Question | Answer | % Correct |
What rock band's logo is a mouth with a tongue sticking out? | The Rolling Stones | 80%
What is the most populous city in Scotland? | Glasgow | 79%
What is the antonym of the word antonym? | Synonym | 73%
What anime series features Ash Ketchum? | Pokémon | 69%
What is a word that can mean either "ghost" or "liquor"? | Spirit | 69%
In what modern-day country would you find the ruins of the city of Troy? | Turkey | 68%
What fairy tale character said the sky was falling? | Chicken Little | 55%
What French phrase, meaning "already seen" is commonly used in English? | Déjà vu | 55%
What literary device involves starting nearby words with the same sound? | Alliteration | 54%
Prior to the Euro, what was the currency of Germany? | Deutsche Mark | 54%
What country, technically speaking, is home to more tigers than any other? | United States | 52%
What former basketball player's first name is also the name of a city in Japan? | Kobe Bryant | 46%
What character from "Arabian Nights" sailed the seven seas? | Sinbad | 42%
What does the C stand for in an LCD television? | Crystal | 38%
What country was ruled by a junta 1988–2011, and has been again since February 2021? | Myanmar | 32%
What has a band, a bezel, hands, and a crown? | a Watch | 31%
What does "in vino veritas" mean in English? | In wine, truth | 31%
What poisonous gas, used in WWI, has a pale green color? | Chlorine | 30%
What medical condition is sometimes treated with bariatric surgery? | Obesity | 29%
What fictional super-spy suffers from amnesia? | Jason Bourne | 23%
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