
Fish Knowledge

Can you answer these random trivia questions about fish?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 26, 2019
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First submittedJanuary 4, 2018
Times taken13,705
Average score70.0%
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What is a group of fish called?
What sharp-toothed river fish of South America is highly feared
despite rarely attacking humans?
What type of fish are trout closely related to?
What Bible character got eaten by a "great fish"?
What is the largest species of fish?
Whale Shark
What organ do fish use to breathe?
What type of fish is a traditional British breakfast food?
What poisonous fish is served in high end sushi restaurants?
What sign of the zodiac is represented by two fish?
What fish do Hawaiians call "Ahi"?
What toxic element can be found in unhealthy concentrations in some carnivorous fish?
In what country were goldfish domesticated?
What type of fish is known to the Japanese as "Unagi"?
Freshwater Eel
What Nile river fish, starting with the letter T, is commonly found in fish farms?
What deep-sea fish attracts prey with a luminescent body part that acts as a lure?
What type of fish is commonly served on pizza and Caesar salads?
What type of fish killed Steve Irwin?
What is the largest type of freshwater fish?
Beluga Sturgeon
What country clashed with the United Kingdom over fish rights in the
"Cod Wars" of the 20th century?
What is the name for a fin that grows on the top of a fish's body?
Dorsal Fin
Level 88
Jan 4, 2018
Please accept "blowfish" for poisonous sushi fish (easily verified).
Level ∞
Jan 5, 2018
Level 45
Jun 5, 2018
I know this is finicky but I didn't know how to spell piranha and I put two Rs in.... Would you be able to accept slight misspellings?
Level 91
Jun 5, 2018
I knew the "Unagi" one because of Friends :')
Level 87
Jun 5, 2018
Unagi is delicious. Too bad they're being dangerously overfished :(
Level 56
Jun 6, 2018
Tell the one about feline AIDS.
Level 56
Jun 5, 2018
Just an excercise in "who can spell pirana"
Level 34
May 30, 2024
You mean pirahna?
Level 83
Jun 5, 2018
I'm pretty sure the arapaima is the largest freshwater fish.
Level 90
Jun 5, 2018
1. Beluga Sturgeon

2. White Sturgeon

3. Giant Freshwater Stingray

4. Mekong Giant Catfish

5. Alligator Gar

6. Arapaima

Level 66
Jun 13, 2018
Aligator gars are freakin' terrifying. Just throwing that out there.
Level 34
May 30, 2024
This is true.
Level 69
Jun 5, 2018
Please accept Football Fish as an answer for Angler. First thing that comes up when you google 'football fish'
Level 81
Jun 5, 2018
Hardly surprising but still a sad commentary on our world to see that only 40% of quiz takers recognize Tilapia as a common farmed fish while over 80% know that a stingray killed Steve Irwin.
Level 61
Jun 6, 2018
What is sad about more people knowing about the famous and outlandish death of a beloved conservationist than about a fish that is not a household name, can be hard to spell, and has a reputation as not being very good?
Level 56
Jun 6, 2018
I agree. I think the death of a good man is much more memorable than a bland fish that got trendy for twenty-five seconds.
Level 34
May 30, 2024
I had a slight laugh imagining a fish species trying to become popular.
Level 70
Jun 6, 2018
I've always called an anglerfish, a monkfish and from the wiki it seems they can also be called frogfish and footballfish too. Why has it got so many names?
Level 74
Jun 6, 2018
There are many types of anglerfish. While all of them have the three appendages with the foremost one being used to a lure in prey, not all of them have "bioluminescence". The "Football" fish does as does the answer that QM was looking for. However, Monkfish, do NOT have bioluminescent "esca". It should not be accepted as an answer.
Level 81
Sep 23, 2018
Could you add schoal as an accepted answer to the group of fish question?
Level 88
Sep 7, 2020
You could probably also include Lantern Fish for the bioluminescent fish question. Technically, that would be a correct answer for the question. Thanks!
Level 75
Apr 1, 2021
No questions about Jeppy?
Level 34
May 30, 2024
The best fish, no contest.
Level 51
Jan 6, 2022
oh my god, are you serious, i thought all my life it was anchoives, and i even started pronouncing it like that as a joke, but its spelled anchovies, lmao