
General Knowledge Quiz #28

Can you ane these random trivia questions?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: June 30, 2019
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First submittedMarch 22, 2012
Times taken183,087
Average score60.0%
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What common food product do vampires dislike?
Fill in the blank: A spoonful of sugar helps the _____ go down.
What is the national animal of the United States (be specific)?
Bald Eagle
What did Sir Edmund Hillary become the first person to do?
Climb Mount Everest
Which Norse god is Wednesday named after?
What type of flag signals the end of an auto race?
What does the Spanish word "playa" mean?
What is the common term for halitosis?
Bad breath
What child actress of the 1930s later became a U.S. ambassador to
Ghana and Czechoslovakia?
Shirley Temple
What political party did Tony Blair lead?
What is the unimaginative name of the literary and artistic movement
that followed modernism?
What Italian city was once led by a doge?
Who made Pinocchio?
Veins return blood to the heart. What vessels transport blood away from the heart?
In what country did the Romani ethnic group originate?
Which English king was "mad"?
George III
What type of animal brays?
Name a tuber that people commonly eat.
Potato, yam, etc...
Who invented dynamite?
Alfred Nobel
What gave Samson his strength?
His hair
Level 78
Feb 14, 2014
Crap! I read "what is the nation ANTHEM of the United States" and of course, I didn't know it had a name. Then I thought, Bald Eagle is a really stupid name for a national anthem. I get the feeling i made this same mistake before.
Level 59
Feb 18, 2014
The name of the national anthem is "The Star-Spangled Banner"...
Level 59
Nov 19, 2020
It's not the worst think in the world not to know. The phrase "star-spangled banner" appears once in the first stanza (and only once per stanza after that).
Level 78
Mar 12, 2023
Well sure, it's one thing not to know WHAT the name is, but it seems weird to not know that it HAD a name. I mean, I'm pretty sure every nation's anthem has a name, even if I don't know what it is.
Level 77
Oct 14, 2024
Not really. My country's anthem is just called the National Anthem. Pretty much just a descriptor in place of a proper name. I'm sure this is the case with other countries as well.
Level 57
Apr 3, 2014
I read anthem initially too. Tried Star-Spangled Banner several times before rereading the question.
Level 68
Dec 21, 2015
Level 75
Mar 15, 2017
I tried typing in the word 'eagle', because I was too lazy to write bald in. I wish eagle would be accepted as an answer.
Level 57
Oct 31, 2017
I did the same thing... sort of. Some countries have national animals AND national birds, so when "eagle" didn't work, I started trying to name other animals, thinking the eagle must be the national bird! XD
Level 43
Apr 10, 2017
Level 57
Feb 14, 2014
Doge of Venice. much rule. WOW. so power. such water.
Level 51
Feb 18, 2014
I can't help but laugh, even after all this time.
Level 32
Feb 19, 2014
this is my favorite :)
Level 53
Feb 21, 2014
I lol'd.
Level 92
Mar 3, 2014
Please explain, for any of us who don't know what messed-up translation you're quoting?
Level 78
Oct 9, 2018
Level 36
Aug 10, 2014
This gives me side pains from laughing so much.
Level 60
Oct 19, 2014
You beat me to it... :(
Level 62
Feb 18, 2014
Eagle should also be acceptable.
Level 59
Feb 18, 2014
I disagree. There are many kinds of eagle.
Level 66
Jun 1, 2014
Maybe it would help for the question to indicate something like "What specific species is the national animal …",
Level 83
Sep 30, 2015
Eagle is accepted in other quizzes, even though it isn't technically correct.
Level 44
Feb 18, 2014
Agree. I guessed "eagle" too.....
Level 74
May 10, 2014
I agree mostly because these puzzles are inconsistent. Sometimes you have to be exact and other times you don't. The author should decide which way it will be and stick with it.
Level 82
May 16, 2014
But it's not just one author is it? There are probably hundreds of different quiz authors, so that makes no sense.
Level 96
Feb 18, 2014
Disney made Pinocchio, if we're talking about the movie, and not the eponymous character...
Level 33
Feb 18, 2014
That's what I thought. Maybe they should've been more specific.
Level 40
Feb 18, 2014
I thought about Carlo Collodi
Level 68
Mar 9, 2018
So did I. Just read it again, it is great.
Level 66
Sep 26, 2022
Same here, nice touch that it was accepted as an alternate answer.
Level 86
Feb 20, 2014
Disney did not make Pinocchio, it was a book from the 1800s. Disney made a movie about it.
Level 81
Feb 22, 2014
oh yeah, that's right. What was the name of that movie again? Slipped my mind.
Level 78
Oct 9, 2018
But Disney didn't make Pinocchio, Disney made Pinocchio. The italics make a crucial difference.
Level 54
Feb 16, 2024
Well, actually, Carlo Collodi made Pinocchio, Disney just made a film out of the book.
Level 51
Feb 20, 2014
Surprised only 10 percent of people got the Romani question
Level 49
Aug 17, 2018
As an Indian myself, I would've hardly known without stumbling upon a random article somewhere that they speak a language similar to Hindi.
Level 11
Feb 23, 2014
Eagle should be accepted for 2.
Level 14
Mar 31, 2014
Wow, many Venice

