
General Knowledge Quiz #40

Can you answer these random trivia questions?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: April 29, 2023
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First submittedJuly 22, 2012
Times taken130,392
Average score55.0%
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Which sign of the zodiac is represented by a crab?
What is the most points one can score with a single dart throw?
What country is the island of Sumatra a part of?
Who wrote "Dracula"?
Bram Stoker
Where does the rain stay mainly on the plain?
Fill in the blank: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of ___.
The world record in this Olympic event is 6.22 meters – over 20 feet. What is the event?
Pole Vault
What element of the periodic table was discovered shortly after the
discovery of Uranus in 1789?
It has thick hair, big incisors, and it's not a moose. What is the national animal of Canada?
What was the name of the rabbit in the movie "Bambi"?
What country does Samba music come from?
Beijing means "northern capital" in Chinese. What city's name means "southern capital"?
Whose election is announced with white smoke?
The Pope
Which group of people form the lowest stratum in India's caste system?
It's a palindrome, a fashion magazine, and the French word for "her". What is it?
What comes next in this sequence: Bi, Tri, Quad?
What musical theater production is loosely based on T. S. Eliot's poetry collection:
"Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats"?
Who said, in 1995, that the problem with her marriage was that there are three people in it?
Princess Diana
What 1973 movie was about two priests called in to save a girl who was
possessed by the devil?
The Exorcist
What sea borders five countries today but only bordered two in 1989?
Caspian Sea
Level 72
Aug 14, 2016
I only got the question about rain on the plain because they sang about it in Glee
Level 74
Dec 24, 2018
Here's some trivia for you. According to Wikipedia the phrase was created by Gabriel Pascal for his 1939 film Pygmalion based on the George Bernard Shaw play of that name which first appeared on stage in 1913. The movie's screenplay was later adapted for the stage as My Fair Lady in 1956 with Lerner and Loewe turning the phrase into a song. That play was turned into the Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison movie, My Fair Lady, in 1964 (which is when I first heard it.) So, for you to see it in Glee, the idea had to travel from a play to a film to a play to a film to a television show, but regardless of the route I'm glad you heard it. (Actually, the rain in Spain stays mainly in the mountains.) :)
Level 79
Apr 30, 2023
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the clouds from my experience
Level 52
Apr 30, 2023
Is it really rain then?
Level 67
Dec 24, 2018
Damn. I could picture the Olympic sport exactly, but I kept trying "high jump" and then just gave up. What a dummy.
Level 50
Jan 26, 2019
Same here.
Level 40
Dec 24, 2018
Can you accept just vault for the last one?
Level 89
Dec 26, 2018
Vault is the name of an event in gymnastics, so I don't think it should be accepted on its own.
Level 57
Dec 31, 2018
Add "men's" before world record.
Level 56
Dec 8, 2022
What? Like a vault you find in a bank? That wouldn't be confusing at all.
Level 54
Jun 6, 2023
The pole is quite an important part of the event as well. (“That’s what she said” -Michael Scott)
Level 72
Aug 26, 2019
Doesn't it say that the rain in Spain stays mainly "in" the plane (not on)?
Level 87
Jan 12, 2022
"Now, once again, where does it rain?"

"On the plain! On the plain!"

"And where's that soggy plain?"

"In Spain! In Spain!"

