
General Knowledge Quiz #83

Answer these random trivia questions.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: July 8, 2019
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First submittedAugust 13, 2013
Times taken104,992
Average score55.0%
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What activity do the terms "pointe" and "grand jeté" come from?
What sport is commonly known as "ping pong"?
Table tennis
Of the top 100 largest metro areas in the United States, which one has the warmest
average temperature?
What is the only ancient wonder of the world that still exists?
The Great Pyramid
of Giza
What animal is the offspring of a donkey and a horse?
Mule or Hinny
What are Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, and Io?
Moons of Jupiter
What country is divided between Greek and Turkish factions?
What is Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner's stage name?
What childhood disease is a softening of bones due to malnutrition?
What famous actress is the mother of Kate Hudson?
Goldie Hawn
What type of Islamic dress covers a woman's entire body, including mesh
over the eyes?
Bactrians have two. Dromedaries only have one. What are they?
Who wrote "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples" during a gap in his
political career in the 1930s?
Winston Churchill
Whose "Decimal System" is used to organize libraries?
Melvil Dewey
In addition to sapphire, what gemstone is a variety of the mineral corundum?
What gas makes up 96.5% of Venus's atmosphere?
Carbon dioxide
What age came between the Stone Age and the Iron Age?
Bronze Age
What was the name of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the
Ottoman Empire during World War I?
The Central Powers
Who finally won an Oscar in 2016 for his role in "The Revenant"?
Leonardo DiCaprio
According to Dante, what Biblical character lives in the center of hell?
(Not counting the devil)
Judas Iscariot
Level 40
Oct 29, 2013
Thank you Bee Movie!
Level 46
Jul 16, 2017
Level 31
Oct 29, 2013
Could Ricketts be accepted for Rickets?
Level 60
Oct 29, 2013
I put Don Rickles for the disease, can you accept that?
Level 67
Dec 2, 2013
you should accept "jupiter's satellites", after all is more correct than "moons"
Level 66
Aug 30, 2019
"Moons" is precisely as correct as "Jupiter's satellites."
Level 42
Mar 24, 2024
If anything "moons" is more precise seeing as simply "satellites" could be interpreted as man-made.
Level 62
Dec 30, 2014
I'm pretty sure Phoenix's average temperature is hotter than Honolulu's and it is a larger city.
Level 70
Mar 14, 2015
Trouble is the winter temperatures in Phoenix are much colder than Honolulu and that brings down the average overall temp.
Level ∞
Mar 2, 2016
Phoenix is 3rd after Honolulu and Miami.
Level 59
Apr 26, 2016
Miami was my first guess.
Level 75
Feb 11, 2021
I went Miami - Phoenix - Honolulu. Nice to know I was in the right "ball park", as my American cousins like to say :)
Level 76
Jul 7, 2019
Phoenix's average high is higher (87 to 84 F), but its average low is lower (63 to 71), giving a lower overall mean (75 to 78). Since the highs happen by day, and the lows at night, people will experience Phoenix as the warmer place overall, because that's when they're awake to feel it.
Level 55
Jun 21, 2015
I'm kicking myself for burqa. I tried hijab and niqab but blanked on burqa. At least I was moving in the right direction.
Level 81
Oct 11, 2019
hijab is an ambiguous term and can be used to describe any garment worn to "protect" a person's modesty, though most commonly it is the term used to describe the headscarf commonly worn by Muslim women to cover their hair. They are popular in virtually every Muslim country, though styles vary. Niqab is the veil sometimes worn by Muslim women in some countries. You see them commonly around Arabia and North Africa. An abaya is a full-body covering that covers and obfuscates the contours of a woman's body from neck to ankle, often worn in conjunction with hijab and sometimes niqab, legally mandated in Saudi Arabia. Abayas are almost always plain black though some have colored designs or patterns on them. The burqa is the bee-keeper-looking onesie that covers everything including the face, worn most commonly by women in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. Burqas in Iran are usually black, in Pakistan and Afghanistan they're often blue, brown, grey, orange or some other color.
Level 81
Oct 11, 2019
Actually I think the full-body garment worn by Iranian women might be called a chador, not a burqa. They are similar. Though a chador is more of a wrap and the burqa is more like a bag, and the chador exposes at least part of the face while the burqa conceals it behind an opening obscured by a mesh weave sewn in to the garment.
Level 14
Aug 2, 2015
"What is the only ancient wonder of the world that still exists?"

