
General Knowledge Quiz #109

Can you answer these random trivia questions?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: February 6, 2020
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First submittedNovember 12, 2014
Times taken81,314
Average score55.0%
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What was Scrooge's first name?
What is the word for the last car on a freight train?
What was Geri Halliwell's alter-ego as part of the Spice Girls?
Ginger Spice
If a birdie is one under par, what is two under par?
What medical symptom can be described as a yellowing of the skin?
What artist had a "Rose Period" followed by a "Blue Period"?
Pablo Picasso
If someone is "Cornish", what English peninsula do they hail from?
What dangerous type of horse race involves jumping over various fences and ditches?
What Chinese dish is a major cause of the world's declining shark population?
Shark fin soup
What type of liquor is also known as "white lightning"?
What country does the band AC/DC hail from?
What disease did Cujo have?
In what city is Coney Island located?
New York City
What stinky fruit is banned on the Singapore metro?
What aristocratic sport did England ban in 2004?
Fox hunting
What mythological figure emerged from sea foam?
Who was born in Kentucky, grew up in Indiana, started his career in Illinois,
and died in Washington D.C?
Abraham Lincoln
What is the heaviest type of snake?
Green anaconda
What are the first five prime numbers, in order?
2, 3, 5, 7, 11
What synthetic fiber is used in most bulletproof vests?
Level 50
Nov 12, 2014
How is 1 not a prime number? I was taught it is the first prime number...
Level 96
Nov 12, 2014
I think the current definition of a prime number is that it must be a whole number greater than one, and have no positive divisors other than itself and one.
Level 77
Jan 26, 2017
I was taught that one was not a prime number because a prime number has two factors exactly.
Level 81
Dec 17, 2014
That tripped me up, too. I didn't know it had to be greater than one I just thought it was any number divisible only by 1 and itself.
Level 71
Dec 17, 2014
I think they excluded 1 as a prime number, not because it's not applying to the rule (before they apparently added the greater than 1 bit), but because its presence screws up the applications of prime numbers in mathematical systems.
Level 55
Mar 29, 2015
Prime numbers cannot be divided, so cannot be whole number squares. But 1 is a square number. That's why it isn't a prime!

However, the real reason that 1 is no longer considered prime is because it's useful to think of prime numbers as the building blocks of all numbers (like atoms) and every number can be made by a unique combination of prime numbers. This is the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic. But if you allow 1 to be a prime number, to any combination of primes can be added any number of "x1"'s, which means there isn't a single way of making any number, but an infinity of them. Which is not useful. So 1 was removed from the list of primes. It allows the Fundamental Theorem to be a theorem, and not a theorem as long as you exclude 1. 1 is excluded by definition.

Level 67
May 8, 2017
Prime numbers can be divided. Seven divided by seven is one.
Level 78
Aug 29, 2018
That's why seven is a prime number.
Level 67
Apr 12, 2020
No, it isn't. Seven is a prime number because it has two factors: 1 and itself. The statement that prime numbers cannot be divided is incorrect. Any whole number can be divided by 1.
Level 35
Jun 6, 2016
1 is a unit, not a prime.
Level 55
Sep 7, 2016
A prime number is a number with exactly two factors. One only has one factor.
Level 28
May 9, 2017
A prime number has exactly two integer factors. Itself and 1. 1 is only divisible by 1 so cannot be considered prime.
Level 65
Apr 16, 2020
There is controversy around this, and the mathematic community also doesn't completely agree with this. I think 1 should be included as an option here.
Level 65
Dec 7, 2021
Historically some mathematicians viewed 1 as a prime number but there is very little disagreement anymore amongst mathematicians: 1 isn't prime.
Level 54
Dec 17, 2014
Can you add Fox Hunt as an answer for the English sport? I only put that and didn't think to put Fox Hunting because I thought if just saying fox hunt alone wasn't right then that wasn't it. Dumb on my part but I would like if that was added.
Level 66
Jan 26, 2017
When I lived in England we referred to it as "foxing."
Level 74
May 9, 2017
Really? Thought foxing was a kind a feint, or similar skulduggery / deception
Level 74
Dec 24, 2019
^You might be thinking of "outfoxing"
Level 65
Mar 31, 2024
both are true. foxed meaning to be fooled and outfoxed meaning that the would be fooler has been fooled.

Foxed is also a term used in describing the condition of books. It refers to the brown spots on the paper of aged books.