Level 67
Sep 14, 2022
Never heard this before, but I figured the answer rhymed. Best I could come up with was ‘Bahrain’, lol 🤦🏻‍♀️
Level 67
Apr 29, 2023
I haven’t learned. This time I tried Maine.
Level 66
May 15, 2023
... Then it goes down the dwayne, the dwayne.
Level 67
May 22, 2023
Level 44
Jun 4, 2023
Level 60
Dec 4, 2019
You should be able to write it exactly like the song answer - 'In Spain'!
Level 80
Feb 8, 2020
Randomly played this quiz a few hours after Armand Duplantis took the world record in a certain olympic event up to 6,17 m
Level ∞
Feb 9, 2020
Wow, and he's only 20. Updated the quiz.
Level ∞
Feb 9, 2020
Interestingly, we're reaching an era where track records are more and more difficult to break. Many records were set in the 1980s when doping regulations were less stringent. Records that are broken today are often aided by better equipment. I wonder if poles are different today than they were 30 years ago?
Level 67
May 23, 2020
Not just better equipment, but better training methods, advancements in sports health and physiotherapy, and investment in sports science, with all kinds of machines to measure an athletes performance and output, special cameras to film an athletes technique over 100s of frames. All kinds of investment as sport has become more professional, more money invested as more can be gained. It wasn't long ago that the Olympics actually excluded professional athletes.
Level 67
May 23, 2020
Saw this kind of infotainment documentary recently about Japan winning the 1940 Olympics(which eventually never happened, much like 2020 it seems). It showed the two Korean's (competing for Japan because they had occupied Korea) coming first and second in the men's marathon in Berlin in '36. The shoes they wore were little more than a kind of sandal with a canvas cloth covering the top of the foot.
Level 67
May 23, 2020
I think you should specify Mens Pole Vault, given that there is also a Womens Pole Vault in the Olympics and the world record is obviously different.
Level 88
Apr 30, 2023
Unless the women's record is higher than the men's, the listed height is still the world record for a pole vault.
Level 80
Aug 13, 2020
I was thinking of that Olympic event but didn't know what it was called (pole vault) 🤦‍♂️
Level 57
Mar 15, 2021
Surprised that Nanjing is so low. Never heard of some of those sayings
Level 70
Jun 18, 2021
Pole vault record wrong
Level 85
Jun 23, 2021
The quiz was updated a day after Duplantis broke the world record, just so he could break it again a week later and make this quiz outdated. It´s 6.18m now :D
Level 85
May 20, 2023
It´s not even 2 years. my comment didn´t age well...
Level 79
Jan 9, 2022
So my first guess was that for 20 feet, maybe it’s triple jump. Well holy good lord, the triple jump record is about 50 feet! How is that possible, my lord!
Level 66
Oct 4, 2022
Yeah triple jump can get lengthy because of the build up. When I did track in junior high, my pr for triple jump as 25!
Level 74
Jan 31, 2022
Shouldn't the Canadian Horse also be acepted as national animal of Canada?

Level 53
Mar 3, 2022
Pole jump should also be accepted for pole vault
Level 52
Apr 18, 2022
The pole vault WR has been improved by a few centimeters in the last few years to 6.20m
Level 65
May 15, 2022
Yeah, it should be updated
Level 65
Aug 1, 2022
Paul vault world record should be updated!
Level 60
Mar 3, 2023
I for some reason read national anthem instead of national animal
Level 49
Apr 26, 2023
Single dart throw - 180?
Level 88
Apr 29, 2023
That's the highest total for a turn (during which, multiple darts are thrown)
Level 73
Apr 29, 2023
Depends how legal your board is
Level 90
Apr 29, 2023
The answer to the Nanjing question is wrong. s/b Beijing
Level ∞
Apr 29, 2023
Thank you. Fixed.
Level 74
Apr 29, 2023
The Nuclear Gandhi thing is actually a hoax, (although it was added as an easter egg in later games).
Level 86
Apr 29, 2023
Level ∞
Apr 30, 2023
Darn. I've been had! Replaced that question.
Level 96
Apr 29, 2023
Shouldn't pent or penta be an acceptable answer? Thinking shapes, and pentathlon for example.
Level 86
Apr 30, 2023
I tried penta first.
Level 91
May 3, 2023
I think that would be Greek and the series would go di, tri, tetra, penta. The quizz ones are Latin.
Level 80
Apr 30, 2023
I thought the French word which is also the name of a fashion magazine meant "she" rather than "her"
Level 65
May 2, 2023
Who group of people form the lowest stratum in India's caste system?

"Which group" might be better.

Level ∞
May 2, 2023
Level 82
May 3, 2023
I was pretty certain that the answer to the sea question would be Adriatic sea. It would be true if Adriatic didn't touch Albania...
Level 91
May 7, 2023
Accept Chandala for Dalit
Level 67
May 22, 2023
oof that last one...
Level 23
Jun 4, 2023
if only caspian sea was a sea
Level 69
Jun 10, 2023
Level 77
Mar 12, 2024
I'm from Spain, but I don't get that question...

Can anyone provide some context or explain it to me as if I were dumb?

Level 45
May 20, 2024
It's a reference to the musical My Fair Lady - "the rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain" is an elocution phrase repeated in it.