What about Stonehenge?

Level 55
Aug 19, 2015
Stonehenge is not on the list of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It was not discovered by the civilised world (whether Roman or later) until well into the AD period, while the classic Seven Wonders were known in the 1st century BCE, or earlier.
Level 78
Jan 4, 2016
You should probably try this test:
Level 73
Apr 25, 2016
Rachitis should work for rickets.
Level ∞
Apr 25, 2016
Level 58
Apr 25, 2016
Can you please accept "satellites of Jupiters" (in addition to moon of...). It is actually more accurate.
Level 42
Mar 24, 2024
"Satellites" is less precise than "moons." Satellites can be man-made or natural, whereas moons can only be natural.
Level 33
Apr 25, 2016
Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, and Io are also all people who were raped/abducted by Zeus...
Level 78
Jun 11, 2023
Yes, but then wouldn't the question be "Who are..." rather than "What are..."?
Level 43
Apr 26, 2016
Aw no, I put 'Honululu' :'(
Level 28
Nov 29, 2017
Can you accept dancing for the first one?
Level 70
Jul 8, 2019
Lovers of Zeus/Jupiter should be acceptable for the question about the moons.
Level ∞
Jul 8, 2019
Level 82
Jul 10, 2019
Why is it that I could only think of elemental gases and not compounds? I knew I should have gotten that one!
Level 60
Oct 11, 2019
Just accept Giza.
Level 44
Dec 19, 2020
Accept Pyramids of Giza?
Level 56
Aug 18, 2022
Giza is a city, not a monument...
Level 78
Oct 11, 2019
Dante also places Brutus and Cassius with Judas in the center of the hell. All three are being chewed by Satan for eternity.
Level 78
Jun 11, 2023
Yes, but they weren't Biblical characters.
Level 65
Oct 11, 2019
Should also allow 'wiff waff' or 'whiff-whaff' as alternates for table tennis / ping pong. Thank you, Boris Johnson and the Beijing ping pong speech.
Level 71
Oct 11, 2019
CO2 and Judas weren't really that hard, I don't even know much about the Bible
Level 66
Mar 31, 2021
How about osteomalacia for rickets? As I understand it, rickets is a form of osteomalacia.
Level 63
Jan 9, 2022
Learned the answer to divided country question from the amazing book The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman. Waiting for book #3. So good!
Level 38
Mar 12, 2022
Axis Powers accepted as well as Central Powers, maybe? *shrug* Also, I kept writing "camels" and I got really annoyed that it didn't work. Palm to head moment.
Level 31
May 12, 2023
Axis powers was ww2, central powers was ww1
Level 54
Apr 12, 2022
C02 should be accepted for carbon dioxide
Level 66
Sep 3, 2022
O is for oxygen, whereas 0 is your score for basic chemistry
Level 51
Aug 24, 2022
Suggest accepting 'Galilean moons' for Ganymede, et al.
Level 55
Mar 31, 2023
suggest accepting "Leo Dicaprio"
Level 66
Jul 6, 2023
Corsica Cyprus Cicily and Crete
Level 45
Nov 1, 2023
Excuse me, but Cyprus is not divided by "factions". A part of Cyprus has been under illegal occupation since 1974. Cyprus is a legitimate country, independent since 1960, and a member of the EU.

According to the European Court of Human Rights, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus should be considered a puppet state under effective Turkish occupation and legitimately belongs to Cyprus. The United Nations Security Council Resolution 550 of 1984 calls for members of the United Nations to not recognize the illegal and unrecognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Level ∞
Nov 1, 2023
A Turkish faction has controlled part of the country for nearly 50 years.

JetPunk lives in the world of reality, not one of politics.