
General Knowledge Quiz #105

Can you answer these random trivia questions?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: January 25, 2020
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First submittedAugust 26, 2014
Times taken99,379
Average score55.0%
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What country is 2,600 miles long, but less than 220 miles in width?
What food is sometimes called the French version of a pancake?
Australia has two national animals. One is the kangaroo. What's the other one?
Whose three sons were named Japheth, Ham, and Shem?
What city has been called "The Paris of the Pampas"?
Buenos Aires
What nation's flag depicts the yin-yang symbol?
South Korea / Mongolia
Most people have 23 pairs of these. Women and men share 22. What are they?
In what modern day country did the Anglo-Boer war take place?
South Africa
What is the typical method of execution in Saudi Arabia?
What popular TV show had a spin-off called "Torchwood"?
Doctor Who
What is the last name of musical brothers Nick, Joe, and Kevin?
What item was once sold on the streets by children yelling "Extra! Extra!"?
Which team has won the most titles in the German Bundesliga?
Bayern Munich
What country gets nearly 75% of its electricity from nuclear power?
What was the profession of W. B. Yeats?
Which Stephen King book is about a rabid Saint Bernard?
In the phrase "filthy lucre", what is lucre?
What is either a type of tree or an expensive ski resort in Colorado?
In which U.S. state is Ben & Jerry's headquartered?
Terra revolves around Sol. What revolves around Terra?
Level 76
Aug 27, 2014
You could also answer Ben & Jerry's with London and Rotterdam - I loved hearing their little-guy-beats-the-big-guys story at their ice cream factory in rural Vermont, but felt bummed when I heard they'd sold out to Unilevers, which sort of spoiled the story. Mind you, the "US State" prompt points us in one direction!
Level 57
Oct 8, 2014
Doesn't the yin-yang symbol need to have the 2 dots inside the halves to actually be a yin yang? If it does, South Korea does not have them. I also thought it had to be in the same direction (split vertically rather than horizontally), and had to be black & white. The colour part I can see not mattering a lot, but I did think it had to meet specific criteria to actually be a yin-yang. I don't think the flag really meets any.
Level 57
Oct 8, 2014
I looked it up, and it seems that colour and orientation don't matter, but every yin-yang symbol does have the dots. "One could not exist without the other, for each contains the essence of the other" It's the part about containing the other, which is where the opposite colour dots are important.
Level 66
Feb 24, 2017
Taegukgi is the symbol on the Korean flag
Level 58
Oct 8, 2014
Maybe I'm wrong, but doesn't the Mongolia flag have a yin-yang symbol on it as well?
Level 76
Oct 8, 2014
I'd say that looks even more ying-yang than the South Korean flag.
Level ∞
Oct 8, 2014
Mongolia will work now
Level 43
Oct 8, 2014
'Stone to death' is another possible answer for the Saudi Arabia question.
Level ∞
Oct 8, 2014
Stoning only happens for certain crimes. Most executions are by beheading.
Level 64
May 5, 2021
I said guillotine, could that be an acceptable answer?
Level 70
Feb 12, 2022
The guillotine is an apparatus used for beheading. Saudi Arabia doesn't use a guillotine. They use a sword.
Level 41
Aug 22, 2024
What about cut head off or decapitate
Level 54
Oct 8, 2014
Lol, thank you Dumb & Dumber for helping me remember Aspen.
Level 59
Oct 12, 2016
Level 45
Oct 5, 2016
Would you accept decapitation for beheading?
Level ∞
Feb 6, 2017
Decapitation would have worked.
Level 70
Feb 12, 2018
There's always one.
Level 72
Jan 1, 2019
There can be only one...
Level 58
Dec 4, 2016
Buenos Aires is not as easy to spell as one might think...
Level 29
Mar 20, 2017
Aren't koalas native to Australia too?
Level 59
Mar 20, 2017
They are, but they haven't be selected to be the National Animal of Australia.
Level 81
Mar 20, 2017
they lack the proper koalafications
Level 76
Mar 20, 2017
Best reply ever!! Thanks for a great laugh, kalbahamut!
Level 60
Mar 28, 2017
It was worth reading through the comments just for that.
Level 70
Feb 12, 2018
Level 25
Mar 20, 2017
ha. ha.
Level 66
Mar 20, 2017
Y'ever been to the Ben & Jerry's factory? It's fantastic.
Level 61
Mar 15, 2020
I was disappointed. A short tour that funnels visitors to the gift shop just like any money making venture.
Level 60
Jun 8, 2019
shouldn't it be "tierra" ?