Level 77
Jan 26, 2017
People say that the pro-fox hunting list had more names on, but that's because everyone on that list had triple-barrel surnames
Level ∞
Apr 18, 2017
Fox hunt and foxing will work now.
Level 74
May 8, 2017
Except that brings up the old complaint that those of us who quickly type fox hunting now have ing as the beginning of the next answer. You can please some of the people all of the time, and you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time. (With apologies to Abraham Lincoln.)
Level 63
Sep 22, 2024
Foxing is not a term used in England for fox hunting
Level 74
May 9, 2017
Also, please remove the word "sport". It most certainly isn't that; suggest replacing with "Anachronistic barbaric pursuit for bloodthirsty toffs"
Level 77
May 10, 2017
Or, as Oscar Wilde put it, 'the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable.'
Level 48
Sep 25, 2018
and in what other sport do young children have the blood of a mangled corpse rubbed on their faces ??
Level 90
Mar 27, 2019
PeeWee football?
Level 70
Sep 29, 2023
Well it was never banned but restrictions placed on the number of dogs that may be used.
Level 69
Dec 17, 2014
As a Brooklynite, I know I speak for the millions of us who bristle at the idea of Coney Island being in New York City. We in the outer boroughs DO NOT refer to our city as New York, but rather Brooklyn,, or Jamaica, or Kew Gardens, or the Bronx, etc. That being said, I did correctly answer the question. Sigh.
Level 55
Dec 17, 2014
According to your idea, you're in favour of everybody in the world thinking New York City is Manhattan and Manhattan alone. But if I lived in Brooklyn, the Bronx or Queens, I would accept with pride the label of "resident of New York City". From a British life long devotee of NYC.
Level 74
Dec 17, 2014
So you pay your city taxes to the City of Brooklyn? When there's a crime, you call the Brooklyn PD, when there's a fire you call the Kew Gardens FD? No. You live in the City of New York, but you live in the borough of Brooklyn and you have both a mayor and a borough president.
Level 67
May 8, 2017
My family is originally from Brooklyn, and I grew up in Queens...I have no idea where you are getting your statement from. There is certainly pride in whichever borough you're from...but everyone I know in Queens or Brooklyn says they're from "the city." And most of them get annoyed, frankly, when outsiders think New York City is only Manhattan.
Level 65
Mar 30, 2021
And the folks in Connecticut (at least the hotel I stayed at in Hartford) think the entire STATE is New York City. When I asked for directions to get to New York State, two different people told me there is no New York State. It's all NYC.
Level 66
Dec 17, 2014
Can you accept Shark Fin?
Level 66
Jan 26, 2017
Shark fin what though? It's specifically the dish Shark Fin soup which is in part due to the decline.
Level 83
Apr 14, 2016
Could you also accept 'hooch' as an alternative / addition to moonshine?
Level 73
Apr 21, 2016
No one's claiming AC/DC are from Scotland? Where's your spirit of pedantry?!
Level 30
May 9, 2017
It was the first thing that popped into my head. Scott and both the Young brothers were born in Scotland, even if the band was formed in Australia.

Maybe not the best of questions.

Level 74
Sep 9, 2022
Born in the UK but grew up, formed the band and started touring in Australia. Brian Johnston is a late addition and definitely British but look at where Malcolm chose to live his last few years...
Level 60
Jul 11, 2018
That was my first answer, but I knew what the other option was.
Level 59
Oct 28, 2016
annabannana is right Cornwall is a county, not a peninsula. The peninsula is know as The Lizard.
Level 58
Dec 13, 2016
Both Cornwall and the Lizard are peninsulas. One is contained within the other.
Level 68
Nov 8, 2020
Coming late to the argument...Cornwall is indeed a county and, along with the county of Devon, comprises the South West Peninsula. I've rarely heard anyone speak of a Cornish peninsula, that would be a bit like saying the South Korean peninsula.

The Lizard, on the other hand, is often referred to as the Lizard Peninsula. A bleak and beautiful place.

Thanks, these General Knowledge quizzes are very enjoyable.

Level 86
Jan 26, 2017
You never see cabooses on trains nowadays, unless it's an excursion or historic line. In the US, now, the last car is like any other, except that it has a Flashing Rear End Device (FRED) or an End of Train (EOT) device.
Level 46
May 9, 2017
Or another set of locomotives; "pushers."
Level 77
Jan 26, 2017
I can't be the only one who put 'yellow fever' for 'medical symptom described as yellowing of the skin'!
Level 68
May 8, 2017
Um, actually... yes you are...
Level 57
May 8, 2017
And many other places in Singapore e.g. most hotels!
Level 68
May 8, 2017
Oh, the durian smell. Yes!
Level 60
May 8, 2017
It's amazing how big anacondas can get. Especially given that mine don't want none unless you've got buns, hon.
Level 65
May 8, 2017
Think you are being a little controversial referring to "fox hunting" as a sport! The reason it is banned is because the majority of the country felt otherwise. Think the term is a "bloodsport" if you need to use the word sport.
Level 74
May 9, 2017
Absolutely - might as well classify Guantanamo as a leisure centre
Level ∞
Feb 6, 2020
The word "sport" has always referred to hunting. I'm not a fan of fox hunting, but I am also not a fan of twisting the English language into knots.
Level 50
May 31, 2017
I am slighty upset that boa restrictor is not accepted for world's heaviest snake since the green anaconda is a sub-species of boa constrictor but I suppose that green anaconda is more precise.
Level 81
Aug 29, 2018
The Boa Restrictor sounds like he's on a diet, though.
Level 35
Nov 12, 2018
Anaconda is also accepted, keep in mind a boa constrictor is a whole set of snakes that kill through, you guessed it, constricting themselves to suffocate their prey.
Level 75
Jun 22, 2020
Coney Island is actually an island in Singapore too!
Level 30
Feb 24, 2021
the durian fruit is also known by the nickname vomit fruit. this answer should be applicable
Level 67
Jul 11, 2021
Can we get more scintallating conversation about prime numbers... I can't sleep!
Level 55
May 21, 2023
disappointed not to get the answer with 'fin soup'... i get why not but it's upsetting because clearly shark was implied lmao
Level 70
Sep 29, 2023
Fox hunting has not been banned in the UK. They limited the number of dogs and how they are used, but the activity remains legal.
Level 79
Sep 22, 2024
Wow. I got 15/20 on this the last time it was featured. This time I obliterated it without a single hesitation. Thanks for making me know things, Jetpunk.
Level 63
Sep 22, 2024
There is no such thing as the Cornwall peninsular. Cornwall is in the West Country which includes Devon, on the same peninsular. It is called the Southwest peninsular.
Level 34
Sep 23, 2024
I would never thought that Greek gods would be described as mythical figures.
Level 56
Sep 24, 2024
What else would they be?