I'm generally quite knowledgeable about animals but there are ten on there I have not heard of at all. So now I'm going to enjoy looking them up and learning. Thanks, a very tough quiz
Thar? (the Wikipedia author seems to prefer spelling it tahr, although here in New Zealand, where it roams in the high country, it's definitely spelt thar)
It's only a racial slur if you are a racist and in your ignorance choose to use it that way. For the rest of us it is JUST a shortening of the word raccoon, but for the quiz I don't think it should be included for the same reason that I don't think possum should be included on the six letter quiz. Every region has its own slang and it would be impossible to cover all of them so let's just stick with the actual name.
I looked at a heck of a lot of the answers and thought "WTF is one of them." If you got full marks first time, you're either a zoologist or you cheated. Lol
We have zeug in Dutch, which in Old Dutch was soga (and Swedish have sugga). I guess they might be related. Old English had sugu and in in current English you have sow, meaning female pig.
Just wanted to throw this out there, should mule be on this list? It's not a true species. If this was a 5 letter mammal quiz would tigon or liger be on the list?
"Degu" should be accepted. They are small South American rodents related to chinchillas. See here- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_degu#Prohibited_ownership_in_US_states,_Canadian_provinces,_and_New_Zealand
It's criterion, but I'm glad you were going for a proper singular noun where most people incorrectly use the plural, criteria. I think eventually the language will accept criteria as both singular and plural (like data), but I'm still hanging onto tradition.
Scoring a grand total of six on this quiz I cannot claim any expertise on this subject, but is not a boar a male pig? I always thought it was sows and boars based on gender....guess I'll have to look it up.
Agree, boar is an indication of (uncastrated) male, "wild boar" is a species.
aardvark has boars, armadillo, anteater, guinea pig, sloth, skunk, otter, hedgehog just to name a few, the list is quite long for the animals of which the male is called boar.
No offense it's just these quizzes are very hard to make because the full list is very extensive
That said, can we get some love for the spelling variant Cebu?
aardvark has boars, armadillo, anteater, guinea pig, sloth, skunk, otter, hedgehog just to name a few, the list is quite long for the animals of which the male is called boar.