I missed it because I failed to scroll down far enough and thought the quiz ended with the previous question. (I was working on one in the middle which I got with 2 seconds to spare, and then was surprised it wasn't over.)
All this time I thought it was 95 feces that were nailed to the door. Now all those centuries of religious wars in Europe seem like a major overreaction.
Had never heard the term 'Rube Goldberg' before. The UK equivalent term is 'Heath Robinson', after the gentleman who designed/drew similar machines, though a little before Rube did.
He chose his spelling when he settled in the US, so there's not the usual ambiguity about transliteration from Cyrillic, there's one accurate spelling.
I have always seen "CC" defined as "courtesy copy" in recent years. I know it ORIGINALLY meant "carbon copy" (back when that was how the copy was actually made), but particularly in the context of modern digital usage, I thought the definition had evolved.
Go bulls!
Matador = killer
It's nothing to do with fighting, and just sickening to even think about.