Good God - assault on a helpless infant's genitals is awful in itself, but here it also gets dressed up as a ceremony? Good to see that a cut-free brit shalom alternative is gaining traction.
Good lord! it's a tradition that goes back thousands of years and there is literally nothing wrong with it. If you can find me a single man who remembers it being done to him (as it is done in the first 8 days of life), I will give you every penny I own. Conversely women in Africa in particular are having FGM done to them as teens because their "overlords" don't want them to feel stimulation through sex...completely different and is assault.
There are other, more effective methods for reducing HIV transmission. And making a subjective judgement about what you find more sexually attractive in relation to a procedure that is carried out on infants probably isn't the look you're going for.
The pachyderm question is tricky, really. As I understand it, the term pachydermata referred to rhinos and hippos as well as elephants. Also, kudos to cpgatbyu, you wear that badge!!
Thank you Seinfeld for giving me the answer to bris. Otherwise I would never have got it. The mohel('Shaky the mohel') was one of those unforgettable Seinfeld characters.
Point of clarification for the enigma question. Could you also accept "Lorenz" cipher? Lorenz was actually a more complicated cipher for the most important strategic messages. Enigma was actually the lower security level. Both were cracked by the British :-)
Should consider Jerusalem for the "city" question. The Magi first visited Harod in Jerusalem (population 1AD about 50,000) before going to Behtlehem a small village with a population of about 300 at the time.
Also makes your wee-wee less gross-looking but I must admit I'm not a fan of them in any condition, so...
Just to inform everyone, Motel California was not a big hit for the Eagles.
Also, pachyderms can also refer to hippos and rhinos, as already pointed out.
Fun and interesting as always. Thanks Quizmaster