
General Knowledge Quiz #151

Can you answer these random trivia questions?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: June 14, 2021
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First submittedMarch 31, 2016
Times taken56,855
Average score60.0%
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What country has the highest percentage of redheads?
What is the preferred food of polar bears?
What prefix is the opposite of hypo?
Which four cities start with M and have an urban area population
greater than 10 million?
Mexico City
What is the the best-selling song by the Eagles?
Hotel California
What type of "tiger" roamed the Americas before going extinct around 8,000 BC?
Saber-toothed cat
According to Christian lore, what city was visited by Balthazar, Caspar, and Melchior?
What word originally meant "destroy 10% of" but now often means
"destroy a large portion of"?
What sport has "test matches" that can last several days?
The Dreadnought was first introduced by the United Kingdom in 1906. What was it?
a Battleship
What is the best-selling arcade game of all-time?
What 2010 Justin Bieber song was the most disliked music video on Youtube
until being surpassed by "Baby Shark Dance"?
Who was the son of Anakin and Padmé?
Luke Skywalker
What machine did the Germans use to code their messages during WWII?
Enigma machine
What Jewish rite is performed by a mohel?
Who is often called the first person to circumnavigate the globe, even though
he died before completing his journey?
Ferdinand Magellan
What type of animals are sometimes called pachyderms?
Level 76
Mar 31, 2016
Took me a while to try to think about a song by the Eagles that started with 'M'.
Level 73
Aug 29, 2016
so I was not alone!
Level 65
Aug 29, 2016
'Motel California' - a cheaper version that just wasn't as classy.
Level 62
Aug 29, 2016
You could check out anytime you like, and then leave quite easily, as your car was right there.
Level 61
Sep 13, 2016
I sincerely wish there was a "like" button on here.
Level 87
Jul 19, 2018
Mirrors on the ceiling, Keystone Light on ice . . .
Level 70
Sep 10, 2016
Same here!
Level 78
Mar 31, 2016
Can you also accept "bris" for the mohel led rite. The bris is the full ceremony that accompanies the circumcision.
Level ∞
Apr 1, 2016
Changed the answer to that
Level 76
Apr 5, 2016
Good God - assault on a helpless infant's genitals is awful in itself, but here it also gets dressed up as a ceremony? Good to see that a cut-free brit shalom alternative is gaining traction.
Level 43
Sep 20, 2017
Good lord! it's a tradition that goes back thousands of years and there is literally nothing wrong with it. If you can find me a single man who remembers it being done to him (as it is done in the first 8 days of life), I will give you every penny I own. Conversely women in Africa in particular are having FGM done to them as teens because their "overlords" don't want them to feel stimulation through sex...completely different and is assault.
Level 70
Jul 19, 2021
Is there anything you couldn't justify doing to an 8-day-old baby on the grounds that they will not remember it?
Level 81
Aug 29, 2016
Adult males are undergoing voluntary circumcision in Africa now because it reduces the risk of contracting HIV through intercourse.

Also makes your wee-wee less gross-looking but I must admit I'm not a fan of them in any condition, so...

Level 59
Aug 29, 2016
Actually as a woman I prefer them in their natural form.
Level 70
Jul 19, 2021
There are other, more effective methods for reducing HIV transmission. And making a subjective judgement about what you find more sexually attractive in relation to a procedure that is carried out on infants probably isn't the look you're going for.
Level 71
Dec 26, 2023
Accept "brit" for "bris"? It's the Sephardi pronunciation of the same word.
Level 86
Apr 1, 2016
I will wear my lack of knowledge of Justin Bieber as a badge of honor.
Level 73
Aug 29, 2016
You and me both!
Level 62
Aug 29, 2016
Ahaha! As for me, I read the question and then literally took a wild guess at the dumbest, most cliche word in pop music. Bingo!
Level 79
Nov 3, 2017
I found it helped to be daft enough to try Babylon instead of Bethlehem for the wise men...
Level 48
Sep 19, 2018
not sure if i would class bethlehem as a city
Level 87
Jul 19, 2018
The question technically tests your knowledge of Bieber hate.
Level 56
Apr 15, 2016
The pachyderm question is tricky, really. As I understand it, the term pachydermata referred to rhinos and hippos as well as elephants. Also, kudos to cpgatbyu, you wear that badge!!
Level 81
Aug 29, 2016
After typing in the M cities I got it stuck in my head that answers must begin with M.

Just to inform everyone, Motel California was not a big hit for the Eagles.

Also, pachyderms can also refer to hippos and rhinos, as already pointed out.

Level 81
Aug 29, 2016
After glancing through all the comments I see that everything I said was redundant. :P Should read first.
Level 71
Aug 29, 2016
Would you please accept the Portugese name Magalhães as well?
Level 84
Aug 29, 2016
bris is a shortened/slang version of brit milah but people shouldn't be expected to know that I guess
Level 66
Jul 12, 2023
Thats Bris Baby!
Level 80
Dec 23, 2016
Isn't it widely accepted now that there was no such animal as a sabre toothed tiger? I believe they were more like bears..
Level 58
Jan 16, 2017
Not by me.
Level 50
Dec 17, 2017
The category is now called "saber-toothed cats"...stockier than usually pictured, but still more like cats than bears.
Level 58
Jan 16, 2017
Apparently Metropolis has less than 10 million people.
Level 67
Jul 1, 2017
Thank you Seinfeld for giving me the answer to bris. Otherwise I would never have got it. The mohel('Shaky the mohel') was one of those unforgettable Seinfeld characters.
Level 46
Apr 21, 2018
sure, make the goyim type out 'circumcision' before you slyly slide in 'bris' for the answer. ☺
Level 58
Sep 21, 2017
the 3 wise kings in the Christian mythology: it's Gaspar (with a G), not Caspar.

Fun and interesting as always. Thanks Quizmaster

Level 84
Dec 5, 2017
"Caspar (also Gaspar, Jaspar, Jaspas, Gathaspa, and other variations," says Wikipedia
Level 60
Oct 5, 2020
You mean coca-cola isn't the preferred food of polar bears!?
Level 66
Jul 19, 2021
Point of clarification for the enigma question. Could you also accept "Lorenz" cipher? Lorenz was actually a more complicated cipher for the most important strategic messages. Enigma was actually the lower security level. Both were cracked by the British :-)
Level 81
Jul 19, 2021
Should consider Jerusalem for the "city" question. The Magi first visited Harod in Jerusalem (population 1AD about 50,000) before going to Behtlehem a small village with a population of about 300 at the time.
Level 88
Jan 16, 2025
People must really hate babies. ;)
Level 67
Feb 7, 2025
Tigers mentioned, nice