
General Knowledge Quiz #82

Can you answer these random trivia questions?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: October 15, 2023
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First submittedAugust 13, 2013
Times taken96,678
Average score55.0%
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What do yellow roses symbolize?
What unit is used to measure the purity of gold?
What did the ancient Romans use to sweeten their wine which might have
caused mental illness?
What actor had early breakout roles in "Thelma & Louise" and "A River Runs Through It"?
Brad Pitt
What kind of bird is the Ugly Duckling?
What philosopher said "God is dead"?
Friedrich Nietzsche
What animal's foot is considered a good luck charm?
What is the only country to share a land border with Denmark?
What fruit, native to southeast Asia, is considered to be the world's smelliest?
What force keeps the moon in orbit around Earth?
What P word describes a body part, such as a tail, that is capable of grasping or holding?
What is the most famous trophy in the sport of yacht racing?
America's Cup
What country was known for fighter planes known as Zeros?
What Latin expression means "Seize the Day"?
Carpe Diem
What one-word song title was a top 40 hit by Aerosmith, Patsy Cline,
Gnarls Barkley, and Seal?
Who is said to stand watch at the pearly gates of heaven?
Saint Peter
What is the most popular name for baby boys born in London?
What does the S stand for in "TTLS HIWWYA"?
What region of France takes its name from the Vikings who settled there?
Two countries are led by a Sultan. Name either.
Brunei / Oman
Level 43
Oct 15, 2013
Yellow roses also symbolize the state of Texas and the end of a relationship or good-bye.
Level 29
Oct 15, 2013
I also put "Texas" ... no love.
Level 54
Apr 11, 2016
Apparently the song "The Yellow Rose of Texas" is supposed to mean a person who is mixed race. For some odd reason people in olden times used to describe people of mixed race origins as being "Yellow". So the song was about the singer thinking fondly, or possibly not fondly I don't know the lyrics offhand, of a woman who fits this description. Eventually the original meaning of the song was lost as the terminology changed but people still liked singing it not knowing what it's origins were and the meaning changed based on what the singer wanted it to mean. The more you know.
Level 68
Apr 11, 2016
Actually, the "Yellow Rose of Texas" refers to a (then-called) "mulatto" woman who supposedly was having sex with Santa Ana when the Texians attacked the Mexican army at the Battle of San Jacinto. Because he was otherwise occupied, the Mexican army lost the battle and hence the war for Texas independence.
Level 38
Jan 5, 2017
Lol Texians
Level 86
Oct 16, 2023
@Swanbabe: Why LOL? 'Texians' is a correct term, distinct in meaning from 'Texans' and 'Tejanos.'
Level 81
Jul 8, 2019
I tried breakup too - that's very common.
Level 12
Mar 11, 2016
I wrote gravitation at the what force keeps the moon in orbit around earth question. Please fix. Also people don't know about durians? That was one of the few i actually got
Level 55
Apr 11, 2016
In the US, at least in the Midwest where I live, they are very uncommon. I've maybe seen them at a grocery store once or twice, and that was at like, a Thai grocery store.
Level 70
Apr 12, 2016
I once walked through Sumatra in Indonesia, and the wild Durian trees are quite large trees with the Durians hanging off the branches in little groups. Difficult trees to climb but worth the effort. A marvellous fruit but not everyone can take the smell. Once tasted never forgotten, like a wonderful creamy cheese.
Level 82
Oct 4, 2019
I've never had one, but a fruit that is like a creamy cheese does not sound good. However, I'm intrigued at the same time. I'll have to get my hands on one. I was in Thailand last year, probably was my best chance.
Level 63
Sep 8, 2022
I only knew it because I had a friend go to Thailand and tell me about them.
Level ∞
Jul 7, 2019
Gravitation will work now.
Level 59
Nov 18, 2016
Nice mix!
Level 68
Jul 7, 2019
Maybe allow some leeway on spellings of Muhammed? Seems harsh asking a specific spelling when there are so many variations
Level ∞
Jul 7, 2019
We accept lots of different spellings!
Level 71
Oct 4, 2019
In fact the only way it's the most popular name is when the numbers for the most frequently used spellings are combined.
Level 85
Jul 7, 2019
Great. So now I know that the S in "TTLS HIWWYA" means "star", but I still have no idea what the rest of it stands for. Google was no help. Anyone?
Level 48
Jul 7, 2019
Twinkle twinkle little star... :o)
Level 90
Jul 8, 2019
Wow! And that's supposed to be general knowledge!? :O
Level 56
Mar 17, 2024
Its a very well known nursery rhyme
Level 51
Mar 18, 2024
yeah outside US/UK nobody knows this but then again I am on an english site so yeah cant complain
Level 86
Jul 8, 2019
Whether it's "general knowledge" is dubious, considering the 9% correct rating, as of the date of this comment.
Level 85
Jul 8, 2019
Somehow managed to guess that with one try, despite not having a clue what the code was. Maybe my subconscious got it and couldn't be bothered to tell me...
Level 46
Mar 17, 2024
Level 33
Jul 8, 2019
I'd like to know how TTLS HIWWYA is anything?? Some popular pass phrase people use?

