Those are most certainly two different stars. Polaris is at the end of the handle of the little dipper and is always at the same point in the sky, day and night all year. And it is elevated from the nearest horizon by the number of degrees north latitude of the observer.
Sirius is near the horizon for most north latitude observers. The 3 stars of the sword in the belt of Orion point toward it.
I once found my way home by using Orion's belt. (25-30 years ago) I'd visited somehwere west of where I lived and thought I'd take a short-cut home. Big mistake. Got completely turned around with winding backroads and eventually came to a "T", with no idea whether I should turn right or left. So I got out of my car, looked up (fortunately it was a clear night), saw Orion's belt and then knew which way was East.
Yes. Dumbledore means bumblebee and he hums all the time. Mundungus is a foul-smelling tobacco which easily reminds me of Fletcher. Granger means bailiff, and Hermione is definitely the one who maintains order among the three. Rowling made many interesting name choices.
Could be because many Jetpunkers are not native English speakers. You don't teach specific terms like that in school, at least not in Finland (in English I mean---in Finnish, sure). My English is rather good for a Finn, but I had no idea D sharp is related to music. E flat I understood, but that was too late.
Why guitar, specifically? This would be applicable to anyone who plays almost any instrument, as long as they are playing music in the western tradition.
I have no idea why, but the quiz accepted Dumbledorf. I always used to call him Dumbledorf to annoy people I knew who liked Harry Potter, but this quiz accepted it. Is this a very generous type-in, a common mistake, or a common joke that I didn't know I was part of?
I think Ilia is messing things up. Anyway, that's not a good question. In my understanding of music, D sharp and E flat are two different notes, that happen to have almost the same pitch (exactly the same only in equal temperament).
Can you please allow "uneven bars" for the last answer? I apparently couldn't think broadly enough and was sitting here trying to figure out which other even she could have competed in for a perfect 10... :)
Sirius is near the horizon for most north latitude observers. The 3 stars of the sword in the belt of Orion point toward it.
I once found my way home by using Orion's belt. (25-30 years ago) I'd visited somehwere west of where I lived and thought I'd take a short-cut home. Big mistake. Got completely turned around with winding backroads and eventually came to a "T", with no idea whether I should turn right or left. So I got out of my car, looked up (fortunately it was a clear night), saw Orion's belt and then knew which way was East.
And Remus’ code name on the Potterwatch broadcast was Romulus...the names of Rome’s founding brothers. The names in HP all mean something!
Rating: 0/10
"E Flat" is a major scale consisting of several pitches, also called "D sharp major".
So please either correct your question and add the word "major" after "D sharp" or change your answer to "re diese".
Dont tell TCJ