So Italy

Many Doge


Level 74
Oct 9, 2018
You're a little late. Someone already posted this, but I still have no idea what it refers to
Level 59
Nov 19, 2020
It's a (very stale, as of 2020) meme.
Level 30
Apr 21, 2014
Anyone else play "Pointless" when they don't play a perfect game and see if they can get the one the least people knew?
Level 33
Sep 5, 2014
Hey guys! I am new to JetPunk. Please check out my quizzes and let me know what you think! :-)
Level 55
Oct 26, 2014
Gah! STOP ACCEPTING FIRST NAMES FOR ENGLISH KINGS! The number is part of the answer! There were six Georges but only one of them was "mad".
Level 74
Feb 10, 2015
Why not accept it and save time? If we know the name it won't take long to quickly type in a series of numbers. It's not much different from accepting last names only.
Level 57
Jun 15, 2020
The point is that people may not know the name. If you're just guessing, you type in Edward Henry George and you've already guessed 11+8+6 kings. I agree that makes it far too easy.
Level 73
Oct 9, 2018
au contraire - most English kings were mad. Mainly on the account of them all being inbred
Level 83
Sep 30, 2015
George III wasn't the only mad king. Henry VI also went mad, and it probably affected England more than George III's madness.
Level 72
May 2, 2017
Wrote black, and got Shirley Temple...??
Level 89
Sep 15, 2017
Her married name was Shirley Temple Black
Level 56
Dec 15, 2020
Yeah that surprised me :D
Level 57
Jun 27, 2018
Tried Genoa first... which did have a Doge. Not sure why you're locked into only Venice having one.
Level 64
Jul 22, 2018
Level 91
Jun 28, 2018
17/20 Great quiz.
Level 74
Jun 28, 2018
Is parsnip a tuber?
Level 68
Jul 1, 2018
Level 74
Oct 9, 2018
Potatoes and true yams are basically underground swellings of the stem, and are called stem tubers. Parsnips, carrots, turnips, etc. are enlarged taproots. Sweet potatoes grow on lateral roots and are considered to be root tubers (or tuberous roots).
Level 72
Dec 23, 2018
Sounds like diseases described like that..
Level 68
Jul 1, 2018
I would have to argue for taro being accepted for commonly-eaten tubers. It may not be big in the US & Europe, but it is a staple in a large part of the world.
Level 17
Sep 5, 2018
Henry VI would meet most standards of "mad" and he was the king of England.
Level 85
Oct 9, 2018
Having typed chequered, black and white checker...limiting the flag question to just "checkered" ignored British spelling and just a bit...stingy.
Level 62
May 3, 2019
Agreed. It should also accepted "checked".
Level 77
Oct 14, 2024
Not the same thing at all. Not even similar, in terms of meaning. Just a similarly sounding word.
Level 75
Nov 30, 2020
Got it with chequered.
Level 72
Dec 23, 2018
I totally random guessed the Everest one! (After the other random guess of hot air ballooning) temple was an total guess but an educated guess, the only child star that I came up with.
Level 75
Jun 30, 2019
Genoa was also ruled by a Doge, and is also a city in Italy, so it should be an accepted answer for that question.
Level ∞
Jun 30, 2019
Level 39
Jul 8, 2019
Could also accept "checkerboard" for the racing flag?
Level 84
Oct 5, 2019
Bald HEAD eagle should be accepted
Level 66
Mar 13, 2023
Ummm, no. The question asks for the national animal of the USA; it doesn't ask you to describe it. I have never heard anyone refer to it as a bald head eagle. For the record: bald eagles do not have bald heads, just white feathers on their head and upper neck.
Level 67
Nov 9, 2019
Can we accept checked and checker for the flag?
Level 76
Jul 24, 2020
Samson's hair did not give him his strength. God gave him strength as long as he kept his Nazarite vow, which, among other things, included not cutting his hair.
Level 50
Jan 4, 2021
Level 80
Aug 28, 2020
Tenzing and Hillary always considered the ascent of Everest a joint achievement and agreed not to talk about which of them actually set foot on the summit first. They were, after all, roped together. I think the answer to first on Everest should always be "Tenzing and Hillary" together.
Level 69
Oct 7, 2020
I was going to write exactly that! Completely agree!
Level 79
Mar 12, 2023
Norgay and Hillary climbed the final ascent to the summit together as a team, both deserve recognition.
Level 55
Jul 16, 2023
100%! Unless you put in “for white people”
Level 69
Oct 7, 2020
Would you consider accepting Jerusalem artichoke as an answer for the tuber? I don't know if it's eaten much in the US, but you can definitely find it in any French supermarket when it's in season, and it's a great autumn food (in soups, mashes, as a gratin, or even as chips...) - I just made some today, that's why it was first on my mind!
Level 73
Jan 22, 2021
People eat them in the U.S., but they're not terribly common. It should definitely be accepted, though, unless the question further specifices what it means by "common".
Level 53
Nov 28, 2020
I would clarify that the Romani ethnic group is more commonly known as "Gypsies."
Level 73
Jan 22, 2021
No, "gypsy" is an often pejorative term that also refers to other ethnic groups as well, and since this is about Romani, "gypsy" is not a synonym.