if it's in Italian then it should be terra / sole / luna.

if it's in Spanish, it should be tierra / sol / luna.

but currently it seems like it's just incoherent

Level ∞
Jan 25, 2020
It's Latin.
Level 20
Mar 22, 2021
that was a really fun question tbh i loved that one - I only got 10 but that one made me feel good about myself!!
Level 86
Dec 21, 2022
Maybe "lua" should also be accepted, as "terra" and "sol" are also names for "earth" and "sun" in Portuguese.
Level 68
Mar 15, 2020
It's Latin
Level 91
Mar 16, 2020
It's Lati
Level 73
Nov 28, 2021
Level 66
Jul 7, 2023
It's Latin
Level 91
Aug 25, 2024
You were supposed to say It's Lat
Level 78
Aug 25, 2024
Level 71
Sep 15, 2019
I knew that it had be some famous prophet if their kids had those types of names lol.
Level 78
Mar 16, 2020
For the "lucre" question I tried profit, benefit, earnings, gains... I think all of them should be accepted, since this is the strict meaning of the Latin word "lucrum".
Level 44
Dec 20, 2020
yes please
Level 43
May 12, 2020
Emu! I was guessing box jellyfish.
Level 51
Oct 14, 2020
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
Level 27
May 12, 2021
snark snarkkkk
Level 89
Aug 31, 2023
Ha! Suddenly that House of Pain lyric “Extra! Extra! Read all about it!” makes so much more sense now.

I am definitely a fool for not noticing until this very moment. Fun quiz!

Level 65
Mar 25, 2024
i remember kids selling newspapers. I never heard them shouting Extra Extra!

They'd shout the names of the papers

Level 74
Aug 26, 2024
It's what they shouted to sell newspapers in movies and musicals.

I think "Extra!" is what they would shout when an extra edition had been printed, so in a movie, it means something particularly newsworthy has warranted such a printing. But most of the time I presume they would shout something else, if they even shouted.

Level 78
Aug 25, 2024
Did the emu get to be one of the national animals because they won the war?
Level 44
Aug 26, 2024
Yes it was part of our capitulation to our emu overlords.

The kangaroos ganged up with them.

Interestingly when the armed forces were using simulators to train pilots to fly low part of the brief was to not disturb animals on the ground.

The pilots thought it was fun to scare the kangaroos under the trees and would occasionally do so despite the training brief.

The IT guys worked hard one weekend.

When the guys came in on Monday and flew low all of the kangaroos pulled surface to air missiles out of their pouches and shot them out of the sky.

They avoided the kangroos after that.

So technically they beat the army as well, (with some help)

Level 77
Aug 26, 2024
I believe this to be true historical fact.
Level 58
Aug 27, 2024
It isn't. It's because the Australians built a Kangaroo-proof fence across the country, to stop the Kangaroos getting into the top half and stealing any more surf boards, so the Kangaroo is the national symbol of the bottom half and the Emu is the symbol or the top half. Being a flightless bird, they can't get over the fence either.
Level 74
Aug 26, 2024
It's a bit of a nit but the town of Aspen, Colorado is not, itself, "a ski resort." It certainly has several and it's popular to ski there but it's a city on its own. The question could be improved by phrasing it "What is either a type of tree or an expensive ski resort town in Colorado?"
Level 86
Aug 28, 2024
I will never ever get a Jonas Brothers question correct. I try Hanson and when that doesn't work, I draw a blank.
Level 59
Sep 5, 2024
I know it's latin, but as a Portuguese speaker I think it should also be allowed to insert "lua" in the "terra/sol" one.
Level 36
Sep 24, 2024
I did the same!!

Demorou uns segundos pra eu parar de tentar "lua" e perceber que tava em latim hahaha