This is about as common as Fatal Familial Insomnia.

Perhaps a better place for this would be "completely obscure references".

Level 87
Jul 16, 2019
Is the poem/song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder What You Are", really so obscure? I know it took a moment to figure out, but that's why we play quizzes, to exercise our brains.
Level ∞
Oct 15, 2023
No! I demand to be asked questions that require no thought!
Level 71
Oct 4, 2019
I agree it's more of a codebreaking question than a general knowledge one.
Level 85
Jul 13, 2021
The song itself isn't obscure, using only the first letters is. I can't think of any situation in which you'd use that, other than for example the rainbow colours who are abbreviated sometimes. Since this is a "general knowledge" quiz, people would expect some at least in some way common acronym and not something that could be anything.
Level 46
Mar 17, 2024
Lol. Lmao. Exactly. Who thinks of that unless you have all day to string first letters from sentences/songs together. Now that's!
Level 46
Mar 17, 2024
I thought it was Wonkawash spelled backwards. Lol!
Level 83
Jul 8, 2019
"God is Dead so I listen to Radiohead..."

'Suburban Nietschze Freak' by F*ck Dress (aka Scumbag Philosopher) Norwich (UK) band.

Level 69
Oct 4, 2019
Mohammed the most popular in 7 boroughs technically but let's go with the Daily Fail version of London overall.
Level 66
Jul 6, 2023
Every time I hear my name mentioned, I think somebody is talking to me. It must be weird with so many mohammeds .
Level 84
Oct 15, 2023
It's #1 in total, nobody said it's first in every single part of London.
Level 46
Mar 17, 2024
I tried literally every saint and ki Ng I could think of and Mo is the answer?!!!
Level 67
Oct 5, 2019
Could not figure out how to spell karat or Nietzsche :-(
Level 80
Nov 29, 2020
It's also spelt 'carat'
Level 67
Nov 1, 2021
Carat is actually not used to measure the purity of gold but the size (weight) of gemstones like diamonds.
Level 69
Oct 27, 2023
So, what's 24-carat gold, then?
Level 65
Mar 13, 2024
a type of large diamond?
Level 78
Mar 17, 2024
@dunkinggandalf2 - There's no such thing as 24-carat gold. There is, however, 24-karat gold.
Level 46
Mar 17, 2024
No one knows(cares) how to spell Nietzsche except some Germans. Karat I knew.
Level 65
Oct 7, 2019
The question "What philosopher said "God is dead"?" should really read "Which philosopher most famously said "God is dead"?" Nietzsche was neither the only philosopher nor the first one.
Level 66
Jun 20, 2021
Hey, I earned a badge!! What's my prize? Oh, the badge.
Level 41
Jul 21, 2021
I’ve been taking your quizzes lately! I’m glad you got your badge :)
Level 42
Jul 3, 2021
I was wondering what fruit could possibly be smaller than a blueberry until I realized my eyes had failed me!
Level 47
Aug 11, 2021
State of England when Muhammed is the most common boys name in the nation's capital.
Level 58
Aug 16, 2021
People can choose whichever religion they wish to follow
Level 64
Feb 19, 2022
Ah yes, let's see, we're choosing to move to England.

So let's choose a religion too. Buddhist? Hindu? Christian? Zoroastrian? Rastafarian? How about Islamic and name our sons Muhammed?

Level 69
Oct 27, 2023
Is that supposed to be irony, in some way? Do whatever you want!
Level 63
Aug 22, 2021
Something to celebrate when we have the most abysmal anti-immigration government ever, don't you think?
Level 37
Nov 22, 2022
what is there to celebrate? being the stabbing and acid attacks capital of the world?
Level 83
Oct 19, 2023
The knife crime rate in London in 2022-23 was 0.00142 per 100,000 people. In the USA in 2023, the knife crime mortality rate alone was 0.6 per 100,000 people. I think I'd rather take my chances in London.
Level 80
Oct 15, 2023
Perhaps the cause for celebration is the relatively recent opportunity afforded by the modern world to interact with people from very different places and backgrounds than yourself rather than cowering in fear and hiding from them because they could in theory do you some harm.
Level 78
Oct 17, 2023
If all the world becomes an homogeneous mesh-mash of different cultures, then there will no longer be "different places".

