Suggested Quizzes

U.S. Presidents Quiz0-5.003,020,300
World Leaders by Picture0-4.31226,875
U.S. Presidents by Picture0-4.79383,325
U.S. Vice Presidents0-4.37108,627
Shakespeare's Plays Quiz0-4.37336,435
Letters of the Greek Alphabet0-4.94563,485
Olympian Gods Quiz0-4.96446,311
All U.S. Supreme Court Justices0-4.4826,539
English Monarchs Quiz0-4.84430,300
Name the War Quiz0-4.30185,944
Art Works Picture Quiz #10-4.4594,732
Art Works Picture Quiz #20-4.4284,477
U.S. Federal Agency Acronyms0-4.4874,546
U.S. Cabinet Departments0-4.8465,299
Words for Leaders0-4.75206,558
Communist Countries in History0-4.42423,915
Famous Dictators Quiz #10-4.52178,706
Mythical Creatures Quiz #10-4.89637,417
Governors Who Ran For President0-4.4618,613
Words for Government0-4.4470,993
Figures from Greek Mythology0-4.87164,471
Roman Numeral Decoding Quiz0-4.89385,909
U.S. Presidents by State0-4.2964,869
U.S. Presidential Quotes0-4.3042,158
Commonwealth of Nations Countries0-4.94217,172
U.S. Presidential Trivia #10-4.5387,689
Popular Royal Names 0-4.20113,304
Prime Ministers of the UK0-4.94366,405
Canadian Prime Ministers Quiz0-4.4842,249
Biggest US Cities by Decade0-4.95150,632
Famous Dictators Quiz #20-4.3177,734
U.S. States by Governor Quiz0-4.4116,690
Name that Greek Letter0-4.92286,240
OPEC Countries Quiz0-4.7079,580
NATO Countries Quiz0-4.98217,382
EU Countries Quiz0-4.99220,883
Recently Independent Countries Quiz0-4.98140,530
Historical Rulers #10-4.23109,297
Countries in World War II0-4.45771,792
Deadliest U.S. Wars0-4.75153,132
Countries in World War I0-4.91202,956
U.S. Presidents by Event0-4.5728,226
Prime Ministers of Australia0-4.4726,714
U.S. Bill of Rights0-4.5630,609
Vietnam War Countries0-4.7684,262
Countries "Ruled" by King Charles III0-4.7679,468
Countries of the Soviet Union0-4.99179,944
Modern Countries Conquered by Alexander the Great0-4.9098,273
World Leaders Quiz #10-4.0297,953
Political Quotes Quiz0-4.0218,723
The American Revolution0-4.5150,681
Independence from Whom0-4.99177,796
U.S. Presidential Running Mates0-4.3424,539
Political Movements by Country0-4.4366,737
Presidential Actors0-4.3817,318
Time Magazine Person of the Year0-4.5064,023
Losing U.S. Presidential Candidates in History0-4.5077,995
U.S. Senators by State0-4.4830,772
National Founders0-4.3577,649
WWII Trivia #10-4.33141,798
Notable People of WWII0-4.4677,961
First Ladies of the United States0-4.2872,098
WWII Trivia #20-4.4382,285
World War I Quiz0-4.7089,234
First Names of U.S. Presidents0-4.84330,377
Presidential Middle Names0-4.3454,948
Most Populous Countries in 19000-4.89158,303
U.S. Citizenship Test Questions0-4.84194,965
The George W. Bush Presidency0-4.0630,542
The Bill Clinton Presidency0-4.1329,767
The George H. W. Bush Presidency0-4.3620,247
The Ronald Reagan Presidency0-4.2523,224
The Richard Nixon Presidency0-4.0020,480
The Jimmy Carter Presidency0-4.3417,737
The John F. Kennedy Presidency0-4.3840,278
The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidency0-4.4122,095
The Abraham Lincoln Presidency0-4.5324,453
The American Civil War0-4.6147,754
Political Figures by Last Name #10-4.4858,093
Political Figures by Last Name #20-4.0714,193
Spouses of World Leaders0-4.1311,413
Name the Popes Quiz0-4.3997,102
Confederate States of the U.S. Civil War0-4.91119,807
WWI A-Z0-4.4434,226
Prime Ministers of Israel0-4.0015,679
Houses of British Monarchs0-4.4950,339
History by Letter - A0-4.50133,444
History by Letter - B0-4.49150,243
History by Letter - C0-4.75147,033
History by Letter - D0-4.28121,274
History by Letter - E0-4.45122,793
WWII A-Z #10-4.7490,129
WWII A-Z #20-4.4348,401
Axis Occupied Countries of WWII0-4.99200,235
WWII First Names0-4.4437,550
History by Letter - F0-4.04100,703
History by Letter - G0-4.43106,177
History by Letter - H0-4.37118,575
History by Letter - I0-4.4691,602
History by Letter - J0-4.46134,907
History by Letter - K0-4.4388,687
History by Letter - L0-4.4198,510
Countries of the Japanese Empire0-4.9784,990
U.S. Presidents in Order - Whammies0-4.3056,606
