
General Knowledge Quiz #65

Can you answer these random trivia questions?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: July 3, 2023
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First submittedFebruary 15, 2013
Times taken108,069
Average score60.0%
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What is the fastest type of bird on land?
What part of the body is affected by gingivitis?
Who orders martinis "shaken, not stirred"?
James Bond
What type of animal killed Lindy Chamberlain's baby in the Australian outback?
A dingo
Who played the young version of Vito Corleone in "The Godfather Part II"?
Robert De Niro
In what city did Princess Diana die?
Defined as a "rough, cindery lava", what is the first word in the Scrabble dictionary?
In which U.S. state did the ukulele originate?
What is either a type of fragrance or a city in Germany?
Which U.S. President had the longest term – a little over twelve years?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
What is made from sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter?
Which country's royal family included Prince Rainier and Grace Kelly?
What is the easternmost national capital in the Americas?
What does a numismatist collect?
What pop group is sometimes abbreviated as "1D"?
One Direction
How many is a dozen baker's dozens?
Which country produces the most crude oil (as of 2022)?
United States
What automaker's logo consists of four interlocking rings?
What multi-headed creature did Hercules battle where every time one head was cut off,
two more would grow in its place?
What Christian holiday falls on the Sunday before Easter?
Palm Sunday
Level 65
Feb 14, 2013
How about accepting black powder for gun powder?
Level ∞
Feb 15, 2013
Level 71
Aug 17, 2015
I swear, just type Paris or France in any general knowledge and you'll get an answer haha
Level 72
Apr 11, 2024
Even more often "pope"
Level 41
Aug 17, 2015
Can the picture stop being the answer? It devalues one question per quiz.
Level 76
Aug 17, 2015
I've often thought that too. The picture here refers to the sample question so the easy solution would be for the sample not to be included in the quiz. It does spoil things just a bit that one question per quiz is a gimme. That's like winning on Jeopardy only because someone in the audience shouted out the answer.
Level 76
Mar 14, 2019
You still need to recognise the picture. It's more like a hint than a solution.
Level 65
Jul 3, 2023
Well there are still people that go straight to the quizz without checking the picture and manage to fail on this question. No, I am no talking about me, no, no...
Level 70
Oct 3, 2016
There is no actual proof that a Dingo 'ate' the Chamberlain child.
Level 65
Apr 6, 2018
oops one dimension :(
Level 74
Jun 16, 2019
Me too. Can't understand why it's wrong...
Level 74
Jul 3, 2023
Yes, I tried one dimension, too... I was sure it was right. As was "Lazy Sunday".
Level 72
Oct 29, 2023
Because it's One Direction...
Level 24
Apr 9, 2018
So apparently I can't spell Monaco.
Level 50
Jun 7, 2019
13 in a bakers dozen not 12
Level 67
Jun 7, 2019
Yes, and it's asking how many in a dozen (12) baker's dozens (13). So how many are there in 12 groups of 13. 12 x 13 = 156.
Level 87
Jan 24, 2022
Right. It doesn't ask for a baker's dozen of baker's dozens.
Level 86
Nov 19, 2023
Just my opinion, but that would have been a better question!
Level 59
Dec 10, 2023
exactly. which is why the answer is 12x13
Level 48
Mar 24, 2022
How come Brasilia is the most southern capital in Americas? Only 40% answered correctly - must have been confusing for others too.
Level 66
Mar 26, 2022
It's the easternmost, not the southernmost
Level 72
Oct 29, 2023
Level 58
Aug 18, 2022
"one direction" didn't work for me. Is it case sensitive?

Edit: Tried again and it did work. I must have misspelt it.

Level ∞
Jul 3, 2023
FYI to other people who might read this comment.

Capitalization, punctuation, and spacing never matters on JetPunk. You can type "!@ONE DIRECtION" and it will work.

Level 67
Nov 16, 2023
@#$%&*** ONE DIRECTION!!!
Level 90
Jul 3, 2023
Aah. I didn't know that was a word.
Level 62
Jun 1, 2024
Aa you mean
Level 66
Jul 6, 2023
I'm old. I need more time.
Level 73
Jul 7, 2023
That one was tough, four I had no clue on, and one I should have got.
Level 92
Sep 27, 2023
No Auto Union for the interlocking rings? That was what they were called when the logo was unveiled and was the official name of the company for 50 years after the rings were unveiled.They've been the other name for about 40 years.
Level 72
Oct 29, 2023
Level 86
Nov 19, 2023
I originally thought of Toyota - but looking it up, their logo is three rings, not four.
Level 86
Nov 19, 2023
Recommend clarifying the question for Vito Corleone, as there are two possibilities: Robert DeNiro as Vito the young man, and Oreste Baldini as Vito the adolescent
Level 55
Feb 6, 2024