More here:

Since the etymology of "gypsy" comes from "Egyptian", it would also be a misleading addition to the question (since it doesn't describe an ethnic group, rather a social element commonly viewed as undesirable; but does describe a thing whose origin is Egypt). The question is better left unchanged. Adding "gypsy" would make what it's asking for less clear.

Level 69
Dec 16, 2020
Can you accept Wotan for Odin?
Level 69
Aug 19, 2023
Yes, please. As well as other variants.

Old Norse => Odin, but

Old English => Woden, Weden

Old High German => Wotan, Wuotan

The Anglo-Saxons first named the day after this god, calling it “Wodensdæg.”

Level 51
Jan 17, 2021
Bison should also be acceptable as US national animal. Has been since May 2016.
Level 42
Jan 22, 2021
I typed "black" and it gave me "Shirley temple" or however it's spelled. not really sure how those two are related..
Level 84
Mar 2, 2021
as someone else said above, her married name was Shirley Temple Black
Level 56
Feb 2, 2021
I thought the bald eagle was the US national BIRD, and the american bison was the US national animal!
Level 78
Mar 12, 2023
The bison is the US national mammal.
Level 84
Mar 2, 2021
If one believes in the Bible, *technically* Samson's strength came from his living the Nazarene covenant, which included not cutting his hair ;)
Level 64
Jul 5, 2021
Blair led NewLabour, a kind of Thatcherite twist on socialism. Not the Labour Party as we know it. NewLabour should be accepted for the answer (though not by any socialist worth the name)
Level 71
Jul 28, 2021
India took me a couple guesses but not too surprised, I feel like I've heard stuff like that before about Aryans or Indo-Aryans etc.
Level 66
Nov 29, 2022
Accept jicama and taro, por favor
Level 55
Jan 29, 2023
Could you also please accept Check/Checkers for the flag question?
Level 36
Feb 14, 2023
20/20 2:23
Level 85
Mar 12, 2023
The claim that vampires dislike garlic is false. They can't stand okra, though.
Level 26
Nov 16, 2023
Vampires are not real. There's not even an official cannon explaining what a vampire is, they're not bound to any particular piece of fiction. So if everyone thinks vampires dislike garlic, then they don't.
Level 28
Mar 12, 2023
put rigatoni pasta for the tuber question ToT
Level 71
Mar 12, 2023
As an earlier comment said, Hillary was just one half of the team to first summit Everest. Tenzing Norgay deserves equal recognition. If you don't want to change the answer, you could easily change the clue to "What did Sir Edmund Hillary become on the first two people to do?" or similar.
Level 42
Apr 27, 2023
I was watching recent UK revivals of "The Weakest Link" and I could swear they use some of the questions from these General Trivia quizzes quite often. For example, they use the Shirley Temple question with, I believe, the exact same wording.
Level 83
May 1, 2023
I love that "Followed Norgay to the top of Everest" was accepted for what Hillary did. :D
Level 55
Jul 16, 2023
I’m not sure if you’re joking or not (sorry!) but it just accepts it the minute you type Everest. So no, it is still historically wrong.
Level 26
Sep 5, 2023
How come that when you only write "Black", Shirley Temple is discovered?
Level 88
Nov 6, 2023
You should accept Napoleon Bonaparte for the dynamite question.
Level 54
Feb 16, 2024
My 3rd 20 in the quest for Generalissimo. I only knew one child actress that kind of fitted, and thankfully, Shirl did the trick.
Level 47
Mar 5, 2024
I accidentally misread the last question as "Who gave Samson his strength?" :P