleseed. My great-grandmother was a Chapman from Longmeadow, Massachusetts and our line and Johnny's line intertwined there at some point.
Unfortunately, although barely anyone cares or knows about it, a few people with a lot of power do, and have it as their earthly Bible.
I’ve also never heard of Johnny Appleseed, John Schmidt, John Henry, John Galt or Johnny Storm.
Also, I'm distantly related to the real life Johnny Appleseed. My great-grandmother was a Chapman from Longmeadow, Massachusetts and our line and Johnny's line intertwined there at some point.
Some parts of the story may have been exaggerated but he most definitely was not a fictional character.