Dante's Divine Comedy addressed a slightly altered and not-quite-straightforward list of sins. I suggest you change it to refer to Catholics, instead of Dante.
For the The Mask question, I ignored the Jim Carrey hint and tried "E.T." Once again, I know that I will go to my grave not knowing the difference between Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore.
If I remember correctly, Moldavia was the fictitious country in Dynasty. A heretofore unknown Carrington daughter was going to marry the prince, & all the wedding guests were gunned down at the reception.
Nope. Moldavia is the Latin/English/... name for a historical region in the northeast of Romania and around, Moldova is the Romanian name. Republic of Moldova decided it wants to use Romanian name also internationally, possibly because Moldaviya is also Russian name.
Moldova = Côte d'Ivoire = Timor Leste = Cabo Verde
Perhaps when they start lifting weights on stage during the competition and it figures into the judging of a bodybuilding competition. But until then, THEY'RE NOT THE SAME THING!!!
Yeah, no. Weightlifting is about developing your capacity to lift weight. Bodybuilding is about making your body as "perfect" as possible. The weightlifters at the Olympics have plenty of fat on them. Bodybuilders have to maximize all of their muscles -- regardless of their function -- and get their body fat level as close to 0 as possible. A bodybuilder would probably not be a very good weightlifter, and vice versa. They are completely different pursuits.
Moldova = Côte d'Ivoire = Timor Leste = Cabo Verde
Moldavia = Ivory Coast = East Timor = Cape Verde
(I did type the correct answer, but I guess I'm just conditioned to think of a dice when I read six sides..)
By the way, how are you doing JetPunk quizzes without being able to read or write?