History by Letter - M0-4.55105,213
History by Letter - R0-4.16109,315
U.S. Presidential Trivia #20-4.4637,724
World Leaders Quiz #20-3.9324,381
World Leaders of the Cold War0-4.2721,667
World Leaders of the World Wars0-4.3633,410
Art Works Picture Quiz #30-4.4140,082
WWII Geography0-4.7895,995
Soviet Leaders 1917–19910-4.3884,750
Countries that Bordered the USSR0-4.91138,622
People in History A-Z #10-4.6188,021
People in History A-Z #20-4.4448,670
US Presidents Breakdown Puzzle #10-3.6519,074
Countries Invaded by the USSR0-4.2084,468
Historical Leaders by Date #10-4.4627,601
Historical Leaders by Date #20-4.4426,521
WWII Decoder0-4.4247,302
People in History A-Z #30-4.4341,197
25 Biggest Cities of the Soviet Union0-4.9468,285
US Presidents - 1 Minute Sprint0-4.38257,921
Military History Vocabulary0-4.9157,674
Neutral European Countries of WWII0-4.93125,498
U.S. Presidents Who Died in Office0-4.7630,422
Assassinated U.S. Presidents0-4.4977,116
Normandy D-Day Beaches0-4.7935,609
Countries of the Popes0-4.7676,930
Top 10 U.S. States by Democratic Party Support0-4.5070,643
All U.S. Supreme Court Justices Ever0-4.319,769
Countries of Europe After World War II0-4.98163,419
Countries of Europe Before World War I0-4.99132,231
UN Secretaries-General0-4.337,009
The Barack Obama Presidency0-4.1723,013
The George Washington Presidency0-3.9713,321
The John Adams Presidency0-4.107,739
The Thomas Jefferson Presidency0-4.2612,591
Top 10 U.S. Swing States in the 2024 Election0-4.4767,392
People in Pictures with Ronald Reagan0-4.3036,561
People in Pictures with Barack Obama0-4.1044,189
Random U.S. Vice President to President0-4.5622,059
U.S. Vice Presidents Who Became President0-4.6213,197
The Reign of Napoleon0-4.4635,145
The Reign of Queen Elizabeth I0-4.4628,953
The Kennedy Family0-3.7412,927
First Names of Recent World Leaders0-4.2722,233
Soviet Union Country Quiz0-4.8271,733
Most-Visited Countries by U.S. Presidents0-4.97171,863
Ten Least Guessed U.S. Presidents0-4.4532,949
The Dictator Files: Adolf Hitler0-4.5355,431
The Dictator Files: Joseph Stalin0-4.1938,136
The Dictator Files: Chairman Mao0-4.0617,675
U.S. President Scramble0-4.3687,431
Most-Visited Countries by Popes0-4.5159,972
Historical Rulers #20-4.1842,065
Paramount Leaders of China0-4.249,608
16th Century A-Z0-4.4815,572
Pope Facts0-4.4317,131
Countries of Europe in 1815 With a Map0-4.99128,701
Places Where Winston Churchill Said We Would Fight the Nazis0-4.5213,466
19th Century A-Z0-4.7833,189
17th Century A-Z0-4.5423,426
18th Century A-Z0-4.5630,746
Country by Photo of its Leader0-4.6492,595
The 3rd and 4th Century0-4.5319,263
European Secessionist Movements on a Map0-4.6030,330
People Depicted in Paintings0-4.5039,850
Dictators by Picture0-4.1642,472
U.S. Presidents to Win the Nobel Peace Prize0-4.3116,455
U.S. Presidents With Facial Hair By Picture0-4.4620,104
WWII Figures by Picture0-4.8336,950
Two Letter Roman Numerals0-4.9845,875
Countries of the World in 1914 with a Map0-4.99162,968
Territory Changes in World War I0-4.8238,418
Ancient Greece A-Z0-4.6419,916
The Theodore Roosevelt Presidency0-4.306,969
Countries of the German Empire0-4.4631,863
Franklin... or Theodore Roosevelt0-4.3210,449
U.S. Presidential Knowledge - Multiple Choice0-4.0311,480
Name a Valid U.S. President #10-4.92158,313
U.S. Presidents True or False0-3.9214,227
Battle to Country0-4.8733,466
George Bush... or George Bush0-3.877,551
Empires A-Z0-4.4438,231
Random U.S. Presidents by Picture0-4.3042,352
Vatican City Country Quiz0-4.4836,846
Name a Valid U.S. President #20-4.4849,165
Name a Valid Answer - World War II0-4.4745,228
People in History by Wikipedia Descriptions #10-4.4631,517
Five Most Guessed World Leaders by Country0-4.1339,773
People in History by Wikipedia Descriptions #30-4.4426,909
Benevolent Dictators and Enlightened Despots0-3.8918,142
Win the U.S. Presidential Election0-4.68464,675
U.S. Vice Presidential Trivia0-3.957,227
WWI... or WWII?0-4.82114,758
Famous Generals - Non U.S.0-4.4613,043
Modern Day Countries of Nazi Germany on a Map0-4.97118,685