And modern technologies do not require being in the same place for interacting with "people from very different places and backgrounds". We are interacting right now. :)

Level 83
Oct 19, 2023
^ Given you're both interacting in English, on an Anglophone quiz, on a USA-based website, it's safe to assume that, relatively, you both do not come from very different places and backgrounds
Level 80
Oct 20, 2023
Your first claim makes no sense at all to me, as if somehow the world could become culturally homogenous and that would somehow negate the role of physical geography in defining places. And if anything I think the Internet has opened up a Pandora's box of new ways for humans to degrade each other moreso than it's helped people make genuine connections. I was mainly pushing back against the commenters crying in fear because London has people named Muhammad in it.
Level 84
Oct 15, 2023
It's partly misleading, Muslims just have less diversity in names, or put Muhammad first in case of multiple names.
Level 69
Oct 27, 2023
Exactly. That also explains why it's the most-common first name in the world.
Level 71
Aug 15, 2021
I got Saint Peter when guessing for most common names in London
Level 69
Oct 27, 2023
Weird. I used to live in London - never met a "Saint Peter" there!
Level 54
Feb 5, 2024
But you probably met a Peter.
Level 66
Mar 26, 2022
Anyone else consistently only the Sultan of Brunei stuff because of that Simpsons sketch with Vice-President Cletus?
Level 42
Aug 22, 2022
As of June 2022, the Kingdom of Denmark shares a land border with Canada on Hans island
Level 67
Nov 29, 2022
Damn, the London one is pretty sad.
Level 78
Jun 11, 2023
Level 69
May 15, 2024
Why would anyone want to see their culture, which their ancestors fought and died for, destroyed by foreigners? Who would want to import people who drag the collected quality of life down?

It's common sense. Has been for thousands of years.

Level 45
May 22, 2024
Britain is a nation of immigrants and London especially has always been a diverse melting pot. That's our culture right there.
Level 72
Jul 18, 2024
Bruh, can't be mad about foreigners in your country when your country colonized the whole world (including the Middle East). Bet they were pretty upset about having foreigners in their country too, but that's ok with you because they're white?
Level 69
Nov 11, 2024
Publish the data for crime, school performance, and social service use.

No one wants to live around people that behave like they're in third-world countries. What a surprise - people won't want you around if you choose to be a criminal, do poorly in school + drag down their children's opportunities, and leech off the state that they never contributed to.

The rest is simply racism, and believing people are "good" because of the color of their skin.

Great; refuse the modern medicine and food aid if the colonialism hurt you so badly. People sure do travel far to get closer to something that's apparently so evil.

Level 80
Oct 15, 2023
C'mon people, get over yourselves
Level 54
Jan 1, 2023
Malaysia also has a sultanate!
Level 76
Jan 18, 2023
Denmark also shares a land border with Canada now
Level 73
Oct 15, 2023
Dam, that one was tough. Normally I’m fairly good on these and there are only a couple that require me to pull answer from the back of mind. There were 7 on here that I had no clue about.
Level 65
Oct 16, 2023
"Prehensive ? No.

Prehensible ? No.

Well it must be something else."

Indeed it was something else...

Level 72
Oct 16, 2023
I thought yellow roses represented Wales.
Level 83
Oct 22, 2023
Do you have a source? Or are you thinking of daffodils?
Level 47
Nov 1, 2023
Somehow, I got Friedrich Nietzsche, who I've never heard of, my misspelling the Netherlands. I’m not complaining though!
Level 36
Nov 6, 2023
Couldn't remember how to spell "Normandy" in English and didn't get it right :p
Level 72
Nov 11, 2023
Denmark has a land border with Canada on Hans Island established in 2022.
Level 68
Mar 17, 2024
I knew yellow roses to mean infidelity, maybe it has a few different meanings ^^
Level 65
Mar 17, 2024
The Kingdom of Denmark has shared a land border with Canada since 2022
Level 45
Mar 18, 2024
I got the philosopher one by accidentally misspelling netherlands… don’t ask why I thought Denmark bordered the Netherlands…
Level 62
Mar 18, 2024
Me too, but I was trying to put in Netherlands for the yellow rose question (I was thinking of a yellow tulip).
Level 77
Jul 7, 2024
Muhammed, how sad is that...

Europa is so doomed man... :(

Level 72
Jul 18, 2024
This comment section is so disappointing with how upset they are over a name smh. Might shock you all to learn that the UK actually colonized a large part of the world. Pretty hard to complain about foreigners in your country when you destroyed the countries from which their emigrating

Most people don't even know why they hate immigrants and just blame it on crime and drugs but really they're just irrationally afraid of things that are different and so they rationalize by screaming terrorism

Level 64
Aug 4, 2024
"God is dead